1 !,
<br />L
<br />I
<br />ACKNOWU00EMINT OF DItD OF TRUST 90.10 5710
<br />BOWA Mi N 1RIAn "" RROIIR staNINO:
<br />oofmmmiTrllatora )wwkrmndtMlthedocumenithatMeN nomeareaboultooxocubbaDMolTruolandnolamortpapsandthatthepttaerofsalep ►olidad
<br />foot In IIN Dasd al Atoll proAft sublilaMMNy dNfarent Nghle and obllgatlella to th@ Bo►Mwera than a mortgapa In thomnl of a delsoN or breach of obNpalkM undo MS
<br />Deed of Trull. including. but not limited In. the Larder's right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee without any judicial jimcaMdlnp M tof$CUMuta. QOfrowaff
<br />ngpaaatN rile warrens) thol Mils aeMnowladpMMnt was aseculld by them belnN OM exaeulion of the Deed of Trust.
<br />De l s D. Ll.,t o n lioROwer
<br />Patricia A. T-utiri wen
<br />COMPUM MAa pence ear M Mae no NsiOaaiml eeenabb of tNDWIDUALI•r OWMID AI+IIMCIM.TINIAL LAW.
<br />lfaollpdNf. , fla " ONLTOM!~A.N.earU:
<br />E3 A. WOO.M*R OF f110NT TQ D SMATt HOM BTEM.
<br />The Borrower(s) so: knowtedge that they am about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the veal Mas,deurlbad therein. The Swchm(9),and Oath of them It
<br />mare lhsn one, dohenby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead olalther o1 the Boats r(o) h prsfsflllyar will iothe
<br />future billy situated upon mid real eslaW The Bortowerls) understand that It either itstablishes a homestead an any part of sold reolostale during the tione the Ooed otTruist
<br />r«meinsunaatldled and alien upon mid real estate. there shall be no right to matte a designation of homestead In the evenl of a forselmreoftrustwi sateadth reepeclte
<br />sold Dad of Trust
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowl edgethattheyareabouttoexeurtethefollowingDeedofTrustuponOnetooIestatedecrobedtherein The Borrowerfel•andeschollhemil
<br />mare then *Fe. do hetfbv waivt their 114111 to desl4nets a horheflend pursuant thereto The Borrowerist understand that they nave IM right to snake a designation of
<br />hsmetleadandthelbyexeculingthi swaiver, Iheyarewaivingrlghbol il« wtsesv «lableforthepurposeofaffording IkemlheopportunitytoralteinitelrhorMtbadInthe
<br />evanl of a default upon IM Deed of T rust
<br />Plballant to flit Fortin Homestead protection Act (Ssction T6• Iflo 1 el ae4 Revised Statutes of the Stale of Nebraska). the Borrowsrlal. d0 her/tby doslpnate ttre real
<br />pre"Ifi dwsrlbetl in the- -06 gnatlon of 1lomresteed" S"Sehed berelo and incorporated herein by this reference
<br />Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ,l mad 7 e as of (th6Aynt il` )t f�ial [ ?j� i� hynndamnngthetruflori)i' 1)1:1': i�• T._t.l):.
<br />&. Patricia A.L_ut_ ors_ , tiustarld rind t►rI tI! wnn.e•n.dm,add,w571.1 Pox ;15, pani_phalie _NIL
<br />V132 ArIn4! of Doninhan
<br />—. therein, Borrower 1 the trustee -
<br />1MIOaa tnagMq addreaa if P.O. I30 X A, Do r. i pl i " 11 "?, �; �''
<br />Rank of' Donl -)hn n thereinTrueiee 1.
<br />and theBeoaflel.ry. __ --
<br />whose 111«kngeddressit .n.•...r'.�?? B., - Doninhan, 17: 6,1,6 �?
<br />.. .... ..... Itlereln "Lender')
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. including the indebtedness ,dentolted herein and trust herein c rooted the r•cerpt of who,► K'imtebw sell nowledged. Borrotret
<br />h«ebylflevoWblygranlf.It antlers. convoys and ass,gnstoTrettee.INTRUST WlTfipOWEnorSALE fotthebwneheandseCUrnMO ►l . ertOwI under and subject tothe
<br />IMfne end COndltiOns tlsrelrlsfler aft forth, the real properly described of follows
<br />Lot 13, in Rart•elt 7ul.divt slon, n Part c• f T,(,t;: 7,
<br />o`.' County Subdivision of narlr of t.hc• :Ioi,th her t: °
<br />:,hip ;) Forth, linen tJn: of the 6t.h ".,'., in t-hf�
<br />Donip6n. Kebra,;ka.
