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0 <br />�:•'k: ti��t'C. t <br />r • <br />r <br />Mp"3(C1,41. ADDENDUM 10.285 <br />The following are addenda to the Mortgage. Please cheek the applicable addendum. The <br />addendum chocked shall be focorporstad 'into, and recorded with. the Mortgage. The tore <br />•Mortgage• shalt be deemed to inaludo uloed of Trust," If appticable. <br />XX FNA AOOENOt)M <br />As long as the Mortgage is oulotanding, the Lander may.dectsre ell sass secured by. the <br />Mortgage to be fmwodistety due and payettte ift, <br />tef "t,kt or part of the proparty.. if :sold or otherwise transferred (atAer, than by <br />dwise,;.oitihcts; or operation of. Lou) by ggr'rioyer to a purchaser or other trsnaferzrc <br />r` #_tip(: .:, who '•ieottrtat reasonably be ospecttd to occupy the property as a <br />principal` ",z*mf:dene* : #.fthin a reasonable tine. after the sate or transfer, all as <br />provided in- :Soctfo�t,. 143(c) and 143(8)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as <br />amended: or <br />411 f) who he*- had a present' mvnership interest In a principal residence <br />dut fne any part of the three -year perlod`nding on the date of the sale or transfer. <br />all as pro-Aided in seetfea.100) and 143'ti)RZ) of the Internal Revenue •.erode (except <br />that the 't,Vtrgaaga "too Doreen'':" shall be subsettwTtj for 09S percen.t or.-more" where <br />the latter,eiit rrs it) dactioO 1'43(d)(11); or <br />Off):, :; trs 4caalsitfon cost which is greater Oun 94Mzf the average'-,areo <br />purchaso1jr.. tgr*ater then 110% for targeted area r tsfdencps1, sit as provided In <br />Sscelan 1i (oi1:: and 1.43(8)(2) of the Internet Revenue' Code; cr <br />tiv): -..'who hest on income In excess of . that established by the Nebraska <br />Intesteartt 'F' ;�enrse Authority under its applicable regulatioz,s. or program guidvi.flnes <br />in effect on the date•of the fate or transfer; or <br />tb) 8orro4dr. fails to occupy the property described 'in the Mortgage without <br />tendares prise'vefta:en consent; or <br />(e) gorrovat: amits or misrepresents a materla: feet in an appitcstion fcr the <br />Mortgage. <br />References ors to .the 'Ir:ternat Revenue Code in offeze on the date of execution of the <br />mortgage and ore devised to include the lyptomentins regutatiornu, <br />VA MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />It, so long as the Mortgage Is out9t,ond1ng,,.311 or any part of the property is sold or <br />transferred by jorrower without lender's . written consent, other tho!.�.0 transfer by <br />devise, descent or by operation of low, ctne 1e•nd'er way, at Lenderts option, •(t .0lare alt the <br />sues sscursd by the Mortgage to be imsediatit:g .doo and peyable. <br />8 -14 -89 <br />Data <br />sorrower AIL:Ay R F SK <br />sor ower MICHELLE O' F SK <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />HALL ) as. <br />County of ) <br />The foregoing Instrument was acknoute4god before me this 14TH Cay of A UST 19 _0, <br />by ALAN R FISK AND MICHELLE M FISK, HUSBAND AND WIFE. <br />Witness my hand and al at GRAND ISLAND in said county, the do a aforesaid. <br />NY OeMlseien sxpiresl Gftfili4N (iif ?tv ?aY!':Li'NM�ir:' *tr*v W), Coh. Elf! 1011 ; iii ' iu l 19 . <br />11M IM series 0 <br />K <br />4 <br />I r <br />f <br />