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A <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS - <br />PREPAY(M A�.71PAKANCE CHARGE: livtn thwigh I &I mN have to pa) toorc Than the regular %cheduled nxlnthl) p v)nrm vciia right It ay 1M "10 owing to you in full at any time or to part from time tc +nnic. If the lending institution that buy% my contract ramputr► the fg r chutte daily. <br />11=1111 finance charge will he less if I make an early payment, and it will he higher if 1 Isay late; 1 also nrco nire that any neces%ii adJu +tine o n t All filtaltce <br />charge wi be reflected in my final bill; I deco kru+w that the anawntr vMtwn Ott the revetw std,. for the Finance huge, Total of Payment *, and 11i,td Sak Price wt. <br />estimates d on the assumption that you will receive each of the payments exactly on 0% due date; and I know that there will he no refund i prepa) hecauct there i% <br />rttNidng to ultd it 1 ant r barged on a daily basis. If the lending institution does not compute the ftnme charge daily, and it' I prepay the attount. you will refund <br />to me fhe pronion of the flnarsce chwge I basis.. 11+)• the accounting procedure know n as the actuarial method; and the amcwnl of m bate w ill be figumd on the <br />schediilod and anwunts of my monthly payment and not On the actual dates and amounts of the prrpaynFenn that I pay to )nu. 1 know t t a refund of less than S I.OII <br />will red be . 1 truly voluntarily prepay the amount 1 owe you. to lull car in pan, at any time. If i make a fatal prrpayment. 1 mu% ctlnunue (at nuke m) gesular <br />paymtrw until 1 vc paid all arottints owed. <br />IMPORTANT CE ABOUT WARRANTIES: (a) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EX RESSED OR IMPUED, <br />OF MERC BILITY AND FITNESS FOR �A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL Gi00D8 AND 8ER CES UNLESS SELLER <br />FURNISHES BU ER WIT H A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT DE BY SELLER ON ITS <br />OWN BEHALF tit) have read, in detail, the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract. it explain conditions and circumstances in <br />which the ucts will be repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and 1part aculady gnize that any implied warranty <br />wbich applies to elm grads is only as loo as fit,- warranty or service contract. (c) I have read. in detail, the LIMITED INST I.AI1ON WARRi�N n'- which, <br />if made. accompanies this I. It expwrn the conditions and circumstances in which the �of 1 e siding, siding acces es, and gluten will he redone. 1 <br />nano notice of the limitations the wartanty, and 1 particularly recognize that any Implied warranty which applies to the installation Sts only as long as the warranty or <br />service contract. <br />LN111E0 W JM MR: My sole IS r$me %a loom" yw or you milllit. SUR he limit" to my finds all- feleeedils r till npess IN ym LIMM <br />VAN= fw fudal to fiR a tN the 1 Op tk Collhgct. My oscklsho odds aid ream Wilett tb wuaetr sksll bo u lie of so otMf dom * loodw, <br />i <br />at Mr a 111 flu ", Willem e" stab lair. <br />ALL MAMDFACNREO jS AAE E1DT •GIiARAMTEED AGAINST CONDEMSAiION, MOISNAE fOAMATIOM OR FROST. t�IODU ARE NOT CUARANTEEO ABAINSi CORROSION o0E TO C CONDITIONSN o, READ IT RATE " TEAR LIMITED WARRANTY" WHICH IS A SEPARATE WRITTEN INSTRUMENT PENTAININR SKEL TO MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS OF <br />THE PACESETTER COW0110N AND ICH "LIMITED WARRANiT" HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO EACH RESPECTIVE BUYER ii� CONNEC ON WITH TO SALE. PACESETTER'S <br />11 YEAR LIMITED WMNIMIY AND THE [GOING PROVISIONS REGARDING CONUMPON DO NOT APPLY