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NON•UNIFOt MCIO VENAtiiT9- Itorrowe rattdtenderfurtltercovenantOWIS eeasfollows: 14419 <br />tt►. Araeekratia� Rtwaiia11. hsdsr aiW she saline a 18errsww pwMr t. wceieeaNaa tolMwias Borrowel�i <br />rra11tiaf oary estsnastsrartae11sest irtfW Swwrity Lstetasaat (Mt sat grist tssooeieratiw atatitr Parsls*itgY ll3nai I7 <br />is kM apptiaik kw pewrMae -dw wiae).Mende* tin a pW. (a) tie d11krt14 (Wile tttaiert e.Mir1 a care the <br />tiadlit ■streeraddolnd (e)adao, melon dw Xlylaa ftil ie tu 60 k *MM 11errswe. ry to <br />{ ' 111111 (b tW flaitctre t. eae dts tlla4tsit as ar iefl�re tieieM epet4Nad 1. lice tseiee � � 1111 aeesNtrttiset of t!e asst <br />{ saesrstt ty flap. Soetsaity iaatrrsaast hall no of tie Pewputyr. Tie "ate am harem fafort• ■arrewae of &* rl* to <br />rsisaeala shat asp tit rw a rWE a stet neMw a or11ert tltt s oaeiaotatsea of a defiaait or'way o" <br />irtws��rco+ retrllot�aaiattie .IttieMfat■itiewotearedt�et; refire tieistesNei�etiatiet[,eenle: <br />ao iltt spth11 my rtMctirt imtleaiiatt pqateat iA iW at an smooi asesrad y trig Stewity I11141MMMst witieot ft &" <br />t>weat M" May iatwre tie pewee of hale and say "W r ioneihe Maales" idr "out" law. >Erw w"M mill ti ft. <br />ealket IN aspsaaw I wrrM its s rwdt - tie tuna. pro�idai is " to e A, i!, iarlodit rat ast limpet ew <br />reaaaaaMe ma no yes' fan ow "O etwk fiMloe. <br />U tie w~ of oak b ieseio Truan iW rs-w a nedea of datwh its aasei esaeoy im weld tray► pmt at tit <br />Ps"wey is is tie smoi nr prsur0 by a/flieaik Yw t. Bw sww awitbsdw <br />otliw pffM s pea - ai by q*Mmbk law. Aft or tie dw ratiWM by applkark taw, T= MK tiara Ofes P& k MdM of <br />wk 10. Nttt pp asd t• tit taataiw11r prwt 0 - l bj applicolik law. Trustee. withut dencoW as Barrssrer,111111M sett file <br />pnVert)r;M N k attic dm Is ftM000e under at the don and place Food under tie terw ilosiguand in tie attimetak is <br />oae ar .late pretels�lilailiiaaa►y ot�itrTnataedeterssi11w. Tradse � pastpasetste of W ore sty prrtstoitiel�»per'ty iy _. <br />psrik masaace trk a t(te dog MW pliew of =Y PC k8d) aeiai11tai .ale. leader or ib dOdiP t stay' Pwcho11r tlla <br />. Propertllataay11tii�..: :.:: _.. <br />VV" rsetsipt uf payrwestR nE tie p kv MC TnwW eltall irlirer to tit psreiaaer Traatse's deed cesveyfft dw' <br />Proorlty: lie rt eitais in ties Tiff's pee/ stall be prim Me a I ldm a of tk <br />fell ft# of Ibt aeaereM wain Henia, <br />Tom"" apy iapesem i ttiWak ise wo11 w: (ato W p <br />ai bKk db& boom Merited <br />tee. Trrtese'a fees r petaMtesd b applicant ltito asd rsraa111, atteetseys'titer. tr)tmsl! s iaaewe! b trill Ssearity <br />Imago w; MW (e) arty ettetaa le d a pens" sr Tura voo loolly "MW to it. <br />fi taler 111 laweaaia11. Upon accelention under paragraph 14 or ab11nsitin'rt'ixa t'ef•the Propen�': Leader (in <br />person. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upee; tAv pomession of alt(t nsartage the <br />Property and to collau.the rents of the Property nncl,tdinS those past due. Any rents colbmte by Lender oithe receiver <br />shall be applied Am aa payment of the costs of Management of the Property and collection of irents, including, but not <br />limited to. receiver's- fi=,. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and titers to, the sums seared by <br />thisSecr ty Instruttient. <br />2L.. totmatttyttaxe. Upw .Vowment of all sums secured by this Security instuummt, Lender shalt regtmirTrustee to <br />reconve$ %fe Property and shall surrender this Security 17sminent and all notes evidencing debt secured b) this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconveW'Me Propeatyviithout warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />leWly entitled to it. Such person or persons shall Pay any sbriXdation costa. <br />22. StsratitMe TrmteL Lcral=. at its option. may fftmmt time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Truster. appointed heretx %k!rvy an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument i�.ecorded. <br />Without conveyance. tiithe PN-9mi, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23. Rogwo tar Nodetw. Sc rower requests that copies of the notices of default and sak be sent to Bonawer "s <br />address which is the Property Atli. <br />24. Runts to this SKwky iastrostrat. if one or more riders are executed by Stirrower and rocorded Nether with <br />this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and sh9l amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. (Cheek applw&W box(es)) <br />Adjustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Fanuly hider <br />Li <br />(] Graduated Payment Rider I%nned Unit Development Rider <br />Q Othieds) [specify) Acknowledgement <br />BY SIGNING RHAM Borrower accepts and agrees to the t and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any nder(s) executed by Borrower and rawded wit <br />............. ............................... . /....t.. /� (Seal) <br />crJtt %J. ElrunZell <br />................... • •.... ..... _............... .. ........... - <br />Bart•ar,l L. Br +.}nzell } <br />STATt': Pilf NEBRASKA, Hall County'�rt:. <br />4.; f <br />On this 7tit' day of t ,14 89. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personalty came Scott V. Bruntell and Barbara <br />L. Brunrell, Husband and Wife . to me known to be the <br />identical personts) whose namcis) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand island, ":ebr-iska in said county, the <br />date.4ttnesaid. �, <br />L................ . <br />tt IM Naiirrr publ" <br />RFQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />'Ito Im.%Fit <br />1hr tindettiAlted to tht holclef 41f the cote tit notes secured by thin Deed iif Trust- Said none tit itotcc, ltigoltet <br />%sih all t,rher ,rulchscdnces tecured by chi; [teed of Trust. hale been paid in full You are hcfcb;, dirccted it,t,.alt <br />r ;we if no!tl: attil this, heed tit Ttuo, wht_h are deli and hereh). and to rcctim", without warrant%, Al the otatr <br />no* tv:t titider ih!% heed tit Toil-it err the petHUli ter ttermins legally entitled th tctty <br />I ate <br />k <br />r• <br />li <br />