<br />(I Year Treasury index- RateCaps)
<br />THISADJUSTABLE RATE RIDERIs made this 7th day of August
<br />and is incorporated into Bad shaiil be, deemed to amend and supplement the Motigage. Deed of Trust. or Security Deed (the "Security
<br />[r inarunserit ") of the same date given by the undersigned (Qx "Borrower ") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to HOME
<br />1f�i 11 & SAVINGS i LOM AMOCIANAI OF QMV ISLAND, NEBRASKA ( the "I ender.') of the same date and covering the
<br />property described in the Security Itntrument and located at:
<br />1402 N. Walnut# Wood River, Nebraska and 519 Worth Grace, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />(Property Address)
<br />TW note antaira /Pw:iijew 61114 aft for cart w Is my losorall rate Bari try Braatw
<br />payumb. Tab relate trim Kalb tab a a"d ap Itarreaa due can ckow at any age tibia as&
<br />sUs tie �iraidrrm ani lia>BBxIt�B rate ! wat'< jeep. .
<br />ADDITIONAL COVEN _N4S. In addifwri�to the covariaats and ag!e�tttrat, made in the Secutiri .fii!ti am t, 8ottower and Lender
<br />twitflia: oveeam and salve as fcdkrw.:
<br />A. lAiT TAL.ST 1> TE AIytD 1)i[?N THLY FfinTMEPiT CHAI W
<br />The dote protridca,r?# an iaitral. im.ftest rate, of 8.��ft. �•tion 4 of the Neste provides Grr. rit*itges is ti* i: -tterest rate attd the
<br />tlt�oeit4Ef}`;raytrtettts, ti's fat,t ws :
<br />i. iNT£RC.sT t,4s& AtvQ moNTHLY PAYM£,YT C•HAIVCES
<br />(A) CinrMeilrt+tea
<br />The interest shin twill pay may change on the first day of Sepi;;�Id r _x .'19 sQ • , and on that`iNty:e.xvy
<br />te1D1 ,R =.. nr� s,:!sereafter. Each date on which my interest nwue cl.uld chinpz & fleda "Change Date."
<br />{M) 'tie [lies
<br />Beginning wi« !dbt�t' st Chattyie Date, my interest rate will be based o;i'v ndex. The - Index" is then y average yield on Uni :rd 'e�vlTts
<br />Trtatury seta t;es:iii;+;tt.prJ to a constant maturity of 1 year, as made av!ihTF & by the Federa± R mime Hzia li. The most recent Index 01 Lire
<br />available as of the drte KS'days before each Change Date is called the "Current Index."
<br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will vficose a new index which is based upon comparable ir.:ormation. The Note i
<br />Holder will jive me notit'tof tMichoice. t _=
<br />(C) M chase a —
<br />Beforee"It Change Date, the Nme I {older will calculate my new interest rate by adding. __tW>Land ortelhalf _ --percentage
<br />points to �sl to thefurrent Index and rounding to the nearest i,Nth of lCs, subject to the limits stated in Section 4(0) below.
<br />This rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date,
<br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the principal [ am
<br />expected to owe on that Change i>ste in substantially equal payments by the inatuut v date at my new interest rate. The result of this calculation
<br />will be the new amount of my monthly payment,
<br />(D) us"i"lakteti Itsk t••bame"
<br />The interest rate 1 ain required to pay at the first Change [late will not he greater than 1 Q ;• —aye or less than
<br />I , Ca 1 htteaffef, tn) in let cst rate wilt newt he na:tcascd ter tick teaud nn any slngte Change Ua „• ^° soznl I hall +s:, Ilerrvn*
<br />from the rate of tntereet I have been payura for the prcccdlng t.+rtve month%. f he m!nimt+.ra; :kr, %:: :1 !ate on this loan will neverbe
<br />less than __-6-511
<br />_._h • 50 __. __ I'i and the maximum interest rate will never he greater than
<br />(FI FIltt+rNee (tale d d'Mrrgn '
<br />My new interest rate %ill become effntrse can each Change Wi I µd1 pas the amount of my new tr;.;cr, *. :y payment beginning on the first
<br />monthly paytnar'm(We after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly pavnicnt changes again.