TO SIDING. <br />FortlMr. IN Pmsttar Corporation kes NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY Of ANY RIND OR NATURE IIiIATSBEYER. Ell ESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO <br />THE ENERGY SAVINGS I COULD OR MAY EVE Of USE OF THE PROOUCT(S). I ollllerstal)d tkat ail ells soli 1 1pr u fin Is depoNent talpta�ll A Ruder of <br />collstllicttell efXaiy NIiN, ■y�jarlicnI life lo�eke 17wa1Nr ofaliPry W- kAela� apt e�.aeai -alp of tkesiie s ot,llW� •COelitl�ossold Iece�Na <br />of airy Me■e, all oral aloe type e1 env cee for Nauq ae/ air coo tien�rpo - Ic• :. , cT ._ .P - <br />SPECiAL-ORDER GOODS- I know that you haveMemured my house and its t Pings wt that yew can make the pmducls i fit m paniculu Ixtme and that the goods <br />probably will rid fit any other houses. so I now shat annoI cancel this contract at any time after the period of tome porn n riot saw in wfiich to cancel. After ilwi <br />legal period of time. I know that 1 have the obhgahon pay ydu in full the amlwnt owed. <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: t finance charge kinIte n% estim teal to start within ill days n fhr date of this contract, euept in the event gyoat complete the installation of the goods and services an an Iher date. then t T- Ifargoc ntcrest 1 wall htgin to run an date that 1 sign the Completion Certificate. <br />7lte atriouru of finance charge lintercst) may he moor I let than the coca .• d �icpe ing on the amount+ I pay au and my timeline is m making payFtnms. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSVRA 'E AND M ATE: 1. 1 promise keep my w in good repair aril keep it Insured for tit least 8ff of its replacement value by buying u fire and extende coverage tpolicy. The insunine mpany mu he approved by you• and the policy must have <br />a beneficiary clause which says that you air to he paid if there is airs. The imurance co ray %t a at it wIll cancel my policy without firm telling you. <br />awliorize the insurance compaa7 to pay you directly for any toss. oat can chmv% to u r+ inr. to t p met I, eit n spay any amounts I owe you Of to repair my <br />house. i have the option of providing property insurance %high an xtsting policy %x nag Ia in pen ntly d red and paid till by rot.:. 1 alwt promise that <br />wig not allow anyone else to place any Iliras an my real estate will I ydvlr wn let, on . m o pay 1 axes. assessment% and other charges on my real <br />estate when dote. 4. 1 promise to timely nuke all payments on my grin n;ins ,ecured my real tat also prnmi. That I will not extend, renew or change prior loans <br />without your written permission. i. If 1 do not insure my house or iultil yy other ohlig tion% to my read cF;Ude. then can do it for me if you want 1 but you do not have <br />to). If you do pay any of these obligations for me. 1 agree fn pay you k an demand lu% interest at the highest wful contract rate of Interest. Llmil 1 pay you hack. <br />these amounts will he added to my debt to you which is secured by my re e%tale and h11uK. I know slut if you d ide to hay In,urance liar me that you olio not have to <br />obtain any homeowner or liability insurance. <br />MORTGAGE: I hereby grail, bargain, vela• convey and rampage to you. as twig "e, my real estate and lulu. located at my "Addnts' designated ort the other side - <br />of this contract as security for all amounts due to you under this Installment let (.omract. �t <br />DUE ON SALEt If 1 sell, lease or give my house to anyone befoe 1 have fully p all I owe udder this coninwt. ou can declare all that I owe under this contract payable " <br />at once and 1 agree to immediately pay you that amount. <br />DEFAULT:1 will he in default under this contract if: 1. I don't make a payment %h due: o f :. I break any p ix 1 made to you in this contract. or 3. Something else <br />happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do rats intend r) pay you a%p ised; ox 4. I default on y t16hgations for which lam using my home us collateral: <br />or S. Something happens w my house which lhneatens your rights, if any. In it. