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<br />045..
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<br />Rlsdie, ltmm. aaa igasisat or oihorvise- Neither the acceptance of thus Dew of Trust nor its en.
<br />forewent, whether by court actttim or parsuust to the pores of awls os other powers herein con -
<br />Calmed, shall 'prejudice or In. '=y suer affect Tcwted's or BaMficl(arys rlskt' to castle* upon
<br />or enforce Amy other security stow or hereafter hold by Trustee or kiefictery, it bets; agised
<br />that Truatee and Beneficiary, *Ad each of thee, shall be entitaad to aeforee. this Deed of Trust
<br />and say other security now or hereafter held by the beneficiary or Trustee is such order and etanncr
<br />as they. or either of them; form their absolute dlncrotioa det*rmt . we ramedy hsrain con -
<br />ferred upon or resereed tp Trustee or B*nsficiacy ja'ist *nded to be exclusive of my other seedy
<br />.'
<br />heroin or by law provided or permit tied, but eaeii'ohitl be-cumulative and shall be in addition to
<br />awry Other Met.# git" hereunder or now or biersplestc sxiptimg at iw or In equity or by statute.
<br />Every power ac remed:i giwh by airy of the loan 3nstcummats to Trustee at Beneficiary or to which
<br />either of them ssv be othatwise entitled may be ssircissd■ concurrently at independently, from time
<br />to time and as often as say 'ah. doomed expedient b *-','lkgstee or Eemsfieisty.,, and either of than my
<br />pursue i4cbnaistsnt re1Oedi493 Mathias herein shoti-Oij construed as prold5iting Beneficiary from
<br />c
<br />s*ekins a daficiftew ,j*dssamt asaimst Truster Co t'bft" extent: smolt action is permitted by law.
<br />is. Reetu*st rot Katiyo., Truster hereby squats a capf of any notice of default and that any
<br />notice of sale hereunder be,ariied to Truster at the ad3ress net forth in the first paragraph of
<br />this heed of Trost.
<br />16. mint of, t WgasaGr Trustee. Bsnefiet"y say, from time to time. by written instru -�
<br />meat *yiscu . and .acknOwlef *d by Beneficiary. usUed to Truster and recorded in the County in which
<br />.
<br />the'psopetty la.lAcst4 chid by'otherwise complying with the provisions of the applicable law of the
<br />Stark of 1140 810,;.su6stitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting here-
<br />under.
<br />>s711..'- • Succesher* and Assies. This Dead of Truat, .applies to and tauovgs. Co the benefit of and
<br />brads #)li,:partite hereto; tbair heirs, legatees,. :ass paraaoal reprg+taetstives. suecesaori:`
<br />° "`• `; ".
<br />and s+ iRY ae. , 1beAVY10 "Bitisaf1clAry" *habl,..wasa thpi., es sad ,. , r of the note, w or or ndtt';
<br />.
<br />nas(8 :� :5eriefi:.ics:�r. hai*io.
<br />-
<br />r `. 'dlnif) d M rowara, Wtthau . mufacti *: V liability Of lap ot¢pr •person.. Agble for the
<br />PayowA , of say er^MR: t Pert at 'sentioned, and s3.tfaant'affectina the hti 'y+s rrlsz e;:c this Dead
<br />-`..';; }•
<br />.;? :`,
<br />of 'IYru�'t.1upm an�,.M- Ttton f; ht property not thews c,7 theretofore rtleas:4^ �., i security for the full.
<br />psyblest•:r alt tit n'.`a912gr�.�ana1. Beneficiary nip,:'aros time to time a64';tir{lthout aptlse:
<br />r. any .woons me liable;
<br />.04c
<br />(bt rccteic t4E.:paXtizity or suer any of. 0a terra of any such-A,ligation;
<br />(d) ` c,eztc die or re- convey or cause to be m-e:essed or re- convert ,ze any time at Bess=
<br />ficiary's cpr£an, any parcel, portion or all of the property;
<br />..i +.. "._
<br />(e) take or fetes" any other or additional security for any obligation herein
<br />mentioned; or
<br />'
<br />(f) malts compositions or other arrangements with debtor* in relation thereto.
<br />19. Gov*rnind law. This Deed of Trust shrill be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />and, in the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Deed of Trust. or the not*
<br />or any other security instrument gtv*n in conne-,tton with this transaction shall be for any reason
<br />be held to be invalid. illegal ar unenforceable in any respect. such invalidity, illegality or un-
<br />enforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Deed of Trust. but the Dead of Trust
<br />,.shall be construed as if such invalid. lllegsl or enforceable provision had never been contained
<br />heroin or therein.
<br />20_ Effer:t of Forbearance. Any forbearance. by Beneficiary or Trustee in exercising any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. Or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a valves of or preclude
<br />the exercise of any such right or remedy hereunder. Likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee
<br />of any default of the Truster under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any
<br />other or stallar default subsequently occurring.
<br />'
<br />21. Re- convaYYanc_e by Trustee. Upon written request of th* Denneficiary stating that all suss
<br />secured hsr*by have bean paid, and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust and the note to the Trustee
<br />for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Truster of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall re- convey
<br />to Trt,rraor. or the person or per:: lc is;ally entitled thereto. without warranty. any portion of the
<br />—
<br />prop&M.,D• held hereunder. Recitals to au-h re- conveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive
<br />Proof Of the truO fulness thereof. Grantees in the r*- conveyance may be described as "the person
<br />�
<br />or peremo legall, entitled thereto."
<br />22.. Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this trust when this Deed of Tru3t, duly executed
<br />and aArmwledged, is made a public record as provided by law.
<br />i'A'WITNESS WHEREOF. Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust on the date first noted above.
<br />11• fY 4gA
<br />Time c i er
<br />FarcaJ. e
<br />sTAn OF trEARASicA )
<br />couNrr nr Nall
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<br />Ax this 7th day of AtlgWt 198 `(': . before me, the ult�ierstgr+ed a Notary 1 ;`;•lfc'
<br />drruly��ytyaNdfolonoud� a��nd� q�ualified for said County. g Woonally came RiChard J. Ctler & Mtrir,;lt_t
<br />--
<br />Jl a_ lfizl . LII V iy� �. ,: to O►C kllfWnl t0 be the idC11L p @T60R :1 N VSl wark,f E
<br />r
<br />is or: subscribed to the forasolab Do" c,f Tna*t. a%,4 (Wetw shay /it) acklrovledged the'execurtm
<br />thereof to be (ft1s/h*r /theirr'is9) volunrsjy• act std dstad.
<br />1'1VA*a8 my hdsd rsi'wrtr,fisl $*al at rawo % • +1dildt ty. the date aforesaid.
<br />!
<br />{ a %
<br />Votary Publie•
<br />1.
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