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89 <br />MORMAGE <br />Mitt M ljl�i o ealiitadaatb betwatttt •. lot J . c�aua ancr � y. �aeu. _ eta area <br />Wife: each in has tit as !nw of the other (benehrt f. Rim') dnd - <br />)lrllfE POIIhTS B -`: {6sttria "Moet�gae "� <br />Matgagor is bshm id to itf!tltti pemdprti wan of S 10,0L00 , nWimW by Mortmve's nobs <br />. .. - - dmrlid - .. ��� - - - - '!1Mntrs"ti:� tar pnraseati of �dtaeipaE and IaMrest: with tAt bdv►ee of lisle' - <br />iaisbb"i s, Knot snorer pttl, Ow aad:p .2 -5-90 . <br />lbasosrea time }syp6emt aft iba •may xf� interest as prarldad twnei� the paymKat of atu oiwr stases, wigt iattasst; <br />adt4aesd b! tMM!+ d> t tAa-!!q !, � 40k Itdoatpw. had dw perfmame of *a evotteaft and rpeea"M of <br />- tie Mtirtpgot coatsiaad lierein� .>iigtfpgiaj, ;tiq.: hmereby r:;oetgt� and 000rey to hiaetp�rr the .iaa. vin de�taibed <br /><' praprty loafed m Hfll Coatnty, I!obrsnloa: <br />Lot (10) and Cite Sat h:` { 3j . e+et ttif trot cal f of Block 01) t -- Airt_i*a ta <br />Subdivision to the ci <br />t' ;,land, Hall troutttT,, Nebrat3aram - .. . <br />t <br />r <br />s� <br />ToPtl w wilir alllbuilldinp, improvemevw;. fixtures, streets, allays. paaaagaways, eatemetaW MovA privileges and <br />appueteeamon WoOd' taereoo or in,smtyv4se pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues and pxttitt, ttaaraWOU and amiainden; <br />theaaot, Mrdttdi ft but not limited to,,, Beating and cooling equipment and such persortat peWrty that is atlacbed to the <br />Imptewmttaatlr ;tin an to constitute a fixture; ill dGarhkh, including replacements and additions thereto. W hereby deciated <br />to' be a tit of the real elite secured by the heir 'rsf this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to heroin as the <br />liiiief ai ther eoaeanastn almd agro". with Mortgagors, as fawns: <br />1. 1�arytiant. '1<a prey the indikednen and the interest thereon as provided in #AA 1ltortgrttga and the Note. <br />i 7�Iitt Moetjiitir tv t teener of the Property. has the right snrh authority to mortgage tits hoperty. and <br />warrants that the aka crated hereby 4 a tint and prior lien on the hoperty; except w may otiterwiw be set forth herein. <br />+ •1 F'ift plain Street Ni-2m! tbtp._ <br />®'ITaa+ t+bc+pertg is wt±jert f+ala Morl� wt>lMjn _ -- _ _ Y _ _ _ _ . <br />is tw Matpow, eeoorded at Book . - - - -- .,rage —._.._ — of the Mortgage Records of County. <br />Nobea" while Mortgage is a Ilea peas to the lien created hereby. <br />© otter prior moue or ene mbonces: <br />, <br />l abate► Mssoe aWs. To pay wban dw ap taxes. a peciial a wssmeats and all otber charges against the Property <br />MAI. upon +return demand by Mortgadse, to add to the payments required under the Note neared hereby, usch amount w <br />8M be salfichas to i whi the Mortgagee to pay, iueb taxes. aummerits or other ebarges as they became due. <br />L iam san• To iraeep the impsoattatrnta now w hereafter located on the real estate described herein insured <br />sgwisnt dmage by than and such other hazards ar Mortge/ee may require. in amounts and with cornpwiles acceptable to the <br />.. iMda�e, fife trill Idle pmraiie M tat Ifotigi/se, is dT•a of Ides tsntgar we't rtllirtiM his Mottgigss ie atltioeiaad to <br />**M, chart std aontpronisr, in its dilrrc6a. d1 dsim Nun mW at its sole option, authorised to eitherappiy the <br />Ins aii lid ilea watottntiaa of this Pe+opsrty or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but payments hereunder sbalh con- <br />Mane a" lie sort Meww wwby an paid in awl. <br />t. 13 iasew tar Taxes tied taarana. Notwitha wding anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the <br />anstarry, Mor4plar dmN- Arty to rte Morip" at the time of paylm the monthly installments of principal and intere+t, <br />ftwt"hb of the ift* Uuwi . asssataaa W. hued inum see teertuieras. sad wound rats (if any) whick may attain a <br />pkwky am this Idai jlge, dl an nsaawahly ntimewd trap titre to tislte by the llfortpr r. 7Tw amounts so paid shall be <br />hdti by Mee Moetglglta• or"b tt iatltiwt and applied to the payssedt of the items in rnpeet to which such amounts were <br />dtg NH9C 'flee seam POW to Morlppw heretrrsder ate pledged r a"donal security for the indebtedness secured by this <br />L Mselp . i fartsigartfrtdh pay to lUeetdspe *a mast of any deikieaey between the *MS taxes, asarsm"Is. hrsnmranre <br />prnhstaa aril gyro M Notate nM the depaeils hereugdsr within 10 days after dernand is made upon MonWr rMwating <br />pay am at tweW. <br />E Rte. Maidesww aM V*, To pro"ay vrMr. restore or rebuild any building or intprowevents trove lur <br />r-d <br />, <br />laceletf!Me aia fire hrogartY- to 1<st the nogeety tat rind condition and repair, without wacte. and fare from mechanie's or <br />atlssvkm rant e'rtlwdy wtrtw/nwtrd to tho Iiw hereof: rot to make, suffer or permit any nui&wcp to erect, nor to dimin- <br />" <br />tai of tttpW the sal" of ttas rroptety by spy att cir o minri(m tu act: srad to r.umply with all reuuifttnents of I&* with <br />tart to >i w hrtrrpelty. <br />