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r <br />I <br />1 <br />1.05714 <br />90- <br />f transferred <br />polible and proceed totkt radix Of <br />lad to beisiWiattllydierasdc i <br />f. If all e,usafieisrlke <br />the ksdicierl, b k declare all tell located it Ill$rt reat <br />available to it udar Ike defult provisioal costaiaN keteia. <br />11, Ail of tko (eliosiy #rut$ $bill be dff11ad an 'volt of defadt Wender: <br />Interest ar/ otber 6vu aeeard 1#rebl rlt11 du; <br />w Truro" x1911 have failed to ssta pgypst of gel iuts1111est of priscipnl or or <br />breach of or defatlt Stiff gel tote, covetut, yreeneat, cattlitioS, prorilioe, representation or WurutP cet,taisawi <br />b. Mate bu Secured a <br />it the ked of Trut, tie get# or III other loll intrteett sec red'Arab'; <br />by the Triton is Ile ptpaut of up prior or aial"at lief er acuiruce ie repfot to ail or taY Palm of <br />C. list# ku ban a 6101, <br />tit prepaetl; Bill I Inpaet /Silent .veto <br />d. Ttutors algid file g ralutsekoYthet lufOM ties <br />bts#fit of credilen is raN - "#Wly;iuku action to Set, or <br />WMCW' , dertut all isbktedaet kecatedt ,er��: y to k du and payable rod tie an #hal I tboreyok <br />11. 'i•a lie Nut of W WoX. tie, l eut.iu! +nf <br /><<r lithe' OL up prod. hereafter, the <br />alt ay: <br />bewn 414 lad pysttle 4111110114 W pnreeataee4, daestl, protest <br />brifgisg lay getiom or Proceedieg, or by receiver gpisted by a coarl lad rit,oet felled W the <br />of vet "P <br />a. eitltr io par/oS hr by .vgest, Wltk or titloat <br />ucl of lay ttclrlty, ester fps d take poslesaiom of the Property , or of part thereof, if it, non a loe or is tit Sue o! the Notes, ad <br />ado11 la <br />or rentibilitl of the Ptogttl, or put thereof, or <br />do ail gets wkicl It deem' nectioul ltd desirable to preserve Ike valve, euketabilitl <br />laterest Ikereio, igcreeme the lecose tkerefros or protect the secvrit/ hereof aid, vitkost Will poelessioa of the property, ate for or <br />We ud shells of <br />otiervift collect the reste, lone, And profits thereof, iscladial those put die lad upsid, aid 01111 tit Sue, costs <br />optratio$ ad collection, iaelsdlal attoral feel, slot u/ isdebt#daevs located kerebl, oil in lick order AS tke leefWall 1101 dtterefao. Tle <br />ud applicati6s tlereef u aforesaid <br />esterlsl sps aid Will posetuios of the trot estate, the colltetife of leek tests, Islas ad profits <br />defult or fotice of defult 1#reaader or iepilidat' ul get lad is roaposse to Sul defult or paraut to net <br />Skill get cite or rail# any <br />kl to rats, <br />for kis gel ofiIke loll qpl!catioa of <br />Ike coatilauce ips 6ccacresc #r <br />uNc# of bft" <br />profile, Trutt# or tieekauiciuly y be Willed toielerche everyfrilltpprovided <br />Ike rillt to eterciae tit paver of 'Ali; <br />of By tvst of defult, ioclsdiel <br />b. contact u utios to foreclose till pew of Trott u a fortlye, appist a receiver, it ii£:iM&I11 rslatcr any of Ike C4vea!eu hereof: <br />declaration of defult ad deaaad for tale, lad a vrittea notice of defult aid election to calls Triton' <br />S. deliver to Trestle a'rittes <br />Interest is the property to it told, slick notice?rutee,hall cult to be dill tiled for record if the official records of the cotelf is Which <br />the property If located. <br />1l. Ikuld the haeficittl elect to foreclose by everci6e of the power of sale bereis coatautd, tie leaeticiarf okell sotiff Trutee gel 61911 <br />111# aid seared hereby u Truteo sy tgeife. <br />1 r <br />deposit Witt Trsstee this peed of ?rut aid the note lad sick receipts asd evidence of erpeeditares <br />Trastee Shall ease to be recorded, pebliskN lad delivered to Tnabr lick lotic' of Intuit and "ce of <br />, <br />lad spa reset of the leseficia 1, the <br />his u ties repaired by In sad by this kid of ?rest. TrIltee skill wltkost dwud on Trestor, after flak tiff u Sal tkea M spired by les aid <br />ktice of Sale having bees live, u rewired by law. eel l Ike property at tie the lad slue of <br />after recordation of tack ktict of kfult aid after <br />isle flied by it �a tscl Notice o! halo, #illy u • $foie, or in separate lots of parcels or itest w Trutee stall dean spedleat, lad is Sul order <br />to or percluera the "ot a deed to the Property <br />u it my deteniae, at pablic %action to tke li {lest bidder for cub lad skill deliver sick pfrchuer <br />sold, couiateat Will the In them it effect. Recitals it the Tra$tee't deed Shell be Iris$ facie evide11et of lie tretb of the slate11eftl lade <br />t <br />lad agents of Ike faieo,ai1c,� <br />tlete,a. Trutee skill apply the proceed, of the rile is the follotiii order: Ian) to all reasonable costs <br />till IS of Ike Irons vale price, reuosable attorney tees lad eoalaj of title evideace; 1eN[ <br />llsited to Trutee'$ tees of sot sore <br />by Me Ieed of ?tut; and (e) tke eseee, if gel, to tie p,face or persons legally estitied thereto. 