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DISCLAIMER <br />1. That no part of the homestead of the undersigned is presently or in the future will be situated <br />on the following described real estate (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 1 "), nor are there any <br />buildings sufficient to be designated as a homestead presently located upon Parcel 1: <br />The Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) and Lot One (1) in the South Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (Sl /2NE�1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven <br />(11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, being all the land in the East <br />Half of said Section Fifteen (15) lying South of the South Channel of the Platte River. <br />2. The undersigned acknowledge that, while the Mortgage or Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and <br />a lien on Parcel 1, they shall have no right presently or in the future to make a designation of <br />homestead on Parcel 1, including without limitation, in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale <br />under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />3. The undersigned acknowledge that if, contrary to this Disclaimer, they establish a homestead <br />on Parcel 1 during the time the mortgage or Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and a lien upon <br />Parcel 1, they shall have no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of a <br />foreclosure or trustee's sale under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment is their knowing and voluntary act and deed, <br />and constitutes a written disclaimer and acknowledgment under the Nebraska Farm Homestead <br />Protection Act, and the undersigned do hereby disclaim any right to designate a homestead in the <br />event of default upon such Mortgage or Trust Deed or in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's <br />sale under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and Disclaimer shall <br />be filed as a Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />\, O <br />ci �i "�. <br />c7 C/> <br />'� <br />p <br />f� <br />C <br />m <br />O <br />CD <br />irn <br />= c, <br />a° <br />CD C. <br />m9 <br />r., <br />sO <br />r <br />rn <br />3 <br />rn� <br />y <br />M <br />C:) c:,- <br />cio <br />V \ rNo <br />O <br />O co <br />to <br />T <br />0 <br />FARM HOMESTEAD PROTECTION ACT <br />WAIVER AND DISCLAIMER <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, the <br />undersigned, Gayle Binfield and LaDonna Binfield <br />husband <br />and wife , prior to executing the attached Mortgage or Trust Deed dated <br />August 9 , 20 01 , by and between the undersigned and Wells Fargo Bank <br />Nebraska, National Association, Hastings, Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgage or <br />Trust Dedd ") hereby states and acknowledges: <br />DISCLAIMER <br />1. That no part of the homestead of the undersigned is presently or in the future will be situated <br />on the following described real estate (hereinafter referred to as "Parcel 1 "), nor are there any <br />buildings sufficient to be designated as a homestead presently located upon Parcel 1: <br />The Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) and Lot One (1) in the South Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (Sl /2NE�1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Nine (9) North, Range Eleven <br />(11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, being all the land in the East <br />Half of said Section Fifteen (15) lying South of the South Channel of the Platte River. <br />2. The undersigned acknowledge that, while the Mortgage or Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and <br />a lien on Parcel 1, they shall have no right presently or in the future to make a designation of <br />homestead on Parcel 1, including without limitation, in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale <br />under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />3. The undersigned acknowledge that if, contrary to this Disclaimer, they establish a homestead <br />on Parcel 1 during the time the mortgage or Trust Deed remains unsatisfied and a lien upon <br />Parcel 1, they shall have no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of a <br />foreclosure or trustee's sale under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />4. The undersigned state that this acknowledgment is their knowing and voluntary act and deed, <br />and constitutes a written disclaimer and acknowledgment under the Nebraska Farm Homestead <br />Protection Act, and the undersigned do hereby disclaim any right to designate a homestead in the <br />event of default upon such Mortgage or Trust Deed or in the event of a foreclosure or trustee's <br />sale under the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />5. The undersigned further understand and agree that this acknowledgment and Disclaimer shall <br />be filed as a Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Trust Deed. <br />
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