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i IN <br />Y <br />Dartrowtt tamed Lender cavet>>nt ate/ t K sa fdtrw3; Of If the Lrettder aoxf <br />airs the property otherwise after default. the <br />i. 7%t 80rrov►•er will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefare Lender shall apply, at,1he time of the co metrceteent of stteh <br />provided ftidlege is :tserved to pay fire debt in whale ot_ iii part on balabala then remaining the time the paelprxty is otlt"Whe scquirerk the <br />any installment due date. K in the funds accumulated uttdtr (a) of <br />parasraph 2 prccedina, as a credit against the amount of ) <br />delinquent payments. ,an Ing <br />3. That If the total of the payments made by the 1;orro afty under <br />(a) of Paragraph 2 precrdtng shall exceed the amount of pia, +raer, l+ <br />actually made by the Lender for ground rents, taxes and arxssments <br />ur InsurarK'e premium"- as the use may toe. such ekce++, if the loan Is <br />e.-urrent, al the option of the Iklrrower. shall he credited by the <br />Lender on suhscquent payments to be made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to the Borrower If. however, the monthly Payments made <br />by the f#trruucr urldtJ (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall nrst be <br />sufficient to ;;ray ground rents, taxes and assessments, or insurance <br />premiums, as the ease may he. when the •amt Shall toccr,mc due rod <br />payable. then the Borrosvcr shall Pay to the lender any amount <br />necessary h, make up the dcf1UCncy, an c,r hefore the date when <br />payment of such around rents. tawe;, aur;ssrnents, nr Insurance <br />Premium'; shall be due If at any time the lkwower shalt tender to <br />the Lender, in accordance with the provl,ions,af the note seurrrd <br />hereby, full Psyneent W the entire mdebtedrrrhrt: represented thereby. <br />the leader shall. In etmtputmg IN' amount ai;.uh indebtedness• <br />credo w the account (Of the Berrus+ac r anv balint t! remaining, in the <br />furWir accumularrd urwkr the prisls,om of r.;, •,f paragraph i- f;erraf. <br />if tfWc shall he a default under an% of the ,.r :,",stuns of this <br />i#i4tuttrer1t resulting in a public sale of the pr rams, Lowered hereby. <br />7 -that the Ikuruwet hereby asstans, transfers and sets over to the <br />UVIder, u, be applied toward the payment of the note and all sums <br />,:=urcd hereby to case of a default in the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instrument or the said note, so the rents, <br />revenues and Income to be derived from dw said premises during <br />such time as the Indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have power to appoint acv agent or agents It may desire for the <br />WPM of rcPa,ring said premises and Of tenting the same and <br />collctung the rents., revenues and income;,aM h may pay out of said <br />Inu,ro:, 411 cxrcnses of repairing said { l mires and nee4assry <br />commissions and expenses 10r;prred In rbrt::ttg and mamttldtg the <br />curie and- ce,llecung rentals therefrom; the balmrwe t"tuining, if <br />01Y • it', 0.k 41., Lted toward the discharge of said indebit'dloess. <br />R That the Wrro%er will keep the Improvements now existing or <br />heir ?alter erected tin the property. Insured as may he re4pa7ed from <br />t,m to time by the I ender ltgainst loss by fire and atherhat,;ards, <br />�aA-I tlttes and contingencies: in sEk--h amounts and for suct Periods as <br />I'll"; be required by the tender and will pay promptly. when due. <br />any premiums Ottlsuch Insurance, provisiow(of -- Yrleatof which <br />N's not teen tnrcue herembefore. All irtmtx:utccu shall be carried in <br />companies apprerved by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />thereof shall he held by the Lender and have attached thereto foss <br />payable elauxs In favor of and in form accrPtable to the Lender. In <br />Page 2 or S <br />HUO.121490T•1 <br />J <br />2. That, together with, and'in sddition tat. the mnnthFvayrncpty...:. <br />then retraining unpaid under said note, pnnapa <br />°f attd istettisrt payable Hader the tarlrts eel tl tttsta secttirrl;', <br />the ifs day of d.�ctt <br />.. ' 4. That the Borrower will pay growd rents, S. ssessmie <br />month until t notetis My paid. The following wi g <br />... x � �. *utd other governmental or Municipal charges, �n or <br />A05100t,•flar which <br />(a) A sutra equal to the grtwnd rents, if any, next'due. plus the <br />provision has not been made bereir.Wore, <br />and in ddault tneniof the Lender MAY pay the same; and .0a. the <br />premiums that will next become due and poli+_�ira of fire <br />and other hazard insurance covering he ruperte on <br />g Pr ta><cs <br />Borrower will promptly deliver the official receipts thw•efr. 6;he <br />Lender. <br />3, pleat and <br />auMments next due on the <br />.;CW if suns ahead pd1!1eltY l a utrnrolerl by !/te l etlder) <br />Y ix� t rodiv)de'dj: 'the <br />S. The B►vx m' v!er i taxes wbicA may be levied u the <br />:: t dttpae taefore are (I t rtfr {rrxv► to tk daw when si�tir ground <br />gender irtllt Ea: in said estate and improvements,-2111(i ttdaich <br />!>r `apon <br />-- <br />rwL% premiurns,.