State of Nebraska 5/30/2019 3:32:30 PM PAGE 2/003 Fax Server
<br />•
<br />Form 668 (Y)(e)
<br />,489
<br />NE SEC Stme - Khr P Evnen
<br />Filing Document 4 1905001762-3 Pages 1
<br />111g Darr :rad Tent' ..h/ -)/.7.019 .041 .411)
<br />F)61.),=:1Afri,Jra 01 Ff5V011,9.) SeiV:C.e
<br />Notice of Federal Tax Lien
<br />201903069
<br />Nuo313,31
<br />sMALIt Ira SmEri.SI3FL:1-F AR -E,74
<br />Lien Unit Phone:. f 6 ii;)
<br />31113515119
<br />br 1>naci,-,4:41a by
<br />0)1011
<br />As provided by section 6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue
<br />Code, we are giving notice that taxes (including Interest and penalties)
<br />have been assessed against the following -named taxpayer. We have made
<br />a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid, Therefore,
<br />there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to
<br />property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these taxes, and
<br />additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue.
<br />Name of T;ixpaynr DIIvIENSICY:QS STUDICI 1,1,(2
<br />Reskienr,a
<br />1209 ALLDN DR
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE Si:0C), -11:137.1
<br />IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATIO'N: For each ssssmsrfort Sstorf tioiovv.
<br /> notice of too .r 5 i.tfizip3 itie dare givnn in notorfln 1111. this notc,..),,11:,
<br />pr tf1C. d3t foftcy,r;ing (Sate, npe;aarr: as a ()Isass as ijefioed
<br />1)4ri
<br />Kind of Tax
<br />(a)
<br />Tax Period
<br />Ending
<br />(b)
<br />9 4 1
<br />2/31/2016
<br />Identifying Number
<br />(c)
<br />XX - XKX 6 006
<br />Bate of
<br />Assessment
<br />(c1)
<br />U4/08/201
<br />Last Day for
<br />Renting
<br />(e)
<br />05/ 00 / 20:29
<br />Unpaid Balance
<br />of Assessment
<br />(f)
<br />11412.72
<br />P&ns if Fir,s;
<br />Registr of Deedo
<br />pcinox -15512
<br />Grand lt,,land, NE 664302-162
<br />Toti,3
<br />1.11 1 2 .
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