<br />I .
<br />'fit,
<br />r �
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<br />Excerpts From Interest Rewnw Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes
<br />f aw ip M MW low" tae ne0l" a payees 0 M
<br />fs eafna ehM dwWW. f14 avqura a a•,brp arI ,r aw. a&
<br />dkW awqut , - I IIt1011 to face, or asaeaaable pmel. -n -- -►
<br />wm any =a me M" me" to ww" rwm) ww W a
<br />loin Mee d % WMd swa Uw M ww" and ngllea 10
<br />p 0mv. wheeler to a wwwt. b wvv to sum pww
<br />See. M. Paruxi of lien.
<br />fkeaee awww date .a Gwku.•y :,ed Cy taw ft 'r .-q
<br />poW by sed m 02100 wa M a* tl*a ft aswomwIt
<br />M wade std W o tontww unfit 1114 habhty lot ft WK-.M ao
<br />seeaeaw (a a Kdw ww ww WS WD+ye' a^a+1D oM of 4.ce
<br />al�awe) Y e b"'Or bMateaa worAwco" by reason a 4m
<br />°eC. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />(u Purchessese,, Molders Of Security In•
<br />tWeats, Mechanic's Usnors, And Judg.
<br />franc t left Creditora. —The w +t4ow: oy tcNa+
<br />4XI &W not be w:d M %ad* eery parch »r Pe+ d a
<br />M AIY V WK fftedwc s Ww. p ludprtwa hen creow ww
<br />face 11teled titled~ MM f"We• lve or stit"Chim t9
<br />hat bail fed by M Seerwry
<br />M Place For Filing Notice; Fonin.-
<br />(1) Plebe For FbV • The notes mbm d to in weeecign
<br />tat elwlf b• Iwo -
<br />(A Undo $ft Lam
<br />M rui Pfepelty • In fl14 GM of real WVVry. n or*
<br />• dke wSldfl 1114 Stall (a 1114 oblxwy or ww pwarnrwnr
<br />Mlbdhbgn), as deelprlalld by ft laal a %Ah Stm. in
<br />111110 f14 "PlIty Stgact b 1114 Ilan 4 Uaalad am
<br />la) PI11010 pa" in 1114 cue of ww w c':P
<br />WY. 1111114110 tM1610M or a%VW. in one olko Mafan ft
<br />&M (a 1114 or Ww omwirl wlw a.Od q„)111. u
<br />ditWdW by 1114 la+ae of Such StMe. in 1Krd+ na WoWtl
<br />PA 40 b 1114 (ten 14 IMAM; or
<br />(B) Wah C*k Of 011etd ft own Pw c"Ice of ry care
<br />at 014 Unw 5111441 0104 centre for ft lud': & uarrd in ~
<br />fn FOWA K Ma a Mn is Aww. dw*m M sw flea
<br />r by ISM' 0"V41 d are aft who rt11et1 TV ftVaeo Onto
<br />(r) Wdh Heoofder of Oeeda Of The Deuce o' Ceh,"bla•
<br />n 1114Itf1ibe a f14lieco►dM d Deb{ or111.,1:1;,:..n:.,,
<br />f PICO" Mod 10 014 Mn 4 "ON n RV 000 k
<br />IL
<br />P
<br />I
<br />a
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<br />intNfd
<br />ms nowm4wtt tv%
<br />90....
<br />utl+wrltol - 44-1
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<br />� 1,.1 � I, t 311
<br />Sa
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<br />19 04i10 An9�q
<br />IS
<br />rot-('. I 1 11 rrl�
<br />(V %A of P VIP ►y falaMtl To Uan • Pew POW" to
<br />P&W&0a0)a'+Q'4l~VOW Mdeem{.+ lobe Mualao
<br />UN " PwjMt$ - M *4 tees of teal ppW". M M
<br />ova" +onion 'x
<br />a, °Mao,lat t wapelry •tot 14 paN d palaoW prow,
<br />A:ar'. 'r 6:me w - -MApt e. at the mfkw+a a wa to
<br />POW W to 6611101 ale wobw el 4011 a W.
