<br />(1 Yet Treasttty tttdex- ltataCaps)
<br />TIiIS ADJUSPABU RATE RIDER is made tAis — Z9 day of June .19 89 -
<br />and is ittoorpciMed into and shill be deetneil to amend and supplernmi the :Mortgage. Deed of Trust. or Security Deed (the "Security
<br />lmttu rent ") of the same due riven by the urdetrarned (the • 'Borrower") to smure Borrowex's Adjustable Lute Note (the "Note") to HWE
<br />F rltAl. M—WAIM i LOAN ASaOCMMM9 G.M1MD iMAND, NEBRASKA (the "tender ") of the same date and covering the
<br />prgcmydescribadintheSecuritylntsrumented lowed-at:
<br />622 South Kimball, Grand Island, Ne
<br />(Property Address)
<br />Tbb sale eaMBma gretwhis abw* tae clieft" Is my 3alercat ate Md my asn"
<br />paJ ee M 76ia tttttrit airs lmft trite stowat mdr katrtreat nu cart elisage at atq axaa dw Md
<br />abe ttrt ombdmitta aaf tie anctkma rate 1 trtttttai stay
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. in addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender
<br />further coenant and agree-as follows:
<br />A. t1V VMT KAU AND MONTHL -d PAbW �
<br />'3.Z�.
<br />The Note provides f.'f*r an initial interest rate of _ !',. Seccurr. x rat the Note provide for changes in the interest nu and the
<br />moothly payments. tntqpUcows:
<br />4. LTftLt'BEST PATE AND ;tlCE :V7111_ Y PAVMFNT CrfA'Vla;Cs
<br />W- Change Dan
<br />The interest rate I will pay rnay change on the first day of , August _ M 90 . and on that duty every
<br />twr,2 u_e _ _ months thereafter. Each date on W hieh my interest rate could change is called 7 "Clta lgitDate."
<br />(B) Tfeiriiea
<br />Orginnity with the first chatgg .4itc. my Interest rate will he based on an Index. "The "Indot" is the weekly average yield on United States
<br />Treasury securities adjusted to a cmhant maturi.y of 1 year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure
<br />available as of the des.t rS days before iaach Change pate is called the "Current inden." -
<br />if the index is od&w ff a.arlabk, the Nate Holder wirl choose a new index which is based upon comparable inftdrw. Lion. The Nate
<br />. Holder rills give me notice of this chr*rac.
<br />iii „,taitMninN Cho"
<br />.'!.
<br />Before each Chu W Date. the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rite by addtttg ' F•O t t �."3 `=• �w haLf percentage `
<br />points( z,,ws. .4t) to the Current rode+ and rounding to the neareit 1 /Sth of i r., subject to lire lli:tibditated in Section QD) below.
<br />'Msrrtrtttded amount wili be my new interest rate until the next Charsge pate.
<br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would ')se_ suf`cicnt to repay in full the principal l am
<br />expected to owe or: that Change Date in substanttally equal payments by the matumv date at my new interest rate. The result of this calculation
<br />will be the new amount of my monthly payrricni.
<br />(D) Uri tb trine lowe t Rafe (Uwam
<br />T?!c interest rate I am required to pay at the firs. Rang- Date will not be s" „rote than ..__.__����r�,!a or less than
<br />Ki. Thereafter. ny interest rate milt re%cr tx spar;, iao-1 cu drereasrd con an4 ;, il)ec: hange pate by more q it r'''---=- •^p. --= t= ^t
<br />,' f = of interest L hoc been pay mg f our�"o.M; �edi ng m c k c m rmt h. I hrr:3,nrt(mm i rnr`rs i rate on tii'is Win will rsever be
<br />�--- '. 7 bb U
<br />tessthan.. Nand thentaumuti!.aris 7tralev.i :!t :escr tic greater than
<br />• (EI iRlltltfitrt'ulttt of t'iumn
<br />My new ►merest rate will bermvwaf3. :;ti>e', n acts(. hange L13te. 1 will pay the amount of my new monthl}• payment beginning on the first
<br />ttsonlhly payment dat2after tf:e t 'htinaY site uni,P the amount cif my monthly pavmrnt ch3ngL5 ag,in_
<br />tt) �itrttice of C'Aleagea 1°�
<br />Th e%'ol cHr• 1 .t:1;••'wUi mad c!rdchtertameiz tcehcforcrach(hangeW.%- Ihrnut!.r%di4dsnerncuf:
<br />its the rew interest s are ^n my loan aisof the k hanget)a%
<br />}n1 the amount of trs tntymbly pa)Tnent fuL'cswmp. ; :}cr'C ttan� a Vale.
