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r <br />■ <br />1 <br />04285 <br />DotMM" OW leader raveam and $Vft" few$: <br />more than fifteen (I5) days in arrears to cove: the extra <br />). That 130170wet will Pay the indelxedness, as hereinbefore <br />expense <br />involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />pr4wided. Privlikse is eeserved to pay the debt in whole of its part <br />installment <br />3. That if tye.totai of the payments made by the Borrower <br />on any due date. <br />under (b) of paragraph 2 preceding shalt cxaeed the 2mount of <br />2. 'i'hat. together with. and in addition to, the monthly <br />y <br />3011411Y 3011411Y <br />ymcilf3011411Y MiSde by the Lender for ground rents. taxes and <br />pa*rhtrtdt of principal and interest payable under the terms of the <br />assessment;c or insurance premiums. as the case may W. such ex- <br />cm. il' the [Alan is current. at the option the Borrower. <br />note xeured hereby. the Borntww will p0y to the Lender, on the <br />first dry of each mouth until <br />of shall be <br />credited bar tttg .f cruder oA, au�}eyuent payments to he made by the <br />the said note is fully paid, the <br />foliowity sums: <br />B otrow-er. of refunded tb the Borrower. If. however. the monthly <br />paymerfm made by the Borrower under Of of paragraph 2 <br />(a) Amount sufficient to provide the holder hereof with funds <br />prtueding shall not be sufficient to pay ground rents, fates and <br />to pay the next mortar inswratxe Mvinium if this irt>/trinlrenG and <br />art iVinents or insuran" ptamiums, as the case may be..%vhen the <br />the we securet4 hmeb. are insured, or a mwt!tiy charge (in lieu <br />RMC shall bceonte due anti payable, then the Borrower shall pay <br />vfa Ilroit{ ape inwrarrrr premium) if they are field by the <br />te• the tender any amount necessary to make up the defrcieni y, on <br />Secretary Of Housing and Urban i e%clopment, as fallowe: <br />or It 13N flit- date when payment of such ground rents. taxes, <br />(11 If and so long a . said note of even date and tilis in;tru- <br />ment are insured or are relnmured under the provision:: of t!te bla• <br />ts�essn)ent: ;, or insurance vremiums shall be dice. It' at any time <br />the Horronvi- shall tender to the Lender. in accordance with the <br />Hotta) Housing Act. an ;noun sufficient to a:.romutarc in the <br />provisions of the note secured hereby. full pa }client of ctrl- entire <br />indebtedness represented thereby, the Lender <br />hands of the holder one (1) month prior a>• its due date the annual <br />shall. in computing <br />the amount of such indebtedness. credit to the account Bor <br />01011lage insurance premium in order to provide such.lit3W with <br />(tfr�lh to pay such premium rc t!tc 5htelary of 6faut;ing. IWIf. Ur- <br />of the - <br />rower all payments made under the provisions of (a) of paragraph; <br />2 hereof <br />!satt:'I]es•elopment pun"aftt to she National t-3uusina <br />which the Lender has not bccome obligated to pay to the <br />Scoretary <br />.hct.,;m <br />airv. filed. and apply: able &-fgulatain,, tiloo under- or = <br />of Housing and Urban M- elopmern and any balance rc= <br />, <br />maininF in th funds ac.urnulated under the prinisions of (b) of <br />(11) If and so long as said note of even dare and this insua. <br />I`dragraph 2 hereof. If there ,hall tie a default undtrr any of the <br />Ltnt:rt), are held by the Sevrofary of Hoosiinf) and Utr an f etch) <br />f'i "i'i�''t, O kW-1- instrument re,ulling in a public rate of the <br />nTM�i;Yt9n, :a olouthit .barge (in ficrifirfa rnerrdage irisurarce lyzinillm) <br />preilme: 5kt,F:l icl hereby, or if file Lender acquires the property <br />w it t} ;hall be in act atrtaunF•r kw.l to t•ri>•- txrliv�l ii bl,- or. %, c <br />u;hcr"+r,c a'' ;r •default, the Lender shall appt%. at the time of the <br />Ixx ly i4f; %2) per cenfurn of ,. ne iis on <br />of such prixtenp, r at the time the property is <br />tht i1N1/G C011f putN rAithout fit inn ipat rceptittt deitayuenetes ar <br />�,tz,rmsisc acquired, the bflan:c then remaining