<br />Fa purpctwa :' Ga• a�'japh : � I Bl. IM 'af t1arlCe n' n r rTvabn
<br />Or 0014'ahp V4W tM'faanad N W It* r•4" at wt.: h the Drn
<br />w 01"w'e etaca of ale ttra Wo a Fleeted, and fl14 fw-
<br />CIW* It a :a.t'.r w aurae 'nw-•: a to rWAA " t)rwMd
<br />slats en.. be aaWnl.a on rail r ar
<br />tl a. •he a" "' .t h, ..ry r • t,11'•.ItQ•'Pty'f•1 f:
<br />in !.."lee•.'.:r` N ens (M ;-l%**' �'. •fw Srecnbry.:iu:h
<br />r"O a1aI to .a..: •V:w'•i:a'.:.y b•, w•• —w.-n 1.1 Is*
<br />'q;aro.*g ".'* W'.. 7 .-Q- a •>• a'rot'a '$ 11111
<br />Note: See WOW 6323(b) for protection
<br />for certain - Merests even though notice at
<br />10,1 Imr,r,sed by section 6321 is filed wdh
<br />respect to
<br />I MM:' .t• : at
<br />�. PM O-A t':CI'.:.•C1464d In CatA ta-i
<br />S- Perm' r':N ^, s., *:'w 13 R•aP:'. , .. In
<br />ll Hui ProDerlf'aa r s,ka
<br />t Heabental P-ce<a '-r-W u a -a'a• 1
<br />41 for aw
<br />r 'ea.►11 aro mw*,.e"a"t1
<br />ft r1 a "dra
<br />e t'. IW'I niura* a a, ac L
<br />10 Paeab }y Wna
<br />• i, Reflling Of Notice. — d "a
<br />*sew -
<br />01 GMNI Rule.— lr"016 '+:'•:a 1» wI 1 waeu
<br />n " nWMt pet•: aped n r4147t0h 12' e: % M nglr4.
<br />1011^0 POMP. Wrh ny.[o d' .fn Ma• 04 'eaw"'4ed x
<br />Iry C0 on Itito n it f 0a 1 n Am"(18':4 n - )"tw'Cr '
<br />ew Vie elf -w• n "Iv:h'44'10 Dawld
<br />'z Piece For Filing. —4 ,.;, a .f' Y w: !.r
<br />ry Ir /'eQd .,: X 1'11 it 4'►
<br />n14 ww "on fp nM, w Md am
<br />- M :aces " •a
<br />'R'crlaC r a• r-Ne in►'• VIW r W ttf
<br />t: SWC ' t L'.1
<br />0 1 a', tae: • t' - �' • 1 a : 1 •i• ".: the !all
<br />i
<br />MOMMY "MM tx1Mn lift""M 11A 116 111rM Po-
<br />e +fbed r fpaOw* "old by f14 IWO") OOrtONaYlp
<br />• drrlge n 1114 WPS"es feedarloe. I a race d Suer San
<br />11 ateb
<br />NW n aM06YV14 ash elA1WW M h fire recce
<br />0-0 Mh realms M taWW
<br />a'a<.M bft ossume
<br />prMMprnd nrtni
<br />IA) M aneyw pM00 •wfrq ]0 days after eM YPaMm
<br />014 yw. UM M data Of er We{agerw of b tea. Old
<br />III Me Ire rw p...1 x"0119 we M alapxatw.wl of 6
<br />T�7 mar A �� ri A tf�q,eel/w faF•'o eared
<br />'.v G Ah r,nace 11 w
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />�-1-_-. Discharge Of Property.
<br />•111 Repass Of Lien. — stela to eedl ref".
<br />MM as M swotov M t' P"W" the 6e0eWy ow Hale
<br />a tyrMtala of Miew of Mr yr+ wwh swed b any
<br />",wfW rerah,e W no leer to " days Mar M faty el,
<br />whth
<br />'+ Lj0-*lSSb-taedc4 Uwkrout4 1MSr,,WryMOa
<br />'7 111 a11106'a ataaaw t�W*t rah W.M.
<br />1#,*M n ret,7W ^+cad has bw1 Qpp w4hw a hq arw10.14
<br />�: i Bad A.upaa T►wa r aerWVO'o •x See'Nary aro
<br />SM40W by"a bW4 1041 a Ca*%fW won av payrrww
<br />d ra araow weewd t,q" wwh d ntereSt n reaeea
<br />"la'ed_ www tr+e b" pl"itirt d by 40, I'X""Gow
<br />w of a1L" t..-4- AM IW is n acwtolflre ea* k.+ Am",
<br />nw4a re" " W" C*%% a 0'10 b'111 0 'M t+ord and
<br />IWO" ft" M wet to bwAw IYr a.rd1 •eol.waone
<br />Sec. 6103. Conftdentlality and
<br />Disclosure of Returns and Return
<br />Information
<br />cal Disclosure of CWtaln Rotume and
<br />Rel m IMOnnetIon For Tats Adminlatrell
<br />don Purpow&—
<br />21 l3a .x 'e Mno- n d a NV� yr • a r • a
<br />41 -U '-W 140 twWwo fa ascetic+ GWP rice a ►7 /11 d
<br />'>N c,!'a:a •: y .t eal+ln eeQxe0lly ♦lw ar "1af h raereaaae
<br />b WV ww of folio SeaMaobry .raw+ ovww to
<br />*e hu a fare n VIS W"q wkwf 10 0411, w ro •aMNe W
<br />tow a "r n W'h prnpe4y
<br />•
<br />u
<br />J
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