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and you detniund full pay me . I undtermand that hate the right it) forcclmc the mortgage f have given tin <br />you anal to have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you. Ilcfarc in se. sal ou will do all t t the law rcyu arcs. 1 understand that if you hire an altarney <br />to assist you in the enforcement of your rights, including the ale of my house or a lawwit. • give to pay y for reasonable atmrneys' fees and for other related expenses <br />such as cotm costs, title searches snd matey you expended to pnolect my house, if yew arc lowed to co ect such amounts by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: You can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract u% ofte s you wan without losing them. Or. you can delay enforcing any of the <br />rights widlout losing them. You can also use any rights row or to the future green to you by 1 <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts ht install the produ is 1 am purchasing on my use, t I also under%land that tit some %Iluauon% you muy encounter <br />delays that one caused by strikes, weather co ndition%. delays you have in otnaa ni rilatenals. lW for flea awm% that are heyond your contnil. I will not hold you liable <br />for such delays. ' <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If 1 am in default under this ttwituct, y tau tan declare all th.0 I u , under this co1nlrJ:1 ppay .1hk ,a once I agree h• pay you Interv%: <br />on that amlwnt at the maximum contractual rite allowed by law until Ilk JimIU11f I tlwo you 1%prod I , w now that %4OU t.1 n 61n•: lose the rh•rtgage i 'a% i 2:•; r <br />ARBITRATION: If I have u dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity quality rtr pennon a Ill products, I understand that my drlruke Inav Ise tailml tntJ <br />to and settled acctxding to the wediation•arbitration pn�gram that nuy have detcloptd in my Contra pity 1 al knim that any decision made by an aclsltmtorf m u•.tulu( iu <br />entered in the coat having jurisdiction over me and you <br />SAWAGE VALUE: i know that the windows, woodwork. %tiling. brick and other matenal% Ih ga%r 111 tai re m. tcd toy ,d:u!:r this :m!a!!a1: . ".st s fool sl1 i; �' <br />When you remove them. you can have them for whatever purpose you want <br />SIPECL41. SITUATIONS: Due to tie uw'yueness of Some of the pnotiucts that yom all. I reund that in spects aittuusm%)twr Regional Office may have fit review <br />ltd accept this contract. 1 also wigdetstand dial this sale Occurred in my bottle and that y I may not have had all airmt information important to this transaction <br />at our fingertips; l give you my consent to ctxmi any obvi us tram that may have currnh when the blanks in thi ontract were completed <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this contract vodate% the law and n nfotrceable. the rest of the omtrwi 111 k s and It any pan of thi%contract require% <br />tiulo�nr <br />at ttnlw iwtwllrsa than tole• lour m ni% then v.vt will imit have th0 ri tat ..Iller.