<br />it) :VotblaettMBgea
<br />'The Note flofder will mail ur delivu to s c o nnucc tmf; rc rsch t 'hamlet teat f he rui r.,l u ill advise rte (it;
<br />p) the new mteresf tatcun my town as t +f the < hanhr f �atc, ' ",• �'
<br />(ii) theamount of my monthly pa)mcni folluwing the( hangs Date;
<br />tt
<br />(iii) any aildunxtalmatters which the Note Balder r. rcgtmcd to ihkcta• :e. and
<br />pv) the address of the asioLt.ition tau could Low;w.t regarding any quest ;om; shout eke adjustrrtenn rtorxt
<br />W CHAIWA;1AF;.NS
<br />t;niform C ovenant 4 of t he 5ecuritv In st runicm N amended to read ai follnw sr
<br />i, (%w M; !Auras. Botrower !.hall pay all taxi,!. di,icisrncnri. anti ulhci .:harRe., fines, and impositions attributable to the Property which may
<br />attain a priority over Iris. Sectstrt,.. i,°norument, and leasehold payments of ground rents, if ore.) , in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />orr.rfi ;nor paid in ttxh rrarlrwye Witower making paymenr, when due, directly to the ra,-me 'hereof. Borrower +hall promptly furnish Under
<br />all notices of amounts due under this patajcojLk and in the event Burrower shall make pjkY,ztent ditectly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />lender rcteiprsr evidericinj such ra)rricntc, ll+,ra, cars shall promptly d,tvharge any lien whith has priority oter this Saurity Instiumcm;
<br />boweva. iYorr~t shall not be required to di�;narje any such hen so lung as Borrower: la) shalt ag,*ec in writing to the payment of the
<br />obiination +reared by such Lien to the manner ncceptabte to Itrder, (bl shall in good faiih contest such lien by, or defend against enforcement of
<br />trails b0 Mr. k5W prose edinjs wbich ut the opmion of I ride ! ;4wrate to prevent the enfuA,. mrnt of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any
<br />part tlbet<tte>'I; or to shall secure friwn the holder of suer: )fat an agreement in a form sa:{ ,a :;t ±ry to ).ender subordinating such lien to this
<br />Security Instrtt®eat.
<br />if Limier datemins that all or any pan of the Vrt43,etty is cubit a :t a lien trhlLh tna +: 3 +. , ;,a at priority uvef this Se:unty Insttuatent. t
<br />1Xadrr shall give Borrower a notice identifying such pert f• ,!.w•er shall satisfy such Ga_ti sit Wke one Of mo►e of tit:- actions set With above
<br />"hilt ten days of the giving ofthem*ice.
<br />t . MlTFf*
<br />f;ruf liffi kntrant 14 of file` mutt€ y Inv. unrentrvatttemk(Ito read asfu !tows
<br />14. ~olive, I t ;rp! for &ny n'�tt_e tcg:s:fc:l undc* appitiabletatw to be given in anottitf man:)et, ( ;if an ni,tr +e rn (;r,rr„•. +cr rrt•v tdci h+r in thi+
<br />=.ertit,!Y Ili Elf t tit :tA441hcttvsn}TG i +e * :. +lC +fvttvrifartingit t +vilest!.titsr,1111ltoFf!MWI!a1 the Il rzpv !tvA.1dre;,vratinchofhrruddics4
<br />75 W!ltYAdf t4by Clti_Slia!t f t. W'ar, !tf I claret at t.7uufltd hr!etn, and rh) any GD'tft rev [ q,+lir .h•tli 1'C F, +tit t'+ !lr.1 t 1 s+v nt�l: t•+ ! Clttfrr'. !r.- �
<br />fi, tt :,a"thrt aAl .r :vas; tl Cd: tnaVazsv1AtrtW tutwe!ftlr.lfro.Acr A: t':.. a : :d herein grit rot-, e, t'4 .IcAf,
<br />k' :'•,..`Jt!•-. :h;'iart :iz!Z;3 r,e :`.crn� :Jr_: t:a•c'z.-ri i% r•'tr,+Fk,tr•rw :f fit I1't £ry Vii ;Vt �..r rn
<br />P. tri_ -...1 �.ifc,: ••e;l;iltr7
<br />