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r <br />L <br />1 <br />9o-- -Ao 5720 <br />10. Borraim NO Ileiseedt %fbMrtntxi h L.erbe► Not a i)wfwer. i Atent"W of the Ime for payment or mod.tscatron of aMortllalion of Ihh bums Wed by Ins Security mslnument <br />Ia0 pr Y euciossool in f0lwer atwN not Oparay to Ion" to, meat o (Ifer itio al dify amel iz tion Bonower's auu swain n nWraft l erxitV shall not be requited <br />embed <br />n nymt M Mile b ex1Md Imo iaar paynerw or Mferwese modAy amarUtnetraxl nl ihee sums roexurMl by this f lrunry Instrument by reason <br />of Any dsmarwd mercy by the WKMW Borrower Of BonowNl's swa:cAssors in interest Any forbearance by L@rwfer in exercising any right or remmly shah rw it to a waiver M or prochwde tree <br />exellae of arty rape or lenbdy <br />11, sucewom Mid Assil ra flowed: JoMM allot ieyerd LisbllNyt 13o slgahers• The cOVenanta and agreements of IMf BecihrNy Instrument shah did Nett benefit the successors and <br />Newts of uindox and sorro wr, ugsd lathe provWaes of paragraph 17. Borrower's oower+ants and aplaemenls 00 be ►onll and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument <br />bur does tall oxecula to Neff- lam N mswnrai) this Socunly Inslnlnwenl only M MWIPps, grant and own" that Borrower's Interest in the Propsrty uwwder the terriers of This Security Instrument; <br />to) N IIW PW&WWAy a>b�aad l0 pay the Sums Muted by th 's Sbcwlrny ilrshtrrrerM. and Ice agrASS that Lerwtlen ant any oee@r BnrrOwer msy agr@s M extant- mndAy forbear a make any _ <br />aoconwlnoddbrM wtlh regard b On larma of this SNOW IlwatfUriwerwl Of the NOW w shout twig SINTO Na'a consent. <br />/L La" ChwgW t Ile loon "Mod by this Security IawslnWWA u subod b ■ Ire Which We mainnium loan charges. and that law it finally Interpreted so that the interest or other loan <br />charges collected at to be CON r t 'in Odnection with the ban exoaad the permitted WAS. then IN) any such ban charge SW be reduced by to amount necessary to reduce the diarpe <br />I* fhb pemlld lest: bed (b) any, sun foltsady collected from Borrower which sxosaded permitted limits will be refunded Io Borrower lWKW may choose to make this refund by reducing <br />iM pewit" owed under bee NM or by making a did PWffwN b Bomovrar. t a refund raduaa prineapal, the reduction woo tie ue&W as a psrbat prepayment without any OKDaymr+t dMir" <br />under that No". <br />1L 4apI - I Aflsci fly Lender's Will. if enactment or expiration of aPPkcabas Iaws has to effect of randera M any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unanaot e" <br />atxxxdNep k► <br />ft teens. tw. dw. d n option, may twist InwlN"lo payment in fill d as sums saudlrad by this SecwAy Instrument and may invoke arty reawedes paem,Ated by paragraph 19 <br />M Lander exe6iae$ thle option. Lender aflall talc lee siege specified n the second ParSFWh d paregraph , 7 <br />W NioMoee. Any. b Borrows pmvded lot in Mws Seeunty Instrwamai and be 4 teen by detwvMinp it or by maewwg A blr first class mall wetess applicable err requees use of another <br />meted The n-'r she be dxedKilo the ProWly Address or any cidw address SOMONO r deeig W" by nobcol to Lander Any nobce to Larder shall be Wan by "Class trust b lender's <br />addrlse aided heron or any other addeMS Lender deawgn"w by rwbbm b Borrower Any notice provded for n Ifxa Security Inourrnrw belt be owned to New@ been given to Borrower or <br />Lerwder wr W a PMVIM in to palroWspt+ <br />16. Law, >1sesAWMty. This Secxary YweturrlelY bhalb be governed by rodrrai tar and trxr xaxlu of Uw@ IurvedK.tlgci In which the vroPerey is locator In we event that any Arovmsx,rw <br />or c4nuae of Mors W sin or t or the pkft conhM with apps cabea t1Ax such contact yeti not aM@Cr onwr provM-orws d ter Securty ku/rutreaM a the Noce IKnlah) can be ti"'@n effect <br />washout fhb colfts, p al i olon To lea: ore to provisions d no SewrAy trosumem and the Note aro declared lobe sewrabla <br />It lltarower's CW Borrower anal be W —one confon. oopy of the Mob@ andd tixs SAcunty Insnrrlwsnt <br />17. leapsar d ter Pnfperty or • fllerbMdal k.