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UCC DESCRIPTION <br />I• <br />89- 104177 <br />E~ A aftdwd So 0%mmltg SUI&P& t d lod <br />DSMW. RONALD E. GREXA <br />Swuredftdy NQRWEST BANK <br />V* AW&mkg Sbftvw t covers go MA3* rg to or limns afPt�ops►`l�r;; . <br />li <br />(a) 4k inventory of Debtor, whether now owned ors hereafter acq� tire's' di da wherever located; <br />(b) All equipment of Debtor, whether now owned cr hereafter acquired, including but not Anti bad to all present and <br />Future machinery, vehicles, furniture, AwGure s,f manufacturing arlu pment, farm machinery. end equipment, shop <br />i/:rrunt, office and r?cardkeeping equipment, ,carts and tealaa, and the goods descriny�%�' n any equipment <br />s AWNle or list lunished to Secured Party by Ote ktor (lrc;, ro sc, .•I±4thecdule or list need' be AvI- :i;shed in order for <br />9 z meurity interest to be valid as to all of Dcrbrar's equipment). <br />0 (a) All farm products of Debtor, whett�ar:-pow cm.—.d or hereafter acquired, includingfrr rt ttotlimited to Wall poultry <br />arcv !west+ k and their young, products. thetrie4f and produce thereof, liif all craps, whethe- annual of perennial, <br />� ' the products thereof, and Girl ail f�erd; xet�4; fertiliser, rrredicines and other supplie, rs ed or produced by <br />L1el -tor in farming operations, Owl anjr Llf "V (insurance payments and any government farim support payments, <br />including any diversion or deficrenr..,r mi.yraenrs. The real estate concerned with th4c ,;'?.avedcscribedcrops,growing <br />or to be grown is. <br />and to name of the record owpwr r' <br />® (d i tr,V h and every right of Deb-tar to the no;lt'rrer;i ; qr; money, whether such right to pa ymr- z 1"O w exists or hereafter <br />,�r;`yt whether such right to payrnent :: ± rsx�t:,,tf a safe, lease or other disposition? of ., xrfls or other property <br />4y:. .Debtor, out of a rendering Gf sgIVIO3 s by bdtor, out of a loan by Debtor, v4.,t of the u, rpayment of taxes or <br />iJti<e!r liabilities of Debtor, ararlierY, me arises under any contract or agrcemt;.: ,.t svoM then such right to payment is <br />Klr� 43 not already earner' by Veriorrhi nce, and howsoever f�fch right ta) lrayrr,s'nt may be evidenced, together with <br />plf t, (,he► rights and rntenast:t (ineludingall lfer a :�d serurr.t r. ntarrosttl which Dehtor may time have by law <br />cr,igreeren: a.pirse nt dcbtnr of 6t` er nhliyf,'�,JI,Irrnated tG rna%e'any Such pay,"!ti lnt of against any of <br />the properte. of such wroutyr debtor or other obligor; ;a�'9 including but not linlited to allprosentasui ,'.,turedebt <br />instruments, chattel papers, Idaitsar;d obhgations receivaLtn 4;.-ad tax refur►ils, <br />(� (err A , gsr�ral intangibles of C'tabrar, whether now owned or hereafter acquirer/, indelding, sect; apt limited to, appli- <br />;;>rtwt►s for Patents, patteents, cupyrights, trademarks, trade ser•rots, goad will, trade names, customers /rats, permits <br />and franchises, and the t,yhrto use Debtor's name. . <br />A1Werliq of ~ iiom so chwked abni�#, M lisancirg Siwnant skto coretrs: <br />,till substitutions and relatacenwnts for and .0 *ctl ofagy of the foregoing property rot constituting t*nsumer <br />goods and proceeds of any and a ?I at the foregving f%r! b1 And, in the case of all tangible Collateral;, together <br />with all accessions and, except in the case of eontwwr foods, togdiher with to) all accessories, attA.Minents, <br />darts, equipment and repairs now or hereafter �a ached or affixed to or rased in canrection with any suit goods, <br />art, (W all warehouse receipts, biffs of lading jf^il other docurnents of title now or hereafter r'ov r! /rg such goods, <br />L L J <br />in <br />Yom' 1 <br />U <br />