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<br />r KNUW ALL t BY 11IME FRfSENI'S :
<br />1•
<br />11tat 1, IRM fL D. iZV= of Grand Island, Hall Caw -ity, Alaska, Rio by these
<br />presents !!tike, constitute and appoint my husband$ Gary Lee PaarL�.. and jean Ann
<br />Fisher, AND ErMM OF TIM, as my Attorneys -in -Fact, to do for me and on ntty behalf,
<br />any of the following:
<br />1. To withdraw by check or otherwise Fran any checking account or
<br />savings account which I may have.
<br />2, To endorse checks for deposit to my checking. account or savings
<br />account and to receive nny property or credlits owned by.me, in-
<br />eluding any monies payable to me by any govennnental agency. Pty
<br />Attorneys -in -Fact, or either of than, shall have fu11 authority to
<br />redean, have reregistered, or have reissued any bond, note, bill,
<br />warrant, certificate or other evidence of indebtedness owned by
<br />the (including any such items owned by me as a co -owner or joint
<br />tenant) and issued by the United States, any other country, any
<br />state, municipality, or other govertunental subdivision or govern-
<br />mental agency.
<br />3. To sell or lease any. assets %;red by me, whether real estate or
<br />personal property and including hatnestead property and stocks and
<br />bt s, at such prices, on such terns, for such length of teen, and
<br />in. suet! manner, whether at private or public sale or negotiation
<br />as ,my Attorneys -in -Fact deeft advisable. they may convey any pro-
<br />party so sold by them by instruments of conveyance with custanary':
<br />warranties. They may enter any safety deposit box I lease and may
<br />remove any items therefrom. 'they are empowered to !Hake gifts for me.
<br />1. To .. '.'. •%' enter- I ED agRCp�ICt�lS7 pciti:ia111MIg to any property or Interest to - --
<br />property owned by me and on such tenns as my Attorneys-in-Fact deem
<br />advisable. this shall include contracts, for goods, repairs, imhrove-
<br />�: weii -Ls, replacements, and personal services for the maintenance of my
<br />:..� property; and to borrow funds and mortgage property therefor.
<br />0 5. In general, to enter into any business transactions pertaining, to
<br />y my property and for my.tnaiintenance as fully as 1 could do it my-
<br />' .'se'lf . lbey are fully empowered to silty my incurne tax returns and
<br />. ' related documents.
<br />6. To enter into any contracts err agreements for any medical, domicil-
<br />. iary, or other care needed by me as determined to be in my best itr
<br />terests by either of my Attorneys -in -Fact, and pay all fees and
<br />charges necessary for my maintenance and care. To authorize any
<br />medical procedures for me. `
<br />I ratify and confirm all acts done by my Attorneys -in -Fact, or either of {
<br />them,under this Power of Attorney. Either of try- Attorneys -in -Fact are specifi-
<br />cally empowered. to act under this'Power of Attorney independently of the other, and any decision or action by either of than !teed not be joined in and consented
<br />to try- the other. I reserve the right: to revoke this Power of Attorney by the
<br />filing of such revocation in His.cellaneous Records in the Office of the kgister'-
<br />o€ 1!IeMs of Hall County,. Nebraska. This Poorer of Attorney shall. rana:in
<br />in f411 force even though I may hereafter becune mentally or physically iacompe-
<br />-- to n t,
<br />DATED this I."7-day of !)eat nber 19 86 .
<br />On this lr-day of Decenber 19 86, before me, the uudersigued,
<br />L a Notary Public, witTiin and for said County, personally carne IRFNE D. PFD
<br />who is known to me to be the identical person whose game is affixed to the foregoing
<br />Power of Attorney, and she acknowledged her execution thereof to be her
<br />voluntary act and - deed.
<br />WI'IlNrSS my hand attd tt +>tarial Svol Lhe dAe last above written. Hy i.
<br />Notarial Wanission expires: t'E�bruary 4,, 1983.
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