—Se M Bonatter N aw or wV pwi d Mm@ Prupwty or any .merest In It is add Or liansarhhwd µh it a Wrx+s,.lw riW&ol in BOlrowwet rs sold <br />or Iransirned and Borrower, is not a matt" pwfon► without Londw's pi pr wntyn .Ver9lnt Lander may 814S option. Mquire immediate narlww ill •v luk of all wms socraed by this Sewnty <br />I WWWOea. Ifowewar. this Opbn &W not be exarehsad by LNrwder If expitE P Is prahbwl id by federal law say of the date of this SeCur ty InslrWOece <br />Of Lomw exwAm twin option. Lende SW give Borrows not- Of *-~at— Try nkJ" shall prow %* a period of not less than 30 Wrys':ra?r row date the notice Is delivered or marled <br />twNlwin wtrctw Borrower mot pay ant sums sawed by this Security Instrument n Bortoww farms to pay nose scans prior to the expiration of this uIlivoc : Ander may Invoke any remedies permdyd <br />by ate Secunly waimmallt wllwou t further notice or demand on Borrows <br />1f1. eollewor'N Rig M to IiIMb$tels. It Borrow meats certain cW,Ix]ns Borrower snail have the nk:)M to haw@ ent.'31CW enl of this Security Instrument d.sconimued at any time prior so <br />the s~61: (a) S days (or such other p nod as aPWcsbl* law may speclty for renstatemvml before sale & Pere Progeny pes., alit to any power cl sale contained in this Security tnshumitnt. <br />or (b) entry of a pldIlmorit eMorrwq this Sool"y instrument Those conditions are that Borrower (at pays LWNW also su-'s w her then would be due under this Security Instnyrert and ter <br />Note hod no acceleration occurred; (b) Cures any default of any other covenants or agrwaments. Ic) pays as ovenWO -"IcWW - enforcing this Saltunty Instrument, including, out not limited <br />b. reasonable stbrneys' fees: end fill takes such &:ban As I~ may reasonably require to assure that the Morn of ins Secunty instrument, Lender's rights In the Property and eorrovier's <br />oblipailon to pay the sums sealed by this SK" Instrument SW continue unchanged L)pon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the ~ions secured hereby shag <br />remain ft* eflewire as 0 no aobeNMtlon had occurred However • this right to rensiale shall not apply in the case of aecelwation under paragraphs 13 or 17 <br />NONUNIFORM COVENANTS. Soroea and Lender further covenant and agree as fdNOwvs <br />ff. Acoolerallorbi Raimed1w Lender shO giiaa notice W @W"m r prior to a000eteratlon folOwkeg Sorrow is breach ail any covenant err egreerflent In We Security Instrument <br />tom root prior M a0ai rol ion urWw poraorapiw 13 iliii017 urAm 'airplicab.. t= provide ofhz WC11). The no"ce fslks!! eWlty' See the delasslt: (b) the !action feptpole!d to Cute me <br />dWW-. ($) • dale, not less than 30 dep fibre ens dal the n I Ile te given W Bonier►, by tefnleb tree deleuM must be cured: and (d) tlid tallurs to ire the defNUii on or h - W - <br />dn dal spwiftd M for nibs msy feewl M atoefsstbn 01 for gums secured by this Security Instrument are Nat of the Property. IM notice andl furtber kdorm Borrower of <br />tae dom le rainsam alwfiar attsNralion Bruit ter ftM b b ft a nowt action to sawt the non-411111M os of is default or any other defense of Borrower to soaiwation and sale. it <br />ter defast ie not r i, ' on a bebm "w Mrs spsollled ben flee niter. Lends al tits OPtbn new mgWm inwAdMM payment In lull of oN stwm asewed by this Snurfgf kmbunoM <br />wMlout fur"dsnwbdwW ffbey kwolla the pow of sale and any oths ranee .. pwnlnud by applicable low. Laandsr shall be ondlted to collect erg expense$ linturred M pursukg <br />the needles provided In thb pary~ 19, Intkbding, but not IIn11ld to. reasonable *noraleye' faee sod costo of title evidence. <br />M tits poles► of seal te l L nIt dI Tmale shell record a notice c+f delaun In each county In which afar portal the Property is located end shall mall ooples of ouch notice in the <br />nonnor preaorlbe0 by applicable low to oorroser bed to the other persons prescribed by appiieabie law. After tin time required by applicable law, Trustee shall gM public notice ' <br />at sal go line persons and In ter aginn er pesexiWd by atppille fe low. Trustee. wahoui demand an Borrows, Mail sell the PmWty at public a fiction to On hW*M blddar at the <br />tiltM Antd place also faldsr pis asrnn desgfbsted M tut nof, , o1 sale In ore air neon pero to aced M any order T►vafee determiners. TMMe in" postpone