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201903225 <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Tract A: <br />Part of Block 4 in Brown's Addition to Alda, Hall County, Nebraska, described as beginning at a <br />point on the north line of said Block 4 a distance of 125 feet east of the Northwest corner of said <br />Block 4, thence southerly parallel to the west line of said block 4 a distance of 150 feet, thence <br />easterly and parallel to the northerly line of said Block 4 a distance of 75 feet,thence northerly and <br />parallel to the westerly line of said Block 4 a distance of 150 feet, thence westerly along and upon <br />the north line of said Block 4 a distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Tract B: <br />A part of Block 4, in Brown's Addition to Alda, Hall County, Nebraska described as beginning at a <br />point on the North line of said Block 4 a distance of 50 feet West of the Northeast corner of said <br />Block 4, thence Southerly and parallel to the East fine of said Block 4 a distance of 150 feet, <br />thence westerly and parallel to the Northerly line of said Block 4 a distance of 50 feet, thence <br />Northerly and parallel to the easterly line of said Block 4 a distance of 150 feet, thence easterly <br />along and upon the North line of said Block 4 a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Also Known and Described as: The West one hundred twenty five feet (12.5) of the East One <br />hundred seventy five (175') of the North one-half (N1/2) of Block 4, Brown's Addition to Alda, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />