<br />7. Ca+deaen"WL In" event the Property, or any put Meirsof, shall be taken by eminent dtmnaln.the AWrtppe
<br />kenpowered to mM eatand "celve all compawtion wlkh my be paid for any property taken or for dus"m to property
<br />I" takes, OW ltortgape elall apply at ib optian, *ldW to a niuetioa of the indebtedness secured
<br />breby or to "pair and raatm the prgparty sa dampd.
<br />ft. lrrteeti ee j!►1 seAgigri. Mortl*G easy, but" have no oMptiom, too do any set which the Idoktglpoar
<br />W aomd Md Wk to des, ad.MWVW MY loo do any act it deans pommy to Plot ml OW 1114a bust. Matp W
<br />a�ws fo "pq►, uflesr dssssed, aa►y soma so ettpeaMd b)► tM7lioet�y�e foe tl» lam++ pwpares, iatl srW suss so Wgmlded
<br />bjr the 11gtf/Mta siliit b aideii to ties hldgbhrdaw secured pe"bb►;awd Odom srbjW -to t!" IM horse. Morig"m
<br />shah
<br />not htreur a" pen" bUlft baeipm of ariy*tr►p it aaar.do or.WWt to do'AeKRMridtr.
<br />!. Dsflrai� llirignnwt a[ IZsa1s. Tllni r# of 64 aiteha bsrot,•sad upon itbit maWa dehakis my ectsbat
<br />rip t of this Most/ ors, iadrdlap i�rvenamb W pay wbsa.due the sugar setored by tbI liottg @ dw tiortpVa hall
<br />M seared, at lb seie•aptioa and widloat notice, 40 dsdar�call snrnssseuted by flit Llort/ap.to be 6mtaedistely.dai asia .
<br />. pe�ralW 'aald nrgr vii haeeie+ art d trlia hidetpp! b!' 1ad� pi tom,. PaarltMd flrrther, tlt up?oa ssids
<br />defto the UN tm- or a mMm appi Oad by a met, i4 at ltal oMbe -aard wit wA x"md to :We aiagariey of ile
<br />sseueity, esker upon, mad tale pomislon of the Property and eolled the nets, Woes and p[eflb tlereflc o ad apply.tb m
<br />:.f 2W:10 **. oat of oolhettcas, and opse UM, of tie Psopetty grid On up* Ow indebtod6m scored by this MostpW;
<br />mM mob, immes aad proflta- beiop, amig ed to.'t#e )11OttVW m !lather umdty for the peyaaeat of• the il11111 4. .
<br />smut d hereby.
<br />� ;.. siulfsr of Plopeft. '.it di or any part of the troperq► is add or traa 6md without tlW espy •: aei
<br />aeJtt.�}b1re. i[Mip aoeY at Its aok,opHop,aledare ail some •secured b ahk Mortpape to be 47 40or ' dig►.'
<br />11. Farm* Adeaaess. - Upon request of mortppor, Mort, nosy make additioo>Il -and fdM sdvaeese to
<br />SW/Md. 310 advances, rriffi:.interest thereon, shall be secured by thb MortM when et&naed by prombory-Dow
<br />that acid- notes are Will ft+i hereby. At no time shall the
<br />' principal amount of the inieb0edheis a66111ed b!► tills .
<br />>l W W, not bel" ng same'ady mad to. protect the security of thin Mortgage, exd*d tot "od&d Note:
<br />12.
<br />fad "Y ft'O*wme in sxerdtimg any ri jUpr remedy shall not be•a waiver thereof.
<br />All; provided be"ia are distil and eamMlatire: to any other right aftocded•*U* or equbty,.
<br />Wei ssay.be inwreived emgaaently, independeaft or vxcu ivdy.
<br />{o) '1pe opneniWSts and speaasents contained-herein shalt. bind, age} the dws.,fnure to' oe -r—UP-60-We'
<br />iwign+rai� °aeaelggcaidtas�. .
<br />' (d)
<br />AN coteaapb and ap+e+rooenb of the ltoetgegoe are joint and searrral.
<br /><<) Tlm hemdLnV of: the pa p of" ?dsrs' Vgp are for cone nlieence only and =o`+O notU wad at'r tats;-
<br />pant or deflae the prov(sions hereof.
<br />10, Release. Upon pi�r3a>iat -of all , sums weured by this Mortpge, Mortgage* shall diacharRe toot 316�ttpge awd
<br />soil execute and deliver asidi rrkise therefor. _
<br />JNWftl6W.WH44qF, Mon fti 'ilia executed th - MortOr on the ISt
<br />:Coles" S. Dratnse • . - - - 'r�".."
<br />ewe, of Nib aiia, Ball (bvnty as:
<br />.-O i this 1St day of - - 43 lest 19 89 , before me, the undendgned, a Notery Nubile
<br />drily CommNiuried std qualified for said co�tty, personally came Donald A. Dramse and ColeemC Draa>se,
<br />So turd. an&Aife
<br />to me (mown to be the.
<br />iaiiolo >1• PS-6m(s�:wbose name(s) are subm6ibed to the foregoing iratrumrat and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br />to be Hi.BLHey voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness Iny .,,hand and notarial seat at Grand IS mud, NE In said county, the
<br />date aforesaid .
<br />Ir[jr ton44,pires: U.J..24, 19(91.
<br />NO"" PuNk
<br />B dow I%b Lice Rownied For Undes end Reeoeder)
<br />r
<br />2l 00
<br />Go
<br />`+�,•i
<br />*, CO
<br />aC 1065 INN 303 2150 � y
<br />