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4VlUe10IOU <br />200400023 <br />(d) Employment and dismissal of the personnel necessary for the <br />maintenance and operation of the general common areas, limited <br />common areas, and facilities and Outlots A, B, and C, and the <br />improvements thereon. <br />(e) Adoption and amendment of rules and regulations covering the <br />details of the operation and use of the condominium and OuUots A, <br />B, and C, and the improvements thereon. <br />(f) Opening of bank accounts on behalf of the Association and <br />designating the signatories required therefor. <br />(g) Obtaining the insurance for the Condominium and Outlots A, B, and <br />C, pursuant to Article VI, Section 1. <br />(h) Making of repairs, additions and improvements to, or alterations of <br />the condominium and Outlots A, B, and C, and repairs to, <br />replacement and restoration of the condominium and Outlots A, B, <br />and C, in accordance with the other provisions of these By -Laws, <br />after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty or as a result of <br />condemnation or eminent domain proceedings. <br />Section 3. Managing Agent and Manager. <br />The Executive Board may employ for the condominium a managing agent and/or a manager <br />at a compensation established by the Executive Board, to perform such duties and services as the <br />Executive Board shall authorize, including but not limited to the duties listed in subdivisions (a), (c), <br />(d), (g) and (h) of Section 2 of this Article III. The Executive Board may delegate to the manager <br />or managing agent, all of the powers granted to the Executive Board by these By -Laws other than <br />the powers set forth in subdivisions (b), (e), and (f), of Section 2 of this Article III. <br />Section 4. Election and Term. <br />The members of the Executive Board shall be elected to serve until the next annual meeting <br />of the Association. Each Executive Board Director shall be elected to serve a term of one (1) year <br />or until his successor shall have been duly elected by the Association. Directors shall be elected <br />by majority vote of the members, there being one vote for each unit in the condominium. <br />Section 5. Removal of Directors. <br />At any regular or special meeting of the Association, any one or more of the members of <br />the Executive Board may be removed with or without cause by a vote of a majority of the members <br />and a successor may then and there or thereafter be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. Any <br />members of the Executive Board whose removal has been proposed by the Association owners <br />shall be given reasonable notice of and an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. <br />Section 6. Vacancies. <br />Vacancies in the Executive Board caused by any reason other than the removal of a <br />member thereof by a vote of the Association shall be filled by vote of a majority of the remaining <br />Directors at a special meeting of the Executive Board held for that purpose promptly after the <br />occurrence of any such vacancy, even though the members present at such meeting may <br />constitute less than a quorum, and each person so elected shall be a member of the Executive <br />Board for the remainder of the term of the member so removed and until a successor shall be <br />elected at the next annual meeting of the Association. <br />Section 7. Annual Board Meeting, <br />The annual meeting of the members of the Executive Board shall be held immediately <br />following the annual meeting of the Association, at such time and place as shall be fixed by the <br />Association at the meeting at which such Executive Board shall have been elected, and no notice <br />shall be necessary to the newly elected members of the Executive Board in order to legally <br />constitute such meeting, providing a majority of the whole Executive Board shall be present thereat. <br />4 <br />