<br />3.
<br />--- - - -----
<br />U070AGE
<br />104297
<br />Duane A.
<br />Ob-gre.ter &VA ft=ie L.A. Obers
<br />ftobmd send Wife
<br />fin IPOI14TS SM* Grand Zelarid, Nebraska
<br />Ia*ep6dp@tWMof$ 21,70().00 by Mu4WC% 10060
<br />dlMai to MR
<br />Awmant 7 j 191%: n op$OW") pail&g (a pyMMU at I
<br />August 18, 199.9
<br />. . . . . . . ......
<br />TtyoMearae IMrM�wt of fife Hale. with Yrleteat as prorridid tbereim, ttie paymaarrt cf Nl othK Nana, with inured,
<br />ad pop *%f -ji q j*,pirft&t the *"wW dthb Mor4Wt and the Wdommee of the covenants and "Oftled
<br />So Matgrras eeatainei berieft, Not PeW don heMbY 19 ~ =4 cOD"Y to U04016 the f0VOW1119 dowbed
<br />049MY 100–MA in Ha1,1_ County, N*b"&U;,.:•
<br />Lot Four (4),,91tickr" Seventh.-,.-kith) Addit1OM-,*--" the .-City
<br />of Grand Islita—Vall County,- Nebraska
<br />Toratber with all UM&W kawro"Mrats, filums, *"", i0*3M, pasaww"S, essements, rights. privilb" ad
<br />#ffwWr.=m joe"" *#," or is mywiw pnWaWg tbewu4 mad the rests, Issues and proftb. rewmian "d "01212WINS
<br />thereof; kWaa* but not limited to, boating wd.mollax equipment and Wh Perowd Property that Is atta&*d to the
<br />Wapovemeats go at to eo"UWW a fixture; at of.whaw, including mVIwments and additlow tbeftio. Is hereby declared
<br />jo, be a pan of the nd mate secwed by the liti I i bt this ?A~ and all of the foregoing being referred to bentin as the
<br />L To pay the indebtedness, and the interest t#ervon n pr6ided In this M~ and the Note.
<br />nortgagetheft Ity.and
<br />x. `bit. Mortgagor is the Owner of the Property. h*,,-th.e right and avthorityt*'., ope
<br />Warn" -44'dw lien crealed h"by !is a ft& and prior lien n* its property. except as may otherwise be set fodh herein.
<br />Eirst HAJUnnal ItAnk of mat as vebraak
<br />P91%^– ftWrty is subject to a Ked" Whe'Wo.
<br />- at _A"theMortgateRecordsof IYO
<br />, �*W, recorded at &ok PW -JITI; " I.- .
<br />Nebrok&, Akh M~ Is a iron pol% i to the Ut a created k1t, vvb.Y
<br />O Omer PW liom. cc aeuvAcane":
<br />Tame, PA6WWMhL To PY *hers d" A Uxft SPWW MwwmDU and AM other charger 40"'tlw hvPwty
<br />OW., Upon.wiftles Aftdand by UWWW, to NOW 1* the payments required W*&f the Note secured bmby, Sodh amount as
<br />10 S*I"i to Ovate the KOr4W* to pay web tues, anewments or other charges as they becomes due.
<br />tomesom. To lump the Improv"WpW now or hereafter bested on the red. @Mte described herein 1owrvd
<br />apWat Mat p by fin and such other towards as MortMee MY require. in amounts and with companies acceptable Wtb#
<br />Modp", ad v1* No peg ON to tit UW*Vw. is tow of Iem wWor seek pdWin the ModPW Is wOodeed to
<br />adjad, euded aid eampandar, Is its SEP No -, all dains thereunder At its ask OPUm. authoetted 90 either at* *A
<br />poca to the natotoka of *eftopectj eat spas the intiebtedeves Muted bweby, but PSYMUM 110MVIKUTAIMM tOs-
<br />#MW a" the own newed ban" an pew in hu.
<br />L 0 temew For Taws nerd hmermee. Notwithstanding anything contained In paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br />Contrary, a 1PI, diam pay to de Mort"M It the time of paying the mMtWY Inawl"tents; of poncipal and interest,
<br />asatwtAh at flit yearly tastes, to. haard insurance premiums, and ground rents (if anY)whkb may attain A
<br />paiaaly reef tb6"MW*V, #an rMOnWWy @WMSWd mom tinKlo, time by the MonpW. Tee amounts wv"Asailiw
<br />hold by the Mq"@Ws, Wkke" in~ and applied to U" payment of the item in respect to which PAeb msoufift moil
<br />dapog" The own OW to IftdPow hatmn6f an ~ as additional security for the Indebtedness secured by this
<br />AftvWW. Umpgardiall pay to morippq ait wowt or my dendency between the wwd uses, sumsm"94 loaurmee
<br />pomismis ad pew W reals and the deposits bmvn&r within 10 days after demand is nwide upon *Wtftff mqwmft
<br />9""W" MOW.
<br />&R@p&,MsW%aaaamdtat. To promptly repair. restore cm rebuild any buildings CM improvements now of
<br />hmsilter as jk Rupeolyi to k"V tow hvpdy in #wA tvn&tion and rep ar. without waste. and fret frown 1WVChwW4 Of
<br />Gawlim 6A nprenly SWxWdOMWd to the lien hereof; not to rnake, suffer or permit any nuisance to deist, nor to difflift-
<br />mb m jes1wr the, value or uw hWM by any act or orntsitan vj art: and to eor4gy with all mpilrewntn of taw with
<br />F"p"t to W huVedy.
<br />I go
<br />—i
<br />