in thi fvrr�ds ac- <br />prcpaymrnts:, <br />c iinuliietf under (h) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a :teaq against <br />(b) A suit equal to theroiimdtents, of any, mete due, pluv th; <br />the amount of principal then remaining unpaid tinder said note, <br />and shall properly adjust anv payments which shall have heeh <br />preru,ums that mill nett bec.a= due and payable till ru,ho,cs of <br />fire rtaJ erlhtt hazard insurance .ni cring (he <br />made under t.;:v,af para r »ph 2. <br />property. plus raves <br />and assessments nett title on the proper- tall is c5rlrn;Iredl h+ -lit• <br />Lender) less all sun.- already p;ud Therefor ctn,dcd by <br />4 flat the ffortsmer %01 pay i:round tents, gates, a,se snients, % <br />the number <br />of mon.hs to elapse bwtt?re % +nc x11 month prior to the date alien <br />t%atcr rates, aird other i tnrrniucntal tit munr:ipal dmrgc%. tines, <br />such ground tents, pietniun;,, taxes and asscssnr:nn % +ell become <br />definquenr. miCh sintis tit be held t,y I ender Ili trust <br />or 1fIrpo-W1v!r., for ahlch frrot"l ,n has riot been mutts• <br />NreutNcforc, :,n4 u, default ►hereof the i cndt:r Ilia% it,,% the saille. <br />to f'.ti said <br />ground ants. pre•nuums, tatcs and spectral asscssunen!s; ;u,•:1 <br />111.1 Ili-it lfiC (,i rtwt%cr well dLlnet cite tift'ioal receipt+ <br />Ifinctor to rile I cuifel <br />(c) All payn:enn mentioned in the two prcceding suhse.tuil!, tit <br />this paragraph and all payments its rte mule under the littl <br />° Iht Ht +r'.�ucr salt It.,y .rl! taus •nhith may he le%ucil fipnn <br />secured hereby shall be added! - ;,ether, and the -Seelegare aIIIInlnt <br />Ifi`' 1 cutler's i,;::err +t art scud real estate and nrpro %rrnents, and <br />thereof stall he paid by the RX:,w —%cr each month in a p,ry <br />ahuch ru.o t�^ 1,•.red "pill) this "Istilirncl': aT the debt scoured <br />meat to be applied by the i ender to file hr!lowing acin. at .he <br />licrch+ 11111E on;s to the cttcut ilia! +uh ii +,,of ptohibtted by la%% <br />order set forth: <br />and unh to 'tic cttent that such %sill not make fills Ittan usurious), <br />.et Ftof Ho sing an under the cj(,b"IT sf �ir with <br />%fie Secretary of HVUSUSg and L'rbaIl 1)e+cFojyaicut, <br />but ctsluding am Ilwotne tat, State or ledge;!, unposed on <br />t ender, anti well file the offttaaf receipt slloa►ng su:h payment <br />W.;:jv7 <br />ur n';,�rth!y <br />iYwr (in Ireu of rntrrtgarSe imurance prernhun), a% the .;:,t„�� nt •y <br />;lilt the t ctl.!c r. t'pon vmlatli•n 411 Ihi>. ,:ni�crta(su!g. or if the <br />[i:,rruacr i t t:rt,u.d b law °• <br />silt ntiv. kv <br />y y ,crcaitcr ctisung tnnn <br />pa)Ing the .t;:;6e of any pt r }u.'at of the afoiesaid taxes, or upon <br />(1() ground rents, tatc %. assessnnce,,, 'i.: and other ha/'ard <br />rr:c rendering of any coup de",.cc prohibiting the pa }ISrtirrr: by the <br />Insurance prerniurn %; <br />Ittirroaer of any such taxes, or if suih law (it decree prtrvldcs that <br />(IIiI ir►tcrc +t err the note secured hereby: <br />im .+uunu•r kO rand by the IAnroacr shall he tacthted on the debt. <br />the I ruder +w.:l fiats the right tit gl, t: "men dav,' <br />(IV) anlorttratiun of the principal of l.tld nt,.e, .1141 <br />% % rifted notice <br />t•• tf.c art %nee ?'rile pteinises. reyutrutg'tic payntenr of the debt. <br />IV) We 4hargcs <br />V %ugh he gnen. the said debt shall hc.onlc due. pct }able <br />a:•. ,.. ;.,;t • °! le .art the expiration of said ninety day,. <br />Any defiCfenvy in the drrtaunt of such altSte(tutc monthly pal.- <br />rnent shall. unless made good N. the lioiro•:%er prim to, the due <br />date,of the next such payment,, W.,- ;yptutC an ccert of ckA,,iaik, <br />Ih:u s:;,,,;, %:111 Ifttrruwer fail to p:rt a!". stem or keep any <br />co%cnanr pr•.,.,;;;:•r, for ill lilts instrumen'.. t!h:,t the 1 ender. at its <br />undett this mtartgaje. The Ler tier- may collect a ".%ate cta:-;e' ' not <br />option. ru.r.;: ;: or perfonn the same. ;inC ia: ctf+rnduures so <br />to exceed four cent; (49) for ca li dollar (SI I of each payrn:nt <br />r <br />