<br />awKs
<br />IMP" JLU4178
<br />This Assignment, made this_ 27 day of July , 19-0— by and
<br />betwwnn ' Ronald E. Grexa. Ai Single „Person
<br />( "Assignor "), and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ( "Assignee'!.
<br />It is agreed as follows:
<br />1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement:
<br />A. inean that certain Deed of Trust in the principal sum
<br />ofS 32.000.00 dated July 27
<br />executers by Ronald 1. Girexa , as Trustor, to NORWEST BANK
<br />NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Beneficiary, upon the real estate and improvements
<br />described in Exhibit "A". nd by this reference incorporated herein.
<br />Provided e ow
<br />B. "Note" shall mean that certain note secured by the $ 32.090, 00
<br />Deed of Trust, executed contemporaneously therewith by Ronald E. Grexa
<br />as maker, and NORWL -ST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br />NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, av pajree, and secured by the Deed of Trust
<br />C. 'loan" as hirri,'iafter used, shag mean the loan in the amoitrat of $32.000.00
<br />--- as "- ,Ionced ay,- the note and secured by the Deed of Trust, as well as any pdw.
<br />securing instruments.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, for and in cons0earution of the making and funding of said Loan, and for
<br />other good and vafuabP9 consideration, the rewipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Assignor, for itself,
<br />its successors, personal representatives, heirs and assigns, has bargained, sold, transferred, assigned,
<br />conveyed, set over and delivered, and by these presents dues hereby bargain, sell, transfer, assign, and'
<br />convey as security for the repayment of the above described indebtedness and the payment and per-
<br />formance of all of ft. terms and conditions of the Note and Mortgage evidencing the same, and any
<br />and all amendments, a:xtensions and renewals thereof, all lasses now or hereafter executed affecting.. '
<br />the Mortgaged Piemist .,ar,d ali,.rernts, issues, profits and income and sums of rr amy which may neW.
<br />or hereafter be or beezv, cf�"4. � r awing under and by virtue of said leases, Aifaihp the intention ,
<br />.hereby to establish a<(roniplete transfer and assignment of the /eases hereby assigned and all the availt;
<br />thm etrnder unto thw A usignee, its successoest Ladd assigns, together with the right, but without the
<br />oblipation, to collect all of the said rents, issues, profits and income arising or accruing, or which may
<br />become due at anytime during the life of this Assigmmeo r., Assignor further agrees, upon demand ;
<br />. thereof, to deliver to and deposit said leases with Assigi:.
<br />Assignor hereby designates, constitutes and apptrhz Assigaw, its successors and assigns, with
<br />fullpower of substitution, its true and lawful attorney with power for it and in its name, place and
<br />steead, for ii :.'the name. of Ass*ee, to ask, demand, collect, receive, receipt MV Five full and com-
<br />plot# w.quittsnces for any and all rents, issues, profits and income fiEreby assigned which may become
<br />dim a )vo`iaayable by lessees or other occuw is of the Mortgaged Promises; and at its discretion to file
<br />any v4mraar take any other action or prod.: ediny to make anysett/ement of any claim, either in its
<br />own nab of in the name of Assignor, or atherolse, which the Assignee, or any successor may deem
<br />desirable in order to collect and enforce the payment of any and all rents, issues, profits and income .
<br />herein aaioned. The fessm and occupants of the Mortgaged Premises, or any part hereof, are hereby
<br />expressly authorized and directed to pry all °mts and sums herein assigned which would be payable
<br />to Assignor, except for this Assignment, to th. Assignee, and to transmit and deliver such payment
<br />to the Assignee or such nominee as it may designate ih writing, delivered to and received by such
<br />lessee or occupant, who is expressly relieved of any and all duty, liability or obligation to the
<br />Assignor in respect of all payments so made.
<br />Assignee shill be, and hereby is, vested with full power to use all such measures, legal and
<br />equitable, as in its discretion may be deemed necessary or proper to enforce this Agreement and
<br />to colAnct the rents, issues, profits and income assigned hereunder, including the right to enter upon
<br />dw premises and to take panession thereof, and Assignor hereby grants full Gower and authority
<br />to the Assignee to exercise all rights, privilegeer ants powers herein granters at any and all times here-
<br />after, without notice to Assignor, with full power to use and apply all of the rents, issues, profits and
<br />income herein assigned to the payments of any indebtedness or liability of the Assignor to th,_.
<br />LAssignee#, in such order as Assignee may determine.
<br />ek C.IXG OTC; PV., t{'g!s
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