State of Nebraska 8/16/2019 4:00:45 PM PAGE 5/007 Fax Server
<br />NEDgA14-A
<br />NE Sec of State - Robert B Evnen
<br />Filing Document 1908000923-2
<br />Pdmg Date and T. e OS/16/2019 12 56 PM
<br />Pages 1
<br />Notice of State Tax Lien
<br />201904947
<br />This Notice ot State 'Fax Lied o issued by the FirsLireska
<br />IDepertinent xif Eileverithi fo.r uhrseirt texeis adininiefemd by the
<br />Corpiniesloner. iricludind peciabies, interedt, and cosle,
<br />which nro stidwri below, ems &AS from the taxtisytir erld rtpottin
<br />dopzr.thi aftsw emend.1i.e oursv ore 1.'3 lien tor oil property iodated
<br />In The county mid rtghtsto property owned oy The 'hxp:Nyor or
<br />ac -quire d frefore the expiration or tNix I; i.h her; will expire anti
<br />-one unonforct.:›b;,-; 10 years.,•fter the dare of redordlog ho
<br />cr.,utinuarlon statsirnerq is recorded on or prior to the expireficin ot
<br />the prevird,5 lien or continuation et:demerit.
<br />6tor:bto'
<br />Zitil245Ft2.
<br />Nw,kt-KA
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<br />PLE4:1Ettit..)T `...VRtT ihl. $Pe.Cii
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<br />XXX,XX-1797
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<br />August 'I 4, 201
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<br />HALE.
<br />Buz4iness Nome nnti Locution Adc;rtrie ciAg,Tykns Nacq.7.1 arc*
<br />Tax P;ogrsird
<br />Tax Period
<br />CHRiSTiNE M
<br />1619 UhJCC1LN AVE APT
<br />GRAND *LAND NE 50:.3.1
<br />Dale of. Tax Per?. ih?
<br />AsseSsinedt
<br />individual
<br />iptr.tiest Co.eis Teitzsl Due
<br />310
<br />?,12.1331. $143.d5
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