6. DEFAULT; REMEDIES. Upon the occurrence of any Evert of Default specified in the Deed of Trust or upon the breach of any warranty or
<br />covenant contained in this Assignment, the Assignee may, at its option.
<br />(a) in the name, place and stead of the Assignor and as the Assignee in its sole discretion deems appropriate li) enter upon, niarrtrle and
<br />operate the Trust Property or retain the services of one or more independent contractors to manage and operate all or any pa. <..of the
<br />Trust Property; (it) make, enforce, modify and accept surrender of the Leases; (iii) obtain or evict tenants, rolled, receive, sue fu' fix,
<br />modify, adjust or compromise the Rents, and enforce all rights of the Assignor under the Leases; and (iv) perform any and all other
<br />acts that may be necessary or proper to protect the security of this Assignment.
<br />b) with or without exercising the rights set forth in subparagraph (a) above, give or require the Assignor to give notice to any or all
<br />tenants under the Leases authorizing and directing then, to pay all Rents under the Leases directly to the Assigner:; and
<br />c) without regard to any waste, adequacy of the security or solvency of the Assignor, apply for the appointment of a receiver of the
<br />Trust Property, to which appointment the Assignor hereby consents, whether or not foreclosure proceedings have been commenced
<br />under the Deed of Trust and whether or not a foreclosure sale has occurred.
<br />The exercise of any of the foregoing rights or remedies and the application of the rents, profits and income pursuant to the Secuun enntiec/
<br />"Application of Rents, Profits and Income" shall not cure or waive any Event of Default (or notice of default) under the Dood of /rust or
<br />invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice.
<br />7. APPLICATION OF RENTS, PROFITS AND INCOME All Rents collected by the Assignee or its agent or receiver each month shall be
<br />applied as follows: z
<br />0 a) if a receiver has been appointed, to payment of all reasonable fees of the receiver;
<br />b) to payment of all tenant security deposits then owing to tenants under any of the Leases;
<br />c) to payment, when due, of prior or current real estate taxes and special assessments with respect to the Trust Property, or if the
<br />Deed of Trust requires periodic escrow payments for such taxes and assessments, to the escrow payments then (Aue;
<br />d) to payment of all premiums then due for insurance required by the provisions of the Deed of Trust, or if the Deed of Trust requires
<br />periodic escrow paymre:nts for such premiums, to the :;screw payments then duo;
<br />e) to payment of expenses incurred for normal maintenance of the Trust Property;
<br />0 if received prior to any foreclosure sale of the Trust Property, to the Assignee for payment of the Ohliganon, bur nu sur.h p,iyoww
<br />made after acceleration of the Obligation shall affect such acceleration;
<br />g) if received during or with respect to the period of redemption following a foreclosure sale of the Trust Property
<br />(i) If the put-Maser at the foreclosure sale is not the Assignee, first to the Assignee to the extent of any deficiency of the sale
<br />proceeds to repay the Obligation, second to the purchaser to be retained as a credit to the redemption price, but if the Trust
<br />Property is not redeemer/, then to the purchaser of the Trust Property;
<br />Iii) If the purchaser at the foreclosure sale is the Assignee, to the Assignee to the extent of any deficiency of the sale proceeds to
<br />repay the Obligation and the balance to be retained by the Assignee as a credit to the redemption price, hilt if the Trust Property
<br />is not redeemed, then to the Assignee, whether or not any such deficiency exists.
<br />The rights and powers of the Assignee under this Assignment and the application of Rents under this Section shall contmue untif expiration
<br />of the redemption period from any foreclosure sale, whether or not any deficiency remains after the foreclosure sale.
<br />8. NO LIABILITY FOR ASSIGNEE. The Assignee shale not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor does it hereby undertake to perfume or
<br />discharge, any obligation, duty or liability of the Assignor under the Leases. This Assignment shall not operate to place upon the
<br />Assignee responsibility for the control, care, management or repair of the Trust Property or for the carrying out of any of the teens and
<br />conditions of the Leases. The Assignee shall riot be responsible or liable for any waste committed on the Trust Property, for any
<br />dangerous or defective condition of the 'Trust Property, for any negligence in the management, upkeep, repair or control of stied )rust
<br />Property or for failure to collect the Rents.