1111leno$, iielsdial tit leavficufy, sy <br />lee, sale of Al I or gel portioS of tie property. <br />It"kno said property at said ogle. Trutee gel is Ike outer provided lit Impose <br />11 Trestle asd the leafficiul, lad lack of them, Hall be entitled to enforce 9911810 lad performce of at itdehtedieft or oblitatie6 vested <br />you iastrueat or other ajrteleSt or lay lass for or kereafter <br />1 <br />kenby, lad to e:eteise all rillts lad pose" twit this peed of Trost at ender all <br />of the idebtedaee aid oblilatioss record kereb, slick oil still or ktteafter be olbeniet attired, eketker by <br />t <br />elforced toteitistudist we or all <br />Portly#, deed of treat, pledge, lira, usigueat or otbervise. killer tie acceptuce of this teed of trot ear its esforeanett, skatltt by coart <br />is maker effect Ttettee'i or Us leuticiuy's rilit <br />goon$ or patient to the peer of 'ale or otter pore" bereis raatglaed, skill prejtlice or W <br />to reslils spa of eafotct u/ otter setstity go, or hereafter Ield 5y Trgstte or the leae[itiar,, ct kit{ yted that Ttatee Sal tit leaeficisq, <br />tow or kereafter keld by lie leatfieiu, or Trutee is tack <br />laic. <br />:. <br />j <br />ud each of tile, Stall be entitled to enforce this peed of Trill ltd lay other fectritl <br />in their discretiek detenine. to reedy kettle conferred ilon or rtiefved to Trastte Of IeaiticiasY it <br />order Red saner IS till gay obsolete <br />isledd to be anclasive of up other field, befell or by its provided or Peraitted, tit lack akall be eealative lad skill k if $!dine$ to every <br />Ivory or re*edl gives by ul of the you ifetrgaee►v <br />otter ready lives ieresder or cos or kereafter eaistinl at law or eltitl or by statite. poser <br />ee"c'flgealiglfg retedie Nek <br />be veto <br />of tie $al be otklr#"e <br />;italfNh'.Isk <br />to Trutee or the 14111ticiuy or to Wkick either Ilyllereu shall <br />lad u oft$ u W be died epedtet OF inner ur ;.r.fictzrl, ud ...r •• y p <br />Trenton to the estett fact geI'" if penttled If lu. <br />c$utrffd u prolibitlal Ile katficiul tree aevkial a dofieieacl jadlantst ,{lint <br />of notice of defult gel that u, sotiee of Sale bertuder lit allied to Tfuto" at eke address lit forth <br />IC Uestors kereby relient a COPY W <br />s. .a. # :..i ..►.Saab of the kd of Tral. .. �_.._— .� ........ is ,a, n,..r. I <br />.. 16. The katficiarl ay, by a vtittts ifalrueat erectied lad actaoeledged OF 6eteiicisry, satire .o,ir....,.....,.....- .. __. ___ -• - <br />the glllreable In of the Itate of lebruka, sobstitvte a teccessor to <br />1kick Ike property is located Sal by otkervise cospiyist silk tie provision of <br />tit ?rut" and Wail at u"t.i.vl Ieaesmike, <br />. tletr Mrs, peraoaal repreteatstivet, $tcctssert <br />16. This shed of Trost a:�p4t" to ui Learn to tee heteftt of get blare all Mrs:. a Iereto, <br />ud guips. lie ten 'leaolr;istatl' SkiLI slag tk# a„eer uta I<Ar. X ':ke S'Itt nod;iir or lot sued u letefictaty bereis. <br />tW ilgbilitl of All other petaom tell:'rtr :ran '1age�n: ^! say oblr,ittot herein slattoaed, lad vitkost gfftctta{ the lies <br />IT. li�thovtt tffeetia/ <br />1 -ckatle of Oil peed o! 410a W portion of tan« p!opett, tot rate it aor °':, >'•'i relkusi w oermty flf the fall pgget of 111 upaid <br />oaf. ef„Puc ti,) r.rona a 'tgble. Ii# nteei tke fatertty or alter any of the <br />Ol:lptiasn. the Iesdruc:a-7 reap. afar vise to tilt no t:tmat tot.:': <br />ti ro of sal oock oblidAC01; JOV grate. otite• ivdaig'icer; Id) re:egr,� �� eeruanil at '.tip bye "ir.rrt'r opt: x +cos sleet, soften$ or all or the <br />gar 'wi 'r ttl fnr� "q�sitron #r other arras {'loll <br />property; (o) We or ee 'are Oat ttb.t x uct;osa. Sea—, ty •v! , +c W-03 D fear- 1'Gy.S' <br />7 <br />atk debtors is Waits '.lereco. <br />n <br />t�� <br />