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201904161 <br />5. Paragraph 4 of Article VII of the Protective Covenants is hereby modified and <br />shall hereafter read as follows: <br />4. The Kenmare Owners Association's Board of Directors shall have the <br />right to place assessments against the residential lots in Kenmare. Except as otherwise <br />provided in this Paragraph 4, the residential lots in Kenmare shall be assessed uniformly. <br />The purpose of the assessments is to provide for the payment of the taxes assessed <br />against the property owned by the Kenmare Owners Association, the expense of insuring, <br />repairing and maintaining that property including ground maintenance, mowing, snow <br />removal, fish stocking, ground cleaning and any other expense, including capital expense, <br />incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Kenmare Owners Association. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as a residential lot in Kenmare remains <br />undeveloped, the owner of such undeveloped lot may elect to not have such undeveloped <br />lot subject to assessment by the Kenmare Owners Association's Board of Directors. For <br />purposes of this Paragraph 4, a lot is undeveloped if it currently does not have a residence <br />constructed thereon and remains undeveloped until the commencement of the <br />construction of a residence thereon. Such election shall be made in writing and delivered <br />to the Kenmare Owners Association's Board of Directors prior to the placement of the <br />assessment that the owner of the undeveloped lot does not want to be subject to. During <br />the time period that an undeveloped lot is not subject to assessment by the Kenmare <br />Owners Association's Board of Directors, no owner of such undeveloped lot, or any of <br />their guests or invitees, may utilize in any manner whatsoever any of the property owned <br />by the Kenmare Owners Association. <br />6. Except as amended by this Second Amendment, the Protective Covenants shall <br />remain in effect and shall be applicable to the Subject Property and the Additional Property. <br />7. The Protective Covenants, as amended by this Second Amendment, shall run with <br />the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the owners of the Subject <br />Property and the Additional Property, along with their legal representatives, successors and <br />assigns. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Second Amendment on <br />this day of July, 2019. <br />(BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— <br />SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW) <br />Page 4 of 16 <br />