State of Nebraska 8/12/2019 3:26:19 PM PAGE 2/003 Fax Server
<br />NEaR.AKA
<br />NE Sec of State - Robert B Ev nen
<br />Filing Document #: 1908000556-4 Pages 1
<br />Debtor Name RYLE RUSSELL
<br />F ilung Date and Torte 05/12/2 019 12 5 2 Hot
<br />Notice of State Tax Lien
<br />201904809
<br />This Notice ot State Tax tier is issued by the Nebraska Pt EASE 1)0 NOF WHITE IN THIS SPACE
<br />Department of Revenue for unpaid taxes administered by the Tax.
<br />Commissioner. Taxes, including penalties, interest, and costs,
<br />which are shown below, are due from the taxpayer and remain
<br />unpaid after demand. These taxes are a lien for ail property located
<br />in the county and rights to property owned by the taxpayer or
<br />acquired before the expiration of this lien.This lien will expire and
<br />be.come unenforceable 10 steers after the date of recording tt no
<br />continuation statement is recorded on or prior to the expiration of
<br />the previous lien or continuation statement.
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