<br />89... 104055
<br />This Agreeaent is made and entered into as of the 3letday of fly .1989,,.
<br />by and among Greater Nebraska Independent Housing. Inc., a Nebraska non- psaflt,
<br />corpor&tion, and the Secretary of the United State* Department of Housing and Vrbaia
<br />Daveiapment, his successors and assigns.
<br />Wituesseth: -
<br />Ells- ;,'certain • real property desc�.ibed in Exhibit. "A" attached beie:t�s is
<br />subject to tUe' terms and conditions of a, certain Requlator$ Aggreeaeat dated
<br />March . 22, 1988 , recorded in Book N/A pat'' N/A ustrunent N8� 1015H records' of
<br />I the Clerk /Register of Deeds of Hall County, .Nebraska, recorded on March 2S.-148.
<br />#JjEREAS, it is the intention of the parties to modify the language oaf •the
<br />Regulatory Agreement as set forth herein;
<br />WSEREAS, it is intended that this Agreement be filed for record in the off Ica
<br />i of the Clerk /Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />i
<br />1 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth
<br />herein, the parties agree as follows:
<br />I
<br />:1: i The language of Paragraph 11(b) of the Regulatory Agreement referenced
<br />Abevs s hereby_ameded to read as follows:
<br />I1(b). Mortgagor shall. provide acceptable management of the property.
<br />Any Venaaement contract entered intd .by tide' zortgagor involving the
<br />project shall contain a provision that it shall be subject to termination
<br />i without penalty and with or without cause, upon written request by HUD-
<br />; addressed to the mortgagor and the management agent. Upon receipt of such
<br />request the mortgagor shall immediately move to terminate the contract
<br />within a period of not more tban..6.days and shall sake arrangeaents
<br />! satisfactory to BUD for continuing proper management of the project.
<br />A
<br />,= 4
<br />2. All of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and agreements of the
<br />original Regulatory Agreement, not specifically amended or modified herein 0, shall
<br />remain in full force and effect as originally written.
<br />3. All of the terms, covenants, conditions and agreements of this Agreement
<br />} Anil be binding upon and inure to the zenefit of the parties hereto and their --
<br />respective successors and assigns'. _
<br />i
<br />Hall County
<br />r
<br />i
<br />1
<br />89... 104055
<br />This Agreeaent is made and entered into as of the 3letday of fly .1989,,.
<br />by and among Greater Nebraska Independent Housing. Inc., a Nebraska non- psaflt,
<br />corpor&tion, and the Secretary of the United State* Department of Housing and Vrbaia
<br />Daveiapment, his successors and assigns.
<br />Wituesseth: -
<br />Ells- ;,'certain • real property desc�.ibed in Exhibit. "A" attached beie:t�s is
<br />subject to tUe' terms and conditions of a, certain Requlator$ Aggreeaeat dated
<br />March . 22, 1988 , recorded in Book N/A pat'' N/A ustrunent N8� 1015H records' of
<br />I the Clerk /Register of Deeds of Hall County, .Nebraska, recorded on March 2S.-148.
<br />#JjEREAS, it is the intention of the parties to modify the language oaf •the
<br />Regulatory Agreement as set forth herein;
<br />WSEREAS, it is intended that this Agreement be filed for record in the off Ica
<br />i of the Clerk /Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska;
<br />i
<br />1 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements set forth
<br />herein, the parties agree as follows:
<br />I
<br />:1: i The language of Paragraph 11(b) of the Regulatory Agreement referenced
<br />Abevs s hereby_ameded to read as follows:
<br />I1(b). Mortgagor shall. provide acceptable management of the property.
<br />Any Venaaement contract entered intd .by tide' zortgagor involving the
<br />project shall contain a provision that it shall be subject to termination
<br />i without penalty and with or without cause, upon written request by HUD-
<br />; addressed to the mortgagor and the management agent. Upon receipt of such
<br />request the mortgagor shall immediately move to terminate the contract
<br />within a period of not more tban..6.days and shall sake arrangeaents
<br />! satisfactory to BUD for continuing proper management of the project.
<br />A
<br />,= 4
<br />2. All of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and agreements of the
<br />original Regulatory Agreement, not specifically amended or modified herein 0, shall
<br />remain in full force and effect as originally written.
<br />3. All of the terms, covenants, conditions and agreements of this Agreement
<br />} Anil be binding upon and inure to the zenefit of the parties hereto and their --
<br />respective successors and assigns'. _
<br />i
<br />Hall County
<br />