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EXHIBIT "A" 200108348 <br />The Westerly Twenty -Nine (29) feet of the following <br />described real estate: commencing at a point Fifty - <br />Five (55) feet Northerly from the Southeast corner of <br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Sixty -Five (65) of the Original <br />Town, now City of Grand Island, Nebraska, running <br />thence Northerly along the Easterly line o.f said Lot <br />Eight (8), Twenty -Two (22) feet; thence Westerly at <br />right angles and parallel with the Southerly line of <br />said Lot Eight and Lot Seven in said Block Sixty -Five <br />(65), Ninety -Nine (99) Feet; thence-Southerly at right <br />angles and parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot <br />Eight (8), Twenty -Two feet (22); thence Easterly at <br />right angels and parallel with the Southerly line of <br />said lots Seven and Eight, Ninety -Nine (99) Feet to the <br />point of beginning, <br />AND <br />A tract of land comprising the Southerly Twenty Five <br />and One Tenth (25.1) feet of the Easterly Fourteen and <br />One Tenth (14.1) feet of Lot Seven (7); the Southerly <br />Twenty Five and One Tenth (25.1) feet of Lot Eight (8); <br />and the Northerly Six (6.0) feet of the Southerly <br />Thirty One and One Tenth (31.1) feet of the Easterly <br />Forty (40.0) feet of Lot Eight (8), all in Block Sixty <br />Five (65), Original Town of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />together with and subject to the covenants, grants, and <br />easements granted and reserved in a Party Wall <br />Agreement and Easement Agreement dated May 30, 1981. <br />AND <br />All of the easterly Thirty -Three (33.0) feet of the <br />northerly Twenty -Nine and Nine Tenths (29.9) feet of <br />the southerly Fifty -Five (55.0) feet of Lot Seven (7), <br />the northerly Six (6.0) feet of the southerly Thirty - <br />One and One Tenth (31.1) feet of the westerly Twenty - <br />Six (26.0) feet of Lot Eight (8), and the northerly <br />Twenty -Three and Nine Tenths ( 23.9 ) feet of ttie <br />southerly Fifty -Five (55.0) feet of Lot Eiglit (8), All <br />in Block Sixty -Five (65) , Original Town of Grand. <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, subject to,•covenants, <br />easements and restrictions of record, and together with <br />any and all rights of the Grantor for right -of -way <br />access from the above described property to the alley <br />dividing BLock 65, Original Town above described. <br />AND <br />Part of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Sixty - <br />five (65) in the Original Town, now City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of such Lot Eight <br />(8), running thence southerly along the Easterly line <br />of such lot a distance of Fifty -five feet (55'); thence <br />Westerly at a right angle a distance of Ninety -nine <br />feet (99') parallel to the south line of such Block; <br />thence northerly at a right angle a distance of Fifty - <br />five feet (551) parallel with the Easterly line of such <br />Bock to the Northerly line of such Lot Seven (7); <br />thence easterly along the northerly line of such Lots <br />Seven (7) and Eight (8), a distance of Ninety -nine .feet <br />(99') to the place of beginning. <br />