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jai. of N.ankaa peed of Trust h�;184 703 (b)—] <br />89-- 103828 <br />'i111a Dad dTrtral( "Sacunty Irowmenl ") is nude an July 28 �, . <br />19 89 .mietnpawis David L. Schuett and Tamara J. Schuett, Husband and Wife <br />("Borrower). The Mhos is Commercial Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association ("Tmuml. The bauf«isry is <br />Home Federal Savings and. Loan Association of Grand Island , which is o paimd and exi:tt <br />N dw do laws of Nebraska , and wise address is 221 South Locust <br />Grand Island, Nebraska ( "Lento: "). <br />N►Ilaeraethlizl'hat tiro Borrower in consideration of the debt and oust. herrinahler described and creat4 and the sum of One Dollar (U), ); to . <br />%6i a iod j by tile Thafte. the receipt of which. is haft acknawle*d. does by these Wmals Vvik hatpin aed soh troy and <br />o tr ha. erd� va Eke ?rnslae is vok with power of sale, forever, all of the foUowin8.0ewm1W real e0ft *Awd lying and being in the ccwnty 0 <br />cad Slue 0 hdkelfcasha. to wit: <br />Lot Teti (10), Block Fifteen (15) Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />incorporated herein and.the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this mortgage: <br />"THIS IS A PURCHASE iri0NEY MORTGAGE" <br />which %W-010. W of 904 West. 4th S&Wt . Grand Islam • , <br />NP-h --*A Be At71 ls+V�aeiei (-Property-Address <br />T* E 1m tt d Te doll tie pnaaires above davibe& with all the appurtenances tharunto belonging and including all bduift plumbing and <br />!Oft 6ttttw" thud ft- t i�nw tK sitaw tod to (g uledt in immT!i@-ft -4 -6 said rued nets►. un!* 0-- Trestm swi 1n its se `me .s <br />ad awriM forever. The Borrower rgxaenw to. and convenants with. the Trustee„ that the Borrower has, good right to sdl and wavey said <br />pemiaer that they are free from Trance; and t**tlihe Borrower will wuran and defend the carne against the lawful daims of aU peamrts <br />whormoew, aid the no Bwowa hereby rdingmbzaU rights of hhomm ad, and'ad marital rigs. either in law or in equity. wad all oilier <br />eoaaageruc iNAeie¢s of the Borrower in and to the abi5 t4escn'bed pr+vRhism sad motion be ft to oonvey hereby an wbeoluw tide, is fee simple. <br />W% dial a>f•;ri0" of bovscac d. and other ngws and'�ertxts as Wbmw& <br />Rev AhrsM amd there pnseats ate esecure- sod ddivewd unto the Tsusfoa„ in mist. however for dte. fp(iawinH purposes: <br />Wheam% the Borrower on the 28 , day of July .19 borrowed from the Echoer <br />tie am of Thirty Eight Thofisand Five Hundred Fifty and oterf tco----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- <br />-- <br />--------------------------------- Dcllars(S 38,550.00 for which <br />curb the Borrower has exewrsed and delivered �qlt h r "Mym issory mote of even date. baring <br />?interest of the rate of eight & eighty / per cestuas ( 8.88 `g) per annum on the unpaid baknoe until paid. <br />.,'Silo said pAVxapd and rule w shall be payable at the office of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />of Grand Island, 221 South Locust P holder :hole <br />Grared Island Nebraska . or at such other <br />-may datpale m;XQ is mootTi &Wlineots of Three Hundred Six and 86/100---------------- - - - - -- <br />• ` ------- - - - - -- Dabs (f 306.86 ). oommeacW9 on the fiat day of September <br />19 89md on the fisat day of eaclh t l 110 dherelller wail the prifasapa! w W inttrm are fully paid, except that the final psytn+mt of piecipal <br />cad iasertw- if ant arose: paid. sW be doe m d payabk oe die first day of August <br />20 14 <br />This form is used In connection with mortgages insured under the one- to four - family programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Secfions 200) and p)) which repuire a tine -Time Morgege Insurance Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those <br />Programs, <br />Pimp 1 of 5 <br />forth HU0602142- W.1(34M addiaon) <br />24 CFR 2ti3.170) <br />.a <br />T <br />