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<br />fN PUR FOUR OF ATTORNI V — -- -.- . - - - - - - _ — -- - ...... Huffman and FNton i Wait. social, tip. IMI
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<br />That 1, . td.. GRAND ISLAND ..MMUk-mmty.Nebra.wt, bay.maa.,
<br />constituted and appointed, and by thew presents do make, constitute and appoint FLORETTA M _ PURDY _
<br />County, Nebraska, true and lawAd attorney Air me and m m� tisane place a nd stead I
<br />and an my behalf, subf trl to the provisions of Paragraph 1:1 henvd, to do and execute all or any of the following ads. doedo and things
<br />1, To receive debts, pssYments and prspertY• Ter ask, demand, out for, prover and receive all some of money, lifts, duos, Roods, wares, merchare i
<br />dine, chattels, efforts and thingsof whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter rhall be or bearmedue, owing, payable, or behahgiat a -the
<br />in or by any light, title, ways or meanshowsoever, and upon receipt thereehf, or of any part thereof, to snake, elfin,execageand delivirsuch wouipw, nla ahem !I
<br />err nther diachargre fior the eahx respe Uvdv as my said austamey shell deem advisable.
<br />4. To settle accounts. To settle any account or reckoning whatsoever wherein 1 now am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise Interested or I
<br />concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require.
<br />a To satisfy security intereate cud mortiMac To receive every sum of money which now is or hereafter shall be due or belonging to me upon the
<br />security or by virtue of any security ink rest of agreement, or mortgage, and on receipt of the fall amount aerwwd dwreby to execute a good and sufficient l j
<br />ithmm or other discharge of such security interest, or moortgage by deed or otherwise. i
<br />4. Toompeound oubmalt to arbitration, arotherwise settleor adjustedifferences. Tealrompound with or makeallowancia loony person for Orin
<br />aspect to any debt or demand whatsoever which now in or shall at any time hereafter become due and payable to me, aby tae, orapon my acomak andto
<br />take and receive, ear to pay and discharge ins the case may bel, any composition or dividend thereof ter thereupon, and to give or receive releases or other
<br />dischiligm for the whole of such debts or demands. or to settle. compromise, or submit be arbitration every such debt or demand send every other right,
<br />matter, and thing due tourcogrerning me as my attorney shall think beat, and fear that purpose to enter ink) and execuNand deliverauch bonds of aria la-
<br />ton or other instruments as my attorney may deem advisable in the premises.
<br />Q To prosecute and defend. To commence. prosecute. discontinue. ear defend all actions ear other legal pnsredings trsuching my east# or any part
<br />I dwaa•.f, star tiowhinil any matter in which I or my rAnte may In in any mar r oncerord I
<br />& To martinge reel estate. Th enter Into and upon nil and singular my realtestate. andto let, monaige. and impnrvethe same orany part thereof. undies I
<br />repairs r otherwise improve, idler, air rerontract, land to insure, any building or structures thereon, and furtherto contradwithothers for the management of
<br />such real estate, and to grant to such others all the powers with respect mooch real rotate usual in real estate mareagementrontrac-U and granted tomy said
<br />attorney herein.
<br />7. To grant leases, receive rents, and otherwises, deal with urosnts and leased property. To contract with any parson for leasing for such
<br />periods, including periods longer than my life, and without regard to the termination of this power all atsomry, at such rents and subject to such conditions
<br />as my attorney shall sou fr6 all or, any of my scud realtistate, and to letany such petition into pnss mosion thereof, andboexeuke all such k ame andamtracisas
<br />shall be necessary or paper in that lerhulf, and its give notice to quit toe tiny tenant or ooecupier rheresd, and to receive and recover from all tenants and
<br />occupiers thereof ter of anv pan thereof all rents. arrears of rent, and sums of money which now ore or shall hereafter become due and payable in respell
<br />thereof. and also on non-payment thereof or of any part thereof to take all necessary or proper means and proatedings faterminating thetenancy eroompa•
<br />ton of auch tenants or occupiers. and few ejecting the tenants or ssrupicn and reevsvenng the ptsseaion thereof.
<br />tl, To sell or exchange real or penond estate. Ter sell, either at public or private sale, ter exchange any part sir parts of my real estate or personal �
<br />property for such consideration, payable immediately ter upon such terns as my attorney shall think fit, and tie execute and deliver good and sufficient
<br />deeds, bills of sale, endonements, assignments, mother instruments fear the(•emveyonne or transfer of the some, with such cwenonta of warranty or (other-
<br />wise as my attorney shall see lit, and to gsva• s;,00l and effectual nivipts fear all ear any pan of the purchase price or tither consideration.