#Axes sett} aaesi W(f1: still "ice; F; t detiquent such <br />aittlrs CO be host by (rider intrust to :riund <br />may' <br />y this i *ximent or the debt securbaAereby (but <br />��' n [fee cite" s that sua'is not prohibited by iaw "at>sft:rply <br />renr�, <br />premiums, taxc tttid special s�5essments; iii £ <br />to the <br />+.steno that such will not make this loan usurious), bur ng any <br />I come <br />{b) All preceding <br />f�YnKn� mentlCW1,,is the ecedin wt►secGoq:,i'r'this <br />;out <br />uk_: raI or Federal, imposed <br />official real sho r Pad ore. Lender, and will file the <br /># : g such payment Wk,*.ihe !,ender. Upon <br />rapt and all p►ayatsents to be made under the note WA <br />I* by shall be -added trrgether, and the aggregate +sec,( <br />violation o1 R(Aas undertaking, or if the 13oiii)wet is prohibited by any <br />(ass now or hereafter <br />:1 <br />amounl .L <br />III be pad h; Id>r Borrower gCil month in a single payztent to he <br />ri by <br />existing from preying the whole or any portion <br />of the aforesaid taxes, or upon the rendering of any coati decree <br />-plied thr Lcndcr to the following items in the order m forth: <br />prohibiting the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes, or if <br />- <br />!f ground ants, taxes, aEs�zo.-7sents, fire and other hayard incur• <br />such law or cit':.ree provides that any a:M10"I sit so paid by the <br />grower sha l be credited an the debt, ti)lre.E Coder shill have <br />araoe premiums, <br />the <br />right to give ninety day written notices to the owater 4,16t. if prom <br />- <br />(II) interest ar tlsc note secured hercN. <br />cr ainng the payment of the debt. If such notice be:0111e1P„ the said <br />sWor%hall become due, <br />(111) amortrnt:on of the prnttopol of said ootc. and <br />payable and collectihle•at t14eeo'.ration of <br />said ninety days. <br />- <br />IIV) late charges. <br />Any deficiency In the amount e,f such aggregate monthl> payment <br />6 TAn sAnutd the Borrower fad to <br />covenant provided for In this Instrument then the Lender, at t <br />shall, unlcs+ made good by the lkirrower P64w to the due date of <br />next such payment. constuute an default <br />r'ptton• may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made <br />shalt be added to the <br />event of under this <br />mortgage The I ruder may collect a "late charge,, not to rscced (our <br />principal sum owing on the said note. shall <br />he secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the <br />ants 14111 for each dollar i fit) of each payment more than fifteen <br />1 IS) days m arrears to cover the extra exile rase involved ,n h Al <br />said aote, ants! paid <br />delinquent payments. ,an Ing <br />3. That If the total of the payments made by the 1;orro afty under <br />(a) of Paragraph 2 precrdtng shall exceed the amount of pia, +raer, l+ <br />actually made by the Lender for ground rents, taxes and arxssments <br />ur InsurarK'e premium"- as the use may toe. such ekce++, if the loan Is <br />e.-urrent, al the option of the Iklrrower. shall he credited by the <br />Lender on suhscquent payments to be made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded to the Borrower If. however, the monthly Payments made <br />by the f#trruucr urldtJ (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall nrst be <br />sufficient to ;;ray ground rents, taxes and assessments, or insurance <br />premiums, as the ease may he. when the •amt Shall toccr,mc due rod <br />payable. then the Borrosvcr shall Pay to the lender any amount <br />necessary h, make up the dcf1UCncy, an c,r hefore the date when <br />payment of such around rents. tawe;, aur;ssrnents, nr Insurance <br />Premium'; shall be due If at any time the lkwower shalt tender to <br />the Lender, in accordance with the provl,ions,af the note seurrrd <br />hereby, full Psyneent W the entire mdebtedrrrhrt: represented thereby. <br />the leader shall. In etmtputmg IN' amount ai;.uh indebtedness• <br />credo w the account (Of the Berrus+ac r anv balint t! remaining, in the <br />furWir accumularrd urwkr the prisls,om of r.;, •,f paragraph i- f;erraf. <br />if tfWc shall he a default under an% of the ,.r :,",stuns of this <br />i#i4tuttrer1t resulting in a public sale of the pr rams, Lowered hereby. <br />7 -that the Ikuruwet hereby asstans, transfers and sets over to the <br />UVIder, u, be applied toward the payment of the note and all sums <br />,:=urcd hereby to case of a default in the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instrument or the said note, so the rents, <br />revenues and Income to be derived from dw said premises during <br />such time as the Indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have power to appoint acv agent or agents It may desire for the <br />WPM of rcPa,ring said premises and Of tenting the same and <br />collctung the rents., revenues and income;,aM h may pay out of said <br />Inu,ro:, 411 cxrcnses of repairing said { l mires and nee4assry <br />commissions and expenses 10r;prred In rbrt::ttg and mamttldtg the <br />curie and- ce,llecung rentals therefrom; the balmrwe t"tuining, if <br />01Y • it', 0.k 41., Lted toward the discharge of said indebit'dloess. <br />R That the Wrro%er will keep the Improvements now existing or <br />heir ?alter erected tin the property. Insured as may he re4pa7ed from <br />t,m to time by the I ender ltgainst loss by fire and atherhat,;ards, <br />�aA-I tlttes and contingencies: in sEk--h amounts and for suct Periods as <br />I'll"; be required by the tender and will pay promptly. when due. <br />any premiums Ottlsuch Insurance, provisiow(of -- Yrleatof which <br />N's not teen tnrcue herembefore. All irtmtx:utccu shall be carried in <br />companies apprerved by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />thereof shall he held by the Lender and have attached thereto foss <br />payable elauxs In favor of and in form accrPtable to the Lender. In <br />Page 2 or S <br />HUO.121490T•1 <br />J <br />