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201904407 <br />EXHIBIT "A" TO DEED OF TRUST <br />Dated: July 10, 2019 <br />Trustors: Wendy B. Maser and Charles R. Maser <br />Trustee: (Return to): <br />State Bank of Scotia <br />P. O. Box 325 <br />Scotia, NE 68875 <br />The legal description of the property encumbered by this Deed of Trust is as follows: <br />Lot Fifteen (15) in Brach's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />AND <br />A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (W1/4 SWI/4) of Section Twenty One <br />(21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (N W 1!4 SWI/4) of said Section Twenty One (21), as now located, said point being 762.3 <br />feet north from the southeast corner of said NW1/4 SW1/4; running thence north on said east line 75 feet; <br />running thence west at right angels 100 feet; running thence east at right angles 100 feet to the point of <br />beginning, excepting therefrom the county road 33 feet in width on the east side thereof, also known as Lot <br />Sixteen (16), Brach's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />AND <br />A Tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW t/4 SW 1/4), Section Twenty <br />One (21), Township Eleven (1 1) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska; more <br />particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NE Corner of the NW 1./4 of the SW1/4, traversing <br />thence Southerly on the 1/16 line, 305.7 feet to a point; thence Westerly 33.0 feet to the point of beginning, <br />A; thence Southerly, parallel to the 1/16 line, 180.0 feet to Point 13; thence Westerly, 67.0 feet to Point C; <br />thence Southerly, 64.0 feet of Point D; thence Westerly, 122.0 feet to Point E; thence Northerly, 149.15 feet <br />to Point F; thence Northeasterly, 192.75 feet to Point G; thence Easterly 15.45 foot to A the Point of <br />Beginning. • <br />
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