<br />9. ASSIGNOR'S INDEMNIFICATION The Assignor shall indentniIy if hold the Assignee harmless against any and ill c;ldirns, demands,
<br />liability, loss or damage ( including all costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees in the defense thereof) asserted against, imposed
<br />on or incurred by the Assignee in connection with or as a result of this Assignment or the exercise of any rights or remedies under this
<br />Assignment or under the Leases or by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings of the Assignee to perform or discharge any of
<br />the terms, covenants or agreements contained in the Leases. Should the Assignee incur any such liability, the amount thereof, together
<br />with interest thereon at the rate stated in the ,Note or the rata stated in the nto:.t recent obligation cov,.,ed by the Guaranty, mall be
<br />secured hereby and by the Deed of Trust, and the Assignor shall reimburse the Assignee therefor upon demand.
<br />10. AUTHORIZATION TO TENANTS. Upon notice from the Assignee that it is exercising the remedy set forth in the Section entitled
<br />"Default; Remedies" of this Assignment, the tenants under the Leases are hereby irrevocably authorized and drerted to pay to the
<br />Assignee all sums due under the Leases, and the Assignor hereby consents and directs that said sums shall be pair/ to the Assiynec�
<br />without the necessity for a judicial determination that a default has occurred hereunder or under the Deed of Trust or that the Assg1two
<br />is entitled to exercise its rights hereunder, and to the extent such sums are paid to the Assi*((Jnee, the Assignor agrees that the tenant
<br />shall have no further liability to the Assignor for the same. The signature of the Assignee atone shall be sufficient lot the exercise of any
<br />rights under this Assignment and the receipt of the Assignee alone for any stems received shall be a full discharge and release therefor
<br />to any such tenant or occupant of the Trust Property. Checks for ail or any part of the Rents collected under this Assignment shall upon
<br />notice from the Assignee be drawn to the exclusive order of the Assignee.
<br />11. SATISFACTION. Upon the payment in full of the Obligation secured hereby as evidenced by a recorded deed of reconveyance, tills
<br />Assignment stfall, without the need for any further satisfaction or release, become mill and void and be of no further effect.
<br />12. ASSIGNEE AS ATTORNEY IN FACT. The Assignor hereby irrevocably appoints the Assignee and its successors and assigns as the
<br />Assignor's agent and attorney-in fact, which appointment is coupled with an interest, with the right but not the duty to exercise any
<br />rights or remedies hereunder and to execute and defiver'during the tern of this Assignment such instruments as the Assignee rttay deem
<br />appropriate to make this Assignment and any further assignment effective, including but not limited to the right to endorse on boha // dnd
<br />in the name of the Assignor all checks from tenants in payment of Rents that are made payable to the Assignor.
<br />13. SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES, The Assignor shall transfer and assign to the Assignee upon written notice by the Assignee, any
<br />and all specific Leases that the Assignee requests. Such transfer or assignment by the Assignor shall be upon the same or substantially
<br />the same terms and conditions as are herein contained, and the Assignor shall properly file or record such assignments, at the
<br />Assignor's expense, if requested by the Assignee.
<br />14. UNENFORCEABLE PROVISIONS SEVERABLE. All rights, powers and remedies provided herein may be exercised only to the extent that
<br />the exercise thereof does not violate any applicable law, and are intended to be limited to the extent necessary so that they will not
<br />render this Assignment invalid, unenforceable or not entitled to be recorded, registered or filed under any applicable law. if any terms
<br />of this Assignment shall be held to be invalid, illegal or u:r;er,hxceab /c- the va /iday of other terns hereof shall in oo way be alter. ted
<br />thereby.
<br />15. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Assignor and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of
<br />the Assignor, and shall inure to the benefit of the Assignee and its successors and assigns.
<br />s
<br />16. AMENDMENT; NOTICE. This+Assignment can be amended only in a writing signed by the Assignor and the Assignee. Any notice under
<br />This Assignment shall be deemed to have been given when given in accordance with the requirements for notice under the Deed of
<br />Trus t.
<br />17. COUNTERPARTS. This Assignment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which
<br />together shall constitute one instrument.
<br />18. THIRD PARTY. if the Assignor is an individual, nothing contained herein shall in any way obligate the spouse, if any, of the Assignor to
<br />pay the Obligation unless such spouse also signed the Note or the Guaranty that is evidence of the Obligation.
<br />