sale W st all any perm <br />at to Propertyby POW annount enbsnl at tree Writ alb plea of any prwiously scheduled sale. Ler4w or the dealpnee may purchase ter Pipped ly at any s ate. j <br />Upon eoslpt of psyelert d tho pAos bid. Tmfto $lean it~ W tin purchaser ihisaWe's deed convsykg ter Property. The ncaft in the Trustee's dined shall be priors foci " <br />evldeboe d the butte of lha statements made Menln, Thgtee OW apply the proceeds of the sate in the following order: Is) to all expereeeA of the safe. Including, but not limbed <br />M. Thfslee's fns u pern►Hted by appitlow her arc reasonable alsont W tweet Ibl to erg awns secured by the tUturNy Inaruraewl and le) any exam to ter p- on or persan <br />by ov aflN 1 le IL - <br />2& Londe N Poessebn upon abbNaratwon under possgraph 19 or abandonrrreril of the Propety. Londe Inn person. by .peel or by Judicially SPpdnted IO Mere) "I be entitled to <br />~ upon, take posessa m d arwd Monello ter Property and to CON" the tents at the Propety, Including those PAM dull? Any rents Corlected by Lewder of the r cpW shell be applied full <br />t0 pWalk aX #0 cats at nwag erwMM of Me PnWty and collection of rents. linOko ng. buf not WwwWo to. ramteav@r's few. prenwms on roewera bonds and reasonable Anor eys' leas. Arid - <br />ten to ter sums secured by this Security Instrumarwt <br />M. III gm L ewfloe. upon payment of Ns ourns somted by tww! Sacurny ln$trumeM Lenow shah request Trusttee t0 tecionvey tfws Property and shah surna nder Milo Security instrument And <br />all am evde i debt seemed by this Security Instrument to Trustee Trustee Sham Mconwey the Property without warranty ang wrhout Charge to the person of persons legally @rnnt@d to <br />t. Stich person or parsons shat pay any racordabon costs <br />92. SubslAtfle Trustee. Lender, at do' option, may 0011m tins to Ilene remove Tiuslee ant appoint a successor huStale to any Trustee appointed hereunder try an inmiument recorded in the <br />comity in Mich this Security knpitimard to recorded Withdal conveyance Of Ifs Propeaiy. the SUCCeaaor trustee shau UKCe d M at the title. Power and duties contained upon Truelo@ +we@wt e ' <br />arc by atpONesble law. <br />ZL Rs Q,- I for Pig tloae. BOrro wer requests Met Copies Of the noNOes of defaua anti sac on Sent to Borrower A address wroth is the Property Address Borrower further roqussto chat <br />Ooploo of gin noaDee of defoul""is be eeM b each Person who is a party hwOO al the addross Of such person set kwtth term <br />Za. RW M to tlbl$ Sumvity Vb@VWNSM Of one a more rders a•A @xecuted by Barawr and recorded together wrtn this Security Instrument. the covenants and Agreements of each swish <br />ride shag be Into WAftd 0* and shall amewd and N+go emaM tit COvenarns and agreements of this Security Instrument as A the rxwls) wean a pan d this Seeurry lnstnxnenl (Croak <br />epplclwaa box( «)1 <br />[] AdJwarte Ray peer l ] Corwdortwnwmm Rioter ? 4 Family Hider <br />Graduated Payment Roder Planrind Unit Development Ritter 3' <br />,^ clerk) (speamty) <br />By SIGNING SE LOW. Borrower GDOWS std 09" to the forme and covonanlb contained m this S junty instrument and in any n0ortsl ewKuted by BOnoww and recorded with e <br />' ' �• - •.... _,.��„'._" .. - -..._. _ ($ball <br />+- aflrrtlwlM <br />.... .. ...... ._', .__ .- .---.... <br />(Seal <br />IArr� <br />(Space Below This Uadl For AeltwlowkWg~t( <br />Wine or Nebraska ► <br />Hair ► u <br />County of <br />on Owe 26th _ day of _ .. Septg_OOP . _ ly 90 refute r,.r d w,ta,, v,r r "state of Nebraska <br />......�..,.,....r Steve Govier and Sonia Govier (husband and wife ) <br />to we pw ilonahr. Mulvrl Mi o@ mow p@•w,or•, w.- named .t+ der who @tai Uled this hwvyu•np •nStlum@nl ,',.1 ,err +,n ».rig..'+ .M they ewer ~ the %WhP ,ice � .. <br />vnM/Nary ad ant <br />aalrCoWAwlesen Isar" _ w _ _ f f - <br />Ni-1iAWr PURIM <br />%doofNebreW , •Aw11f11Aayitekeltlhleela <br />sat A•ICHELLE M. CALLAHAN <br />county or 1 Arr(� Eq Avt Iti"I <br />on Pis 4@y o, ,,, r,,, ,,. ,,.P .r •..••.,•. + .. .. .. , . '� <br />M1 <br />to m@ vwuw+ary YnUwN, t. rA I•.e ,r•u+. v, •.a„rn • ., �•. r.n , �I,I ,,,,. , . ,.,r . - , . , n . , <br />,n,M/NYy act VV de u ' <br />.. • ♦w%I <br />