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I <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT ag- •1.03938 <br />Me, Randal L. Kenny and Barbara L. Kenny, husband And wife_ "T star "1 <br />(� -- Twenty Thousand and no /3aQ bo�iars -- <br />i under that certain Deed at Trust in the origins) principal amount of � ....���- - ---.- <br />_ _ -- - - - - - -- -___ _ .. -_ - _- ._.___.._ --- t>► , _. f and dated <br />July 28. 1989 �- (Deed of Trust) to be. entered into among Trustor. <br />Earl 0. Ahlschwede, Attorney i-Trustee ") and THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND ( "Beneficiary "), covering the following described property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW'4) of Section Thirty Two (32), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the Path P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NA); thence running Westerly along the North line of said Northwest Quarter (NW/4), <br />a distance of Nine Hundred Twenty Five and Fifty Eight Hundredths (925.58) feet, to the <br />ACTUAL point of beginning; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 28' 48" and running Southerly <br />a distance of Three Hundred Ninety Five (395.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 28, <br />48" and running Westerly, a distance of Three Hundred Ninety Four (394.0) feet; thence de- <br />flecting right 89 degrees 31' 12" and running Northerly, a distance of Three Hundred Ninety <br />Five (395.0) feet, to a point on the North line of seid Northwest Quarter (NWT;); thence <br />running Easterly along the North line of said Northwest Quarter (N14), a distance of Three <br />H dr d,Ninety Four (394.0) feet, to the AMAL point of beginning, now known as Lot One <br />(ii, 9bpiehs Subdivision, Hall. County, Nebraska, <br />hereby acknowledge that it is understood that (a) the Deed of Trust to be executed by Truster is a trust deed and not <br />a mortgage and (b) the power of sale prevtded for in the Deed of Tmst, provides substantially different rights and <br />obligations to the Trustor than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligatkoni <br />Trustor acknowledges that this Acknowledgment. was wade prior to the execution .a the, *ed. of Trust. <br />. _ _ �_ _.�. a .mot_ 2Rth A *v .,f .lulu .19_84_. <br />Exauuww: and dellve s—ed •wo - -0 - <br />AW A <br />2n+tor Re dal L. Kenny <br />d <br />Tnator Barbara L. Kenny <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />The foregoing instrument was ackngw' gel be e me ti�is 28th ���fJuly <br />19 89 _ _ by Randal L. Kenn and 6aera L.:enny, us-1550-and wi e <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Tsiand r ska in said county, the date aforesaid. <br />" Nr co..i� ion .rpirs: '� a <br />Ikimto"ttW 4 <br />L <br />
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