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2019`35439 <br />200400023 <br />The first interim assessment shall accrue, as to a purchaser of a unit from Declarant upon <br />the first day of the next calendar month following the date of closing. Interim assessments shall <br />become due and payable upon the first day of each calendar month. <br />Section 4. Special Assessments. <br />Special assessments may be assessed and levied against each unit in addition to the <br />annual or interim assessments provided for above, during any assessment year for the purpose <br />of defraying, In whole or In part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair <br />or replacement of a capital improvement of the common element including fixtures and personal <br />property, and including improvements on Outlots A, B, and C, and their improvements subject to <br />the owner approval provisions of the Master Deed and Declaration and these By -Laws. Where no <br />provision is applicable, the discretion of the Executive Board shall control. <br />Special assessments shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after the assessment is <br />levied against the owners and notice thereof has been given, and special assessments not paid <br />within thirty (30) days thereafter shall be treated according to the interest and lien provisions <br />hereafter. <br />Section 5. Escrow of Assessments. <br />The Directors of the Association may arrange to have all assessments in Section 4 of Article <br />V paid to an escrow fund to be held and managed by a bank or savings and loan association. <br />Section 6. Personal Assessment Liability. <br />Each unit owner or, if more than one, owners, jointly and severally, shall be personally liable <br />for the payment of assessments under the preceding Sections. Upon the expiration of thirty (30) <br />days from the due date of an assessment, if said assessment remains unpaid, the Association may <br />bring suit against the owner or owners of said unit for recovery of the same. If the assessment is <br />a monthly installment of an annual assessment, the default in payment of one installment when <br />due, may, at the option of the Association, cause the remainder of the installments due for that <br />annual period to become immediately due and payable. The defaulting unit owner shall be liable <br />for the unpaid assessment or assessments, interest thereon from the due date to the date paid at <br />the highest legal rate, and attorney fees and expenses incurred in the collection of the same. No <br />proceeding to collect defaulted assessments pursuant to this Section shall constitute a waiver of <br />the lien of the Association against said defaulting owner's unit nor a waiver of the right of the <br />Association to foreclose thereon. <br />The grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid <br />assessments against the latter up to the time of the grantor conveyance, without prejudice to the <br />grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor, provided, <br />however, that upon payment of a reasonable fee and upon written request, any such prospective <br />grantee shall be entitled to a statement from the Executive Board or the Manager, in the form set <br />forth in Section 8 of Article V, which shall be conclusive upon the Association in favor of all persons <br />relying thereon in good faith. Unless such request for a statement of indebtedness shall be <br />complied with within fifteen (15) days of such request, then such grantee shall not be liable for, nor <br />shall the condominium unit conveyed be subject to a lien for any unpaid assessments accruing <br />prior to the date of such request. <br />The provisions set forth in this Section shall not apply to the initial sales and conveyances <br />of the condominium units made by the Declarant, and such sales shall be free from all <br />assessments to the date of conveyance. <br />Section 7. Assessment Lien, <br />If any unit owner shall fail or refuse to make any payment of an assessment when due, the <br />amount thereof shall constitute a lien on the interest of the unit owner in his unit and the Directors <br />may record such lien in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska; whereupon, <br />said lien shall be privileged over and prior to all liens and encumbrances except assessments, liens <br />and charges for taxes past due and unpaid on the unit and except prior duly recorded mortgage <br />and lien instruments. Assessments delinquent more than ten (10) days after the due date shall <br />bear interest at the highest legal rate from the due date until paid. The delinquency of one <br />installment of an annual assessment shall cause all remaining installments, at the option of the <br />8 <br />