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200400023 201905 / 39 <br />Section 3. Alterations or Enlar9ement of Common Elements by Association. <br />There shall be no enlargement of the common elements and improvements on Outlots A, <br />B, and C, and nor addition thereto if such enlargement or addition shall cost more than Five <br />Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) during any single fiscal year, unless and until such a proposal is <br />approved in writing by owners holding at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the <br />Association. <br />ARTICLE VIII. RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS <br />Section 1. Use Restrictions. <br />In order to provide for congenial occupancy of the condominium and for the protection of <br />the value of the units, the use of the property shall be restricted to and shall be in accordance with <br />the following provisions: <br />(a) The units shall be used for residences only by the owner or owners <br />thereof, their families, guests, invitees, lessees, and licensees. All <br />occupants shall be 55 years of age or older. Each unit shall be <br />allowed to have guests under said age for a period of no more than <br />two (2) weeks in any given year period. <br />(b) The common areas and facilities, and those improvements on <br />Outlots A, B, and C, including the limited common areas and <br />facilities, shall be used only for the furnishing of the services and <br />facilities for which they are reasonably suited and which are incident <br />to the use and occupancy of the units. <br />(c) No nuisances shall be allowed on any condominium property nor <br />shall any use or practice be allowed which is a source of annoyance <br />to Its residents or which interferes with the peaceful possession or <br />proper use of any condominium property. <br />(d) No improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be made of any <br />condominium property or any part thereof, and all valid laws, zoning <br />laws and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction <br />thereof shall be observed. Violations of laws, orders, rules, <br />regulations or requirements of any governmental agency having <br />jurisdiction thereof, relating to any portion of the condominium <br />property shall be corrected, by and at the sole expense of the unit <br />owners or the Executive Board, whichever shall have the obligation <br />to maintain or repair such portion of the condominium property. <br />(e) The Executive Board shall have authority to proscribe the storage of <br />fuel, explosives, chemicals and any other material it deems <br />hazardous in units or garages. <br />Section 2. Rules of Conduct. <br />Rules and regulation concerning the use of the units, the garages and the common areas <br />and facilities and improvements on Outlots A, B, and C, including the limited common areas and <br />facilities, and any subjects set forth in the Master Deed and Declaration, may be promulgated and <br />amended by the Executive Board. Copies of such rules and regulations shall be furnished by the <br />Executive Board to each unit owner prior to the time when the same shall become effective. <br />Section 3, Right of Access, <br />A unit owner shall grant a right of access to his unit or garage to the manager and/or <br />managing agent and/or any other person authorized by the Executive Board, the manager or the <br />managing agent, for the purpose of making inspections or for the purpose of correcting any <br />condition originating in his unit or garage and threatening another unit or garage or a common area <br />or facility, or for the purpose of performing installations, alterations or repairs to the mechanical or <br />electrical services or other facilities in his unit or garage or elsewhere in the buildings, provided that <br />requests for entry are made in advance and that any such entry is at a time reasonably convenient <br />11 <br />
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