<br />Wit any additional myaie ri% hich the N .jeHaiJetetreyuued1od- .%Jmc.and
<br />Uc1 the . rrgard! nganyquesuonaahoste�ead ;urtnunt•r,tuee.
<br />i. CHARMS; UE\S I . .
<br />Uniforttt covenant s of the 16:wvty Mtt:l atrtent is amended tomAd as follows
<br />g. fter”; tAm. lSar;rker shall pay all rates, askssrnmis. and other charges, finis. and impositions attr;'nuluble to the Property which may
<br />attain t ptiurtty ot'e► this Sircmity lnstryment, anri leatthulQpa t :rt(ms of ground ter►c, if any, in the manner pro%ided under paragfaph 2 hereof
<br />err, if nol paid to such wAnner, by Borrowr. n:akmilpaymcni.who due, directly to the payee thereof. Butrutter ~hall promptly furnish Lender
<br />all noom of amounts due under this pisrairtfph, and it) the et eat 13e110wer shall make payment (hrectly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Lender receipts okknong such payments Burrower shall promptly discharge any but which ha. priority O%cT !his lwtulity Instrument;
<br />howner, Wmrsev shat) Erin lie requsfe•d to drn'rarge any ss_a Len so lung as fk -t-or ia) r.hai) agree to writing it, the payment of the
<br />obit mwn ter:ured by su:h lien on :he rnanwr acceptable toi 1(rider. f b) shall to good faith contest sue h Jim try. ort defend against enforcement of
<br />wch lien rn, kgal txc :etdirtgs whtth in the (gip :morn off ende► o poste to pun eat the enfu%ement of the ben or forfnture of the property et any
<br />Pat( thintof; or to f ha'l tarure fmm the holder cif •.uO lien an «gteement in a form rar!sfactory to Lender suborrdmating tuck lien to this
<br />Stcur,ty Instrument
<br />If I.tnder deferinines that adl or any part o! the Property is sabiecr to a lien which ttiay attain a priority our 'thrs .Security Inftrunient,
<br />1_cnkr shall a1te Btaroves a nt2Ll-�r tdentlf %ing i:k.;h lice Kn -ttner tkaic cztxcfe civh Ism er take t.nj! o! Sat•!: it !! : _'tom t:° rY li`!t�! *4ri
<br />wr, hin ten des f's of r he gr>.rrg of (!re "fo-
<br />' C'. %.OIK'E
<br />LeifXI" t cnevrart to of the Smu!itc intrtu.sntm I: attien-k -J to read at 1(14,* .
<br />14, NoGh t. li c•.r t f•-t rrn> s: +at,:- resia:rcd i.r }rt ;tiyyit.ahir law to lie g!ten In aril ?h *_s 1`11.3nrer, fat ant r : :, :,e t,• Hwr,•urr rri walcJ if sit rfn.
<br />tic trr4t' Too unr!t *i'.it -egrter:h.Qc;.•.r'.! :pit :fti,rsni;;rigitt) fit .sc!s; nis :l w, lit Vt,. -.wr•: < ?,1•t.ccsa •:r,'::iris5AJ•c-
<br />ac 1f!,,t �c ■tf f'aF ^' 'd'?- by .--... a tic } f7 je? a; rrr -li. i t r. ri -
<br />rt .._ .. 3s...t=., .a;.t1. ^.ts - :.s :e ,F� °:1:'• '•���i�;;•. .;. .�.t•. 'ir.�•
<br />�;� :r• :__uaItst[ ..t!. h: its.`, Jrc- •s :trxtt :rn ;.dc,
<br />pr- yrr,_p,, !rft,:••,y:•:r tr•t_c.'rt ^`r•r4 :r _;i :••..,'t!.�r't' :
<br />. i'ii'..- .. r ! : c:r - r' • f•a;r t- r; v .tt� r73S tra�r7 . . f r. ^. `:7 p
<br />foe.
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