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L <br />m <br />89� 104250 <br />sw. d Nebra1. 89 —D"d of- TWst <br />t3421 �.- 134[3099 703 fib) <br />Shia Daai niinert ("Secwi4r Taaefetesear} is ode on August 10 <br />19 89. Tht t sax is Richard A. Carlene, a single person <br />("Borrower")- Tk trettteet: is Arend R. Baack <br />("Ttwtee°1. TM M"fid wy is <br />Home federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island ,Wbidtisrime m ildad iap <br />NNW oe iawr of Nebraska . ud wilim addRw is 221 South Locust <br />Grand Island, Nebraska t" e-1. <br />Mlmtars� That the Bortim�e�t. in ooasideraaiaa of flee debt gad trust hat iaaI de umbod geld crat4 NO tie sum of one Dollar ($0.40 <br />No is head pid by tie Tnwo*i the recent a( wiicie is ki eby setnowlew dog by thestt: PONS PINK h ipm and 1114 aailt ". and... <br />oottfrrDS, ttnaa tlln Tttaitx is �ttW. tiridit pionrp o(salc. forever, alt of tie foilowinl descrtiod real estate, aitttaai lyistpand btu iii: tht: t� c3 <br />Hall. ; gad State of Nebrzsba. to wrt: <br />..Cot fifty- n#ne- -(50)9 �Wfers Subdivision to the City of Grand Islat-d, :hall <br />1ebraska. <br />The rider to the w-rtgzg� attached hereto and exec —uteri of even date herewith ' is <br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and.:,:"' <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this mortgage. <br />"THIS IS A PURCHAS-FI MONEY MORTGAGE" <br />w6iei has lheadthessd 403 Eisenhower QW&e Crard IsjEr <br />Ndml*s 69803 ,tyrotec ( "Pnrpeif ;<Addrtss ".1: <br />TO Htrre Md T+ hail the Prewiatta above deaaribe& with aD tie Sppwtdtannet fWnatato bel4Wn9 and ilr O&IIII all hat"Ic Plumbing ad <br />Videtiitd fataees ad egarpneaI Dow at haaAnr atuched to or used in wandaiq .: * *, aiid real estate uma the Tntstec, mW to its sum mom <br />Dad araow bwver. Tk owwwa represesta to, and oonvemm with. the Trmvlt *m tk Bomower has good ride to sell and oanvey said <br />pasaissr. tl`atiel0 are bet Botts aictiaabatam &W that tk lortower *dl.wamant turd defend ft, game Spiral the lawful claims o(all Persons <br />whoraSOevr r; acrd tie atidlortower bereby fdwgtsithtas all rights of horttt�t W, * Nl ntDdiAl: rte► either in law or in equity. and aR other <br />aotteirBettt wtteet St of dke llwi wet in ad to the above- dmaibed pren+ises, and W(ratsrnt be* to ooavty heref iwt abaulm title. in fa simple. <br />Tat uft an riglis of haweii es& and other rob and is it, testt sot afarr� aid. <br />lwddad Mes% and dregs pixva :} M aitacwted and dekvemd unto the Trustee, to utttt. Ir %*wfor the followiq PuPX W. <br />N!Mwn, the lorwwa:•w rite i 0 . day of AugulsC .19 89:. . borrowed front the ttgirrilef <br />tkumof Forty Fiire Thousand and no/1QO--------------=---------------==-------w----- <br />-------------------------- - - - - -- DWmIf 45,000.00 �torwhich <br />sty ale 111ion a has estamod sed debv wad to the Roder llarruwer's proraetaosy Dote of even date. barmli <br />iuem of she rate of nine and one /half per aai vm ( 9.50 %) per &smug two the unpaid hilaw a unlit fiend. <br />Tice ud; to ivol aml ist m shaft be payable at tie ofKoe of Home Federal Savings and Loan. association of <br />Grand'Island, 221 South Locust <br />is Grand Island, Nel7ras l :a or 41 such otter place as the holder of the note <br />may desipate in wei6W in mommy irpit(ltnew of Three Hundred Seventy Eight and 38/100--------- - - - -- <br />------ - - - - -- l:Aadlbasfi 378.38 hoomme4eW40n Wile rant dapuf October <br />1! Bard e>. the Tell ells 'esG aDCi tteoati ehesresMer ttttlrl the preaapal ad inienu are fully ptid. e=pt that rbe final paytttatt o(pris *6) <br />tad iDttraa4 if atot Doomw phtid. ahtdl be due nd payable om the first day of September <br />2D 19 <br />TWO Witt is uNd in coAAiar *m wish mor Mf� insured undM the ons- to bur - family programs of the National Mousing Act (inVIAM09 <br />Tae lb Premk m payreNM in aeeordenea with Me 1`421Jlabans for M0110 <br />r, <br />1: <br />Mm HUD*2143-f)? 1(340 adiaan) <br />Pala t of 5. ► 21 CFR 203 17(0) . -- - _-- -- <br />L .� <br />