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BENEFICIARY <br />AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES <br />DEED OF TRUST INTERNATIONAL, INC. <br />JACCOU"T NuM.sw 104012 <br />e <br />' • GRANTORM: 703306182 <br />i aw1T Nwrs ►IR1T IM trot 4wST "AMR FIRST IN171w1. (AddrAcull <br />MCITUG11 JR01ME L. liCYRIGH MARILYN J. 1425 NORTH WEBB ROAD <br />Mwr►IIM w�S.R7RSf CI Y STAT6 2661 GODS <br />2611 VEST DIVISION GRAND Ism"M 14E 1803J GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST, Made this -ZbL}L -day of. 1t1E_�_____ -_ ., EA betweenJl*"M n / 1 C 1� 3 <br />hereinafter called TRUSTOR, whom address is 9--s - .=_S N-V o�',(ti�t T- 91- A�T�Di -NE and CI AS M. ROGVRQ <br />hereinafter called TRE'STE1t, whose addtesa is, -i l s SN -rTlir 300T- ils•��4t --a�� i��154 <br />*fed AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL. INC., a Nebraska ix�a ac,�t'ion, hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, whose address D <br />142.5• NORTH MBB Rt?AAPD�, GRAN�71 ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />WITNESSETH: Tbmt? Trustor GRANTS, CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO TRUSTEE, IN TRUST. WiTH POWER OF SALE, the following desctlbtxt <br />property. situate in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />i Lot Threa'.'O). Block 16, Ashton P1age, City of Grand Island, Hall CoLutty, Rebrasrae <br />together with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon and all screens. awnings, shades, storm sash and blinds. and heatior, lighting, <br />plumbifl& ,gas, electric, ventilating, refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment used in connection therewith, all of which. for the purpose of this. Deed of <br />TtIISt, shah tie deemed lixtdres and subject to the lien hereof, and [rte herediiamenis and apputtcitatmvi pvitii8irg tot is p::rp:.r:i ab a:c do n ::•d .1 <br />streets, lanes, alleys, passages, ways. waters, water courses. rights, liberties and Privileges, whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the <br />reversions and re "hi11itirawfiwti 101- tReinafter as the "premises'. <br />TO HAVE AND�� Wes. with the appurtenances and fixtures, unto the said Beneficiary. its successors and assigns. forever, for <br />the ppurposes an use reirF�at fit iris Imm- aiittights and benchis under and by virtue ai any Hamcstcad Exemption laces of trig 3nie of ;:ctsris'ca <br />which may be t fit% said Trustor does hereby expressly release and waives. <br />Truster also asdgat ' agents; �ssu' es and profit,: rtF Bald premises. granting the right to collect and use the srttt e. with or without taking possession of <br />the premises, ditrirsg s J e of default her,cutriMr, and during continuance of such defy* authorizing Beneficiary to enter upon said <br />and and .or to collect <br />and enforce the same without regard to adegtt•acy. of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured by any lawful rit ns including appointment of a receiver in <br />the name of any parry hereto, and to apply the twine Ion costs and expenses of operation and collectibn:,fniduding reasonable attorney's fees, upon• any indebted- <br />nest secured hereby. in such order as Beneficiary may determine. <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: (1) Performance of each agreement of Trustqr i;=tained herein; (2) Paymwt of the principal sum sift& interest, as <br />provided in accordance with the terms and provisions of a Promissory Note J Loan Agreement (hereinafter rkfetred to as "promissory note ") dated <br />JULY 20. •1989 , herewith excLuted by Trustor and payable to the ordet of Beneficiary. in the Principal sum of <br />S and having the date of its final payment due on Jul: 20. 2004 , or n extended. <br />deferred or rescheduled by ienawal or refinance; (3) Payment of any additional advances, with interest thereon as may hereafter be loaned by Beneficiary <br />to Trustor in a maximum Burk o?£ S -?tt X26 • 1989 within 15 years fro dt•the date of this Deed of Trust; however. <br />this paragraph does not constitute a commitment by Beneficiary to make future advances; (4) The payment of any money that may be advanced by the <br />Beneficiary to Trustor for any reason or to third parties, with interest thereon, where the amounts are advanced to protect the security in accordance with the <br />covenants of this Deed of Trus• (5) Any renewal, refinancing or extension of said promissory note, or any other agreement to pay which may be substituted <br />therefor. <br />Ali. payments made by Trustor an the obligation secured by deli Deed of Trust shall be applied in the following order: <br />FIRST: To the payment of ,ernes and assessments that may be levied and assessed against said premises, insurance premiums, repairs. and all other charges <br />acid :expenses agreed to be paid by the Trustor. <br />SECOND: To the payment of interest doe on said loan. <br />THIRD: To that payment of principal. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY HEREOF, TRUSTOR(S) COVENANTS AND AGREES: (1) to keep said premises insured against loss by fire and other <br />hazards, casualty and contingencies up to flit: furl value of idi improvements for the protection of Bentficiaty in such manner, in such amounts, and in such <br />companies as Beneficiary may from time to time approve, and that loss proceeds (im expense of collection) shall, at Beneficiary's options be applied on said <br />indebtedness, whether due or not of to the restoration of %aid improvements. in event of loss Trustor will give immediate notice by mail to the Beneficiary. <br />who may make proof of loss if not made promptly by • Iustor, and each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for <br />such loss directly to the Beneficiary instead of to the Trustor. (2) To pay all taxes and special assecsment, of any kind that have been or may be levied or <br />awessod upon said premises, and to delivery to Beneficiary, upon request of the Beneficiary, the officrel receipt showing payment of all such taxes and <br />anesisieats. (3) In the eseni of default by Trustor tinder Paragraphs 1 or 2 above. Beneficiary. at its opfion, may (a) place gad keep such insurance above <br />provided for in fora throughout the life of this Deed of Trust and pay the reasonable premiums and charges therefor: (b) pay all said taxes and assessments <br />without determining the validity thereof. and (c) Pay such liens and all such disbursements shall he deemed a part of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of <br />Trust and shall be immediately due and payable by Trustor to Beneficiary. (4) To keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hereafter <br />°tiered in good condition and to air not to commit or suffer any waste or any use of %rid premise, contrary to restrictions of record or contra►y to law, and <br />to permit Yeaeficiary to enter at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the premises: not to remove or demolish any building thereon. to :estate r -- - -- <br />promptly and in a good and workmanlike manner any buildings which may be damaged or destroyed thereon, and to pay, wizen due, all claims for labor performed <br />and materials furnished therefor; (S) That. if a signer of the Promissory 'tote, he will pay, promptly the indebtedness secured hereby. and perform all other obllga• <br />tions in full compliance with the terms of said Promissory Note and this Deed of Trust. (6) That the time of payment of the indebtedness hereby secured, or of any <br />portion thereof, may be extended or reserved, and any portions of the premises herein described may, without notice, be released from the lien hereof, witrfout <br />releasing of affectial; the personal liability of any person at the prietity of this Deed of Trust. (7) That he des hereby foresee warrant and will foresee defend the <br />title and possession thereof against the lawful claims of any and all persons whatwever. <br />IT iS MUfUAtLY AGREED THAT: <br />ill Should Trustor fail fo make any payment or du any act as hercm provided. ur if any aowrl shied matcn3fiy affc,ts <br />L Ptneficiary's interest in the Fremises, then Renefctaty or Trustee, but without obhgartnn do and %sr :hout notice to nr demand upon Trustor, and <br />estthout eel .-aung Ttustor from any obligation hereunder, may inike w d„ the %sme, and trtay pay. purchase. %• ntc•.! .•r %omprormw an} en.umblisme, charce <br />at Ik•n, whkh in the judgment of either app+ :its to affect said property. and to cxercr<inr an} putter., en,u: any luhihr) and expend whatc:er a- ,:.ant% +n <br />the absattute diutetion +,f Reneriataty or Tru%!ec tither mss deem nz:,e%vey therefor All cunt• so imurrr,l .,o rsprttded h) lief.eli.t.try „t lrustce %ball be <br />without demand murtediiteI) due and paydhL- b) iwour. shall beat itacrco .et rho hight.t rite pernattcd h} In:. and hall No %c,urvd heichs <br />(2) Should the IFremi%e% or any cart Thereof be taken by rres.m •a any %..ndemn3in.-t proceeding, lirnctr.ta -y s*,i3ii i,c cntttird .'Al ,,.t,ysr, ,t1.• ...::card: <br />and other paymtnt, th.tefot, and rat .tppl) ttr: s.tnic on thr Ind :hlcCnr.s %e.ured hoct.. rJ <br />I)) ley a.%cpiing 1'-imcni ,.1 an) uto, ru -••by %,.Asset arts 11. Jar, JI,,. free It - tilrn,� rat tt•,tr, ;,1, .0 1 t ,li•r1..n •.• %,••% %liallr, <br />war.; tt% rrsht ro rrl,.nr 1,mrulrt p.Iyn:c -ni •a.h,n Jac ••1 all wh:t sejrx. %-. r.,:cu•r.J. ••I t • dc•_Iarc d:le.,:+ ' • •,i „•. - •., 1.1.• :reJ %rtth •h, -al.• ur.Jrr <br />%..h MOt_e .:r ;r,.feall aV.J ••t cN...:l t -, ,_Il. +ur rat) ur'1.3ul f•.0o; • %,:.t w.Je1•'edrres', If It,:.'t r% t•, tf. , t.lnt •n,' •c_ ,nit t.,r tit% ­1411-111.,17 <br />n•.,1 t :ctvt.). r „r r0. 1 Ht. •.31, .err •t .rt t,, .1r, t•,n, 11t,r h; I,, „•t!.. •,•, ud% %:t'h. ..,r J 1.. 11.,A.1'. <br />G ':414 r +r.1 , 0t• 1Vr •,,rir.aw1. -.170,1111 � tww <br />tylilt;I +lAr>il. <br />