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201905439' <br />200400023 <br />BY-LAWS OF <br />THE VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. <br />ARTICLE I, BY-LAWS <br />Section 1, Description. <br />These are the By -Laws of The Village Condominium Unit Owners Association, Inc., a Nebraska <br />Non -Profit Corporation, with its registered offices at 404 Woodland Drive, Grand Island, Nebraska <br />68801. These are also the By -Laws of The Village Condominiums, a condominium. <br />Section 2. Seal. <br />The corporate seal shall bear the name of the corporation and the words "Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Corporate Seal." <br />Section 3. Membership. <br />The corporation has been organized to provide a means of management for all units of The <br />Village Condominiums and the improvements located on Outlots A, B, and C, located in The Village <br />Third Subdivision in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. Membership in the Association is <br />automatically granted and restricted to record owners of units in said condominium. The votes on <br />behalf of a unit shall be in person by the record holder thereof, or by proxy executed, by the person <br />named in a certificate signed by all of the owners of the unit and filed with the Secretary of the <br />Association. Title to units may be taken in the name of an individual or in the names of two or more <br />persons, as tenants in common or as tenants by the entirety, or in the name of a corporation, <br />partnership, limited liability company, association, trust or other legal entity, or any combination <br />thereof, or in the name of a fiduciary. <br />Section 4. Involved Property. <br />The property described in Article II of the Master Deed and Declaration is located in Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, has been submitted to the provisions of Nebraska Revised Statute <br />Sections 76-825 to 76-894 (Reissue 1996) known as the "Nebraska Condominium Act" by the <br />Master Deed and Declaration recorded simultaneously herewith in the Office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and any and all future units and additional land, hereinafter <br />created by Amendment to this Master Deed and Declaration from within The Village Third <br />Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, shall hereinafter be referred to as the <br />"Condominium". <br />Section 5. Application. <br />All present and future owners, mortgagees, lessees and occupants of condominium units and <br />their employees, and any other persons who may use the facilities of the condominium in any <br />manner are subject to these By -Laws, the Master Deed and Declaration, and the Rules and <br />Regulations. <br />The acceptance of a deed or conveyance or the entering into of a lease or the act of occupancy <br />of a condominium unit shall constitute an agreement that these By -Laws, the Rules and <br />Regulations, and the provisions of the Master Deed and Declaration, as they may be promulgated <br />or amended from time to time, are accepted, ratified, and will be complied with. <br />ARTICLE ll, UNIT OWNERS <br />Section 1. Annual Association Meetings. <br />On April 30, 2004, the first annual meeting of the Association shall be held. Annual meetings <br />shall be held on the 30th day of April of each succeeding year, unless such date shall occur on a <br />1 <br />EXHIBIT "B" <br />