<br />j 9. Todeptwit motleys. withdraw, inwiest, and otherwise deal with tangible property. Tu deptwit any moneys which may some tohis hanal9as
<br />i
<br />such attorney, with any bank or bunker in my ms mr, and to withdraw tiny of such money or any other money to which 1 am entitled which nowis or shall be
<br />todeposited, and wither empkn such momy am he shall think At in the payment iefanydebtsorinterest. payable by me.ortaxes,asomments, insurance, and
<br />expenses due and payable er u, become due and payable on acceeunt of my real and personal estate, or it. or about any of the purpoaen herein mentioned,or
<br />otherwise for my use and benefit, err to invest Bach money in tray name in any aUrka, shares, bonds securities or other property. real or personal, ase he may
<br />think proper, and to receive and give revvipt+ f.rr any income err dividend aching from such investments. and to vary terdispose ofall and anysuch invest•
<br />enacts or other Investments fear my sew• and Ivnefit as he may think fit
<br />lo. To vote at stockholders' meetings, execute proxies, and otherwise substitute for owner. Tit vote at the meetintta of stockhotders or other I f
<br />i meetings of any a,rporaflun or company, or otherwise too act its my attorney ter proxy, with power of tot sstitution, in respect of any stocks. abates, bends,
<br />debentures, or other evidmcete of nwnership, or sarienties, now or hereafter held by me and imue•d by green amount of Bald corp►ntion or company and Air +
<br />that purpose to execute any pnex o•, btrhlsed see penerid. or either instruments
<br />11. To execute deeda. bills, notes, and taimilar instruments. For sillier tiny of the purpow•n herein staled to enter Intel tend sign, seal, execute,
<br />` acknuee edw. end deliverany centmcho, dwd•s, elr other Instruments whatas,cer. tend to dnhw. nemrpt, make, anolsrse, ciiw -mnt, or nttxrwiwdeal with any hills I �
<br />y oaf exchange, checks, pnnniswory nottes, orother avmm enta: or mereannle matruments.
<br />4 12 To do all other things necessary in aronnartkon eh vrewilh. lr. Kererai to, do all either acts, deeds, mattem, and things, whatsoever in or ohuut my
<br />estate, property, land atfsirao. ter to concur with penanw utnth interested with msi -wlf then-in in doing all seta, deeds, matters, and things herein, either !�
<br />particularly or generally de,+cnbed. as fully ..and a irmually lot ail intents ;net purposes its I child do in my own proper person if personally present, it being f i
<br />my intent so grant u. my scud xt4s cwt a genera: power too act for me and n: n-, hei-a lf. and not it limited err special power, limited to the specific acts hwein
<br />1 described.
<br />1S. Power of attorney offlattive Doetwithetoundiag dtaabuily of principal; continuste in ef[ect after prindpaD•e death unim notice. }
<br />Panwtat to the provision of & Uniform Durable Power cat A atirmey Act, t dedare that thiie poanarof attorney ahall notbe attwWby- my dis difikyor in• i
<br />apacily, and that the s wthoetty granted herein a ehallcontinueduringany penodwhile t amdsabledor incapacitated. FSrther.punusentlosaidstetkms,
<br />all all& authority shall continue after usydealh- untilnot+ ceofsuchdeathshallhave been received by ray attorney eothatbehaa ad" keowledgeoffthe 71
<br />Asti tbst il have flied. Any s citiorr takes an goad fawk by said attorney during any period while at a uncenatn wtathe r I am +alive, before hemcsives ac tu4
<br />haowladgeo l say dotb. ur. tin any e.oR tallion churl ig any period while t am Qts iblsd or incapacitated. shat) tts suvand Y if l areas Wa e,eompetsAR and
<br />F cot dieabfed.
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<br />IN WITNK.'iti W fiF:[tl:etl , I hate ougnad and aeknowie•ttwA this instrument deep IaTl� dot of -Q.�
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<br />i lTfATF: OF ' NEBRASKA e
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<br />H7ALL It 1UN'11' sews
<br />18TH OCTOBER 90
<br />Itli IT Kh:ohW'ti, that on the .tat of I's ha•fnn• rsa ;s•rNUtalh eaptw•sn.t
<br />ERNEST E. PURDY d.,t, o.tees.t solo,• t „one het „Mee .ls• tltrp corm dentnl.ad m :met
<br />whist >trutnl 0 ,ela,.e I►uoeMe P,•wer e•f Al4ens•t .and u. koe,wh +hr• +i tan• .era. Ue 1,- ha+ ••r Iwr t,duetim out nodded
<br />IN TEKTIMtINY WHEKVOF. I lute Mrrunto. outrs nbtd cot name and ..tfies I m fossil m-al tttho dsa end v ar laic nh,e r aniten
<br />at NIU
<br />cs tiebtitt a�,
<br />b l' tt 4 IiAlli'e -A _ .:.e.,., told•,
<br />'t ..- W. rr.r r lean kE Ill. i
<br />The Northeast quarter (NE 1 /4) of the Northeast quarter (NL 114)
<br />II of Section Twenty-five (25) , Township Twelve North (141N). Mange
<br />;# t Nine (9). West of the 6th P.M., Nell County. NE.
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