<br />TOPII r wMh NI buildings tmpi ovrmenrs. I.Mu,et •ulnas aiM1r1 passageways ratrrrrentf •,qr to pr•v,tegr, and apputtenancet IeCated thereon or In anywise
<br />ra.rlatnrtm IIt.rYw awA n.w_ ....� w •..A .....f.1,• __ __
<br />_ ,. ��.�- �_.�_.__. _ _. N =y �._.� . =,i �� ::,e+u :v �,vwiri.y i:v ta•,r.•y ev.r,{r•�••i ii.it i,ri,�• {ri•svnii
<br />ple turd, thatisNtaGMdtothe Mrprovi em«dtseestoconsbloMA /•.h. era••+ th• .ghfherwrp.lhea?e %r►a4irnyN.. nlefells Jarr stehelebyreleased
<br />It wwarved.oval idr. inekrawlprsp lae«naraarwaemlionsIhrrelo is IOtM 8 poll of Ohio -Mal ViSlaNpION; u.0d by lhehenofWt iDeedrif TfUltend allot the
<br />be" -III- totypew ase1iR properly
<br />It" peel Of irusl once ortwe tq the paveient of the pnnc opal sum and ,ftwon? a doric*d by Ftouown, t "It and o, credit ag,lerrn►nr dared
<br />►�
<br />rtaanq a Maturity date of J (: j L . .' , ..r '.' 1,n. , ..,t,na: p,rncrpai sm„ -inf eat t _ , . -N ^ • •.1 and any and all
<br />feria
<br />. earfrralons mind refewayIho loofof thereto Slid anyend Oft lutr, r• ad. oinr of, endrrao•. anc, at,••,,, undo,r- vranr or, • ,nrrepre+ •%%n,v-into%orcredit
<br />•4millOrfornentftheMrnc~ Note I (Of the payment at othof%ums advaficed by l e-idor fu profs, t fns -W,'- 1,,frte• bgf•Itlthe plrrnrmancee, e. ^M vent / and agreement
<br />olbwtower tart WIN hereon. and ldl all indebtedness and itblogabp-il of Rorrower to t ender *trine, d•,o, I •, - Into: lull• by note
<br />.-Y. q• a„Mih.r aliling
<br />guaranty. overdraft or ahetwrse
<br />8olrowet. Iowaal the saculoty of this need of Tfoa covenants and agrees writ% lender as tnhow•
<br />I fti" OIP" CIPMMWkgr reaRwrower shelf PrMmpby pay shoon due the prone r wlof" interest onandanyi. yryMCllro •,ao•,,ded,nIhallorro.rnihs
<br />Stood at Trust
<br />2 IrOLBprow /rionleownrroflMProprrly haa1M r• ght and aumnritylncnn ,.ythoProparty and wr, rant% that the 1, vmc •walMrterrbYyahr/1 and pnnr lion tin
<br />IM properly erCepl N MOy otttpwise beset tooth herein and P T,uit
<br />e nth ubon and doh.ery 1,l th.1, Died M doer ••ut . •v4b a-ir • •••,bail ut other obi•yal.o•. to wL•, to
<br />1111Orrovow if tar0lect
<br />-
<br />T Theo, Aaeofaersnls. To pay when due au tans spruai asMUntentse,+dni r+hrrrhargea ag4nt11fV MorH.l� any •q.n�wrAMndenq+A bllendrr to par h+
<br />LO WG such anWunl ee w►ay N auMrCionl W enable the Lender lit pay eutlr la•M aaMaar.ynla Or Olfl., iha,gle ., tnyr brlu" der
<br />A IMOWORM. Toapelhe Propeoly mfu•rd agr+ntl damage ny f•,• 1•a841dc • C1,,drd w.m•n th. rer.n ••een.tirilco.rragr Hid tvi h plha „yra•dt q lrndrr n't►
<br />reey1,fe in awAwfireawe with COwipeniM *eCaptaarr to l.ndat SAO wdh atom po yeht. in the to.”, rn,IaN N rhea.•••7iu yarn pn..t••. rhw r io -Iff• . a•. +hn•.rN fn r,lr•,H
<br />CONOCOandCorapr pMwN , all CMnwsth"un"r anti lhanhare the n I,on 1 0
<br />1+ n rPDi prey Maw t.aHU Ih•mpuani.p,nr.rrlrbl roan••,'bhtrdnrN a�nre,lhr•eh, a•+,1,n rnrn
<br />'
<br />Mdrr of arrester wla WlrrmiM Ur
<br />r tto lhlfto,rowrr 111Mnte,l lnr ny re,.a.. .,. rnN „•atu... .d the l•..y,e „r ..r 1...11u. 1..• ,oho. J„p,,..le ,., •,h.�rotal.tfar i.,, 1,..l • L•
<br />wdrlooAe111CNftgthe %onM this Deed of trust fill low hdla mini^tfoote •rAhe,pt•,till..r•i„ nlylntnir. e.,•..► 1. a•• a•„ avp,. ue,•. .,r0, ,.,..••„r...,!•p,•t•.ff.'•r
<br />nog sii%"d of prlatiolorrr lhw dut date M am p•vet ontt u•..M • u i, ilia• .,, „pe a,•, 11014- 11 uy,e,,...te. - ,,r.r !•-
<br />Uekllre w* arpha and Ceayawar with laws h-ir,owy, ter• N1,ep our r•, pe.o. .. -p .1 .. -t , .• .. 1 ••ra•• i••... 1 i • , • t n• 1,i f v•,
<br />frnl1,ro•em«d wMth mar hr dan,fretd ear iNlbnr►d alien n..t , nn.m.l u1, i,r•n..1 a•,t . - ... ..r ny l .. , .• .., �. I r • .• •• . ,r ire • 1 ,i a •►•
<br />-
<br />an,o llle +lr+pro,emenlaivo the prol,rgy IhaHrgdrnnm.l It .i,rr...lyrn,aanya,rh ►v,t.u.•.•,.•• , .r.,.=••,; ....- .. -, .� .. .+
<br />011111111/11, afwptomplly d,k hatg*al6U/root ft w.1,
<br />!
<br />n /1anley.r,•M au 1•r••0 0 If.. • i ,. • .. err t- •.J . ., ,• •. -. + „• • , -
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