<br />, 1
<br />Ono
<br />(d) Battellc/afy may slid to Caws Me Trust Prgpelty or any part thereof to be sold under powat of sate, and m such event. -
<br />8anslicitry or TAAW@ shall give such notice of default and notice of sale ss maybe then required bylaw. Thereafter, upon Mte
<br />aVtialiaet of such Oft and the givfrtg of such notice of same as may then be required by law. Trustee, at the time and place specified
<br />by Me now of wb. shall sO such Trust Pnopert� , or any W #w e& spa~ by Beneffefaty, at public au ftn to the highest
<br />bidder for Cash in iawtid nWW of the UWW States of Ann erica. Upon ncarpt of payment of the price bid. Trustee shard apply the
<br />prbcesA in dye IbMbwittp onabr.- R ib the cost and expairses of exercls ft Mtn power of sale and of the sate, including but not h7*ed
<br />10, OW "'S 014" Or Mt mss than $5W.00 plus one half of one percent of Mtn mans sale price, and reasonable attorney lees, (k) to
<br />Me inrbbbdines, and (ir`) ft excess, H any. to the pe men. or persons legally entitled dheroto.
<br />AM coeds and overms N r4wedby Bernkiary in enforcing any fight under Mfrs Dead of Trust, irtclrrdirg wtdwAhn*& non, abstract or title
<br />fm, etppra W 06K pr+anritxM Aartetekuuranea, attorney fees and COW costs, shallbe sod constitute brdebUxkm s secured hereby.
<br />27 DWn of Thew raptor agars dnc
<br />(a) Olurtet and obboa fto of Trustee shalt be detenMned solety by the express provisions of this Deed of Trust and Trustee shah not be
<br />stile &VCept for the performance of such duties and ab igaWns as are speciftalfy set forth herein, and no implied covenarts or
<br />. hNlgadioeya altetM be frnposed upon TrwlMe,
<br />(b) No praniefort of d* Dead of Tnrstshatlrequire Dustrie fin is_%pead . verisk its own funds, or othal�wise incur any tinarmat obkgalfon in
<br />ftprr a ofa�nyofft&:cetties hW&,' -►� orm ;flai3!8rc' 0&-W of i[sfights or powers
<br />(C) Trtnalee may consul *W cci sW its own cttaash -' f advise of such celrntel shaft be IWl and complete audwrizaaon and
<br />p mWiion in t he respect tO".-action taken or surf +ri °tit hereurtc+er in yagtf �dil /t atxt re i�nce theraor� gnrE
<br />(d) . Truahe SAM ndt be Na Me A66-my action taken by ►7'rC ¢ rr�d faidt and reasonaby 4bei� Py ri tali, be authoh,4d or within its
<br />dbcre6"von orri or powers conferred upon it by !firs Deed of Trust;:° -
<br />20 Soasgy Ap;w. find Fixture FAing This Dead of Tiugshak constitute a security agreemeN the fixture filing under they pmvisiorM4
<br />Me Nebraska Ur#&m Garr wciet! Code wit!» respect raftse fixtures described in preambles hereof as constituting 3 part oft.
<br />Trust Ptmpeq, togetfter wim all otter property of Trustor, either similar or dissimilar to the same, now or hereafter located at or on a*
<br />Trust Prop".
<br />29. Future Advances. Upon request of Trustor,.'Sorieficiary, at Senefictary's option, prior to lull mcortt eyance of the Trust Pmp*tty by
<br />Tn W* M Truslbr, may make ftMro,adVarM fo Trustor. Such future advances with interest llwMn, shall be secured by llU Deed o1
<br />Tnist. At no time shall do prfw4W amount bfdte Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust'rWYpcluding sums advancbdro protect
<br />the sytcunty, exceed the total suns of S Advances of disbursements made by i9eneticiary to protect the security,
<br />wn fefr-thtr Hants hereof, while dsarakwarq, shall not bw wined to be optional advances.
<br />30. RaCa►veyance. Upon payment of aN IAd#b*j,', ass ii:4,ssd by this Deed of Trust, Beneficiary shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br />Trust Ptopert� d Shall surrertdes this ©poal'i Trust &nd all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee.
<br />Tnatea 3W MCrxhvey the Trust Property W4 tfMt warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally enthtled thereto Such , • .
<br />person or persons shat) pay all coats of recordation, if mly,
<br />31. Substitute Trustee. BoneAciary at its opion. may from One to time remove Trusted and appoint a Successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br />eppW*d hereunder by an insftmt recorded in the county in which this Deed 01'rust is recorded. Withccut conveyance of the Trust •
<br />Property, the Successor Trustee shall succeed to ali title, power and duties confemW upon Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br />32. ANsceNsneous PiQtrts of Benel►claty. Benelkmy may at any time and from time to tirlfe, without notice, cones,., to the making of any
<br />plat of Me Taut Property or the creation of any easement thereon or any covenants restricting use or occupaticy thereof or agree to
<br />MW 0t arnendMo terms of dds Dead of Trust Any pemsnal property remaining upon the Trust Property after: iAke Trust Property has
<br />beer. possessed or occupied by Beneficiary, its agent or any purchaser following Trustee's sale, forecbsure, or under any dead in Ge l
<br />Of Trustee's safe or foreclosure. shall be conclusively presumed to have been abandoned by T►ustor.
<br />33. Notice to Trus ix,. Trustor hereby requests that a copy of any notice of default and notice of sale made or executed by Tiu9irtis pursuant
<br />to the proviw;ns twoof be sent to Trustor at its mailing address set kxth heroinabove.
<br />iN WiTNES.S WH9, WF, ttiss Deed of Trust has been duty executed rte day and year fNse above written.
<br />CL
<br />4 MWCO'
<br />Denn s J. WA
<br />COUNTY OF j
<br />On this day of 19 . before me, a notary IjM, �6 And for Sato► county, personally came .
<br />of _- - - -- - - ..; 4 known to me to be the identical persons who
<br />signed the lbregwng Deed of Trust and acknowledged the execution thereof tic be their voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and
<br />dared of said corpmelmn
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on this the fatal and year last above written
<br />(SEAL
<br />VIP a r"Ot5w s.paes -
<br />1
<br />On tills 1 daY o f_ August _ , 19 $9 , befmo me, a notary puW.rc in and for said county. personalty came Dennis J. Reran — - —
<br />and - �- ---- _ , known to me to be the rdentreal persons who
<br />signed the fExegWV Died of Trust and acknowledged the execution the; eof to be their t[.ciuntary act and deed.
<br />Wt1NESS nV hand and notarial sect on this the day and year last above written /, ,
<br />fSEALi
<br />L�twrt►arfft.�tuMtt �.� 1 �..
<br />r
<br />j
<br />