•t (coin net the anutuet of inte .t which the law allows %ou to collect <br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTRAIM This contract %e It NAh yew AM 1 rgrec In %filing <br />NOTICE <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER EDIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIIM8 ND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED P SUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HEREOF RECOVE HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCE AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If 1 have uoted mwtance in this purchase. I neat cancel such request till mwrrnsa• he dm wan within fifteen (15) da„ twai <br />the date of this coninict by notifying you l• • thtloftf or this ctutrwl m writing I know that the carkelhtion of rot %11%enge will he god wish the in%uraucc crmcrl%i <br />and a NII refund of my prcntfumts) rsget r with applrsaldc finance charge wall lee crrolncd hI this contract <br />PLEASE NOTE- If I haveRy ucstedt i can this%� purchase. I* all menu wohm 1hlrty 1$)idr%%a %ertefisrie of Imuralwe to-re talk .k �hmgt Ilk nrurancc %asefaitr <br />1 know that if there is any conullKt In Overage or tae lat)tuage of• the %et.tlfisale tit imwranc%• doh! the 1. /tltsw inn Notit c of I pillar ed In%u uc Irlit I JIII tis%cred only b1 <br />the extent slatted in <br />the a of Proposed In%uiwwc I alu, know thin I ha%e mwrarxe .0%t1rAgv only it I ha%c Ixtn %harged t I It <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />1 lAc notice that citltet it Life a Credit Accnienl and Ncalth Insurance. 1K N0. wall it. r{gslwable to th1, In'tillI11r01 %Jlc, 11mtf4o •n IFS foo c ,I.k .only it III <br />L (hate cMtsen rt by %Ignm rryutst sash Inwrtt>.t rhi. tll%U:JINe MITI link .osci ttic ltinun %I�r,.nt thr r yu..t ih1 t••1 ..Lh fa 10.ulJlhl' •M1wn <br />Suhhect hI acceptance h msurtuse Ctnutvm. the Insurance well i%- C1k411tC a, of hula% rlki will .1111, OW all) f.•r thr numher . t nx,nrn, .lie n. : tiro -t..1 a.. vi-I <br />I., the number of tenon y pavnent% 1 uader,trgh) that flit, p,ulxulrl m%utam. r 111.1% n..l Im.1%Itle ,oseiaite t•+ ItI% Lo t: w (..1%11"•111, .111410 o d1,t I MAI I%1, 1 .•1 liuw 1 t <br />will thA hale rnv ,n afore coverage V Iti lu•fd, And pnxecd, Iti nr.urant a %alt tx• r-d I,, %Ito 111 t. •. nr,.us1 m,11t1d1,•n d a pto.haw. nix In a-i ••- •"r % t:. , t .•„n I. , <br />to tote eIlent of rt nICtC,1, and alit ttal,Iocc %dl fti {wNhh to rte The mu.rl ."u.luui .d t ordn 1 .U• In 1.,t. xae „ it x an,. tiro teyons•d I • 1.I•J1 u.1 i n.1' , 1 t'e. •,. 1, <br />1l 1wditer. Ink m nuxc .k•%mase, ht the.emoum .A each nh+iuhh {,r%nlemi 1•n .I ., t "•doled +n. 1.n t..1.,. U I Ja, i.•1r,1)t ,(,i ..,. 1t.„ I, .,,.i.: �) <br />A Co• Rwtr. ai wee have A,th signed the rtyuc%l ha ('redo I de Imm�ihe..kath h iiew, %,II h I•.n entr .,r. , %.;r ,.•,I% , 1 t • r •:. I, ,• ,.t 1, . o. ,;.. s . • . 1 -., . <br />ehnanahou% wailing perh,d staled m the smorackc {xdto m cenofrsale t'ty'llt A,. Oant u11t N1• tilt L, •.. .,:. 1 t „ +L . I , •,1 ,.. I I...... <br />f.a Xh, Thal 1 and a,tall% dlsahlyd diw to an unpin rn .1tkn1,•. %fule 111w. .u1% I,1%It 111, I., 1.•u I .,..., • n 1 L, 1, 1,, 1 1,... y ► <br />e, .,11,.1~1111% La aw ry than hAR11VII , IJ 1 111n%e. t111%1• d.1% . 1i 1.11r tlnti anan rm issuraew a hum vow if 1 am u+rr As tear % oIr rat hsday, a11i1� us a rra(o pI .t%hit•d h1 rot Ina+ snaoveriittc• olikh will amps) ill wane cases, alit• cestivr amntkrtt 1 1 .rat �k <br />It <br />kiwi :11,.: art .sop si., .:: .art .: : t . . <br />.W. .n1% .1 m,%J ",,.1.m1 1,1, 1"1111. .111 1. n lnn.l, .I lit ,sod \J A� WsA uWi7 I H1. .1.N, % <br />With AAa •!" W► 14• sa Alic NyML '1` airyy' t .._..t �y�aMr�w�r.r�rr�SJtrl�ar� -•1 <br />=s. • - .. - ` - ,. ,� tr _.�.� :sj.vcv- r.. --.1� ��..____. _._._.- ..�a:n -1*- ^-ism --•^ . n. __ ._ _ � _ __ ___- _ _ __sI - ___- <br />