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TO: TERRY E. CRANSTON <br />551 EAST 12TH STREET o <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />01 <br />Please take notice that Paul J. LaPuzza, Successor <br />Trustee, in a Trust Deed from Terry E. Cranston, a single person, <br />dated January 22, 1997 and recorded in the office of the Register <br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on February 18, 1997 as <br />Instrument No. 97- 101040, the Beneficiary of which Trust Deed is <br />First Bank National Association n /k /a U.S. Bank National <br />Association, does hereby notify the above -named persons of a <br />default in said Trust Deed, which Trust Deed was granted upon the <br />following- described real estate, situated in the County of Hall and <br />State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />FRACTIONAL LOT 1, CAPITOL HILL ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property <br />was conveyed as security has occurred in that the grantors of said <br />deed have failed, neglected and refused to make the payments on <br />said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, which became due on <br />the 22nd day of October, 2000 and thereafter, and that there is now <br />due upon said instrument the principal sum of TEN THOUSAND EIGHT <br />HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY THREE CENTS ($10,885.83) <br />together with interest thereon from the 12th day of October, 2000, <br />at the rate of 12.25% per annum together with accruing taxes and <br />advancements. <br />RETURN TO: <br />PAUL I t.SKM <br />275 North 115th Sb*d <br />Omaha, NE 68154 <br />T <br />= <br />Q <br />n <br />Z <br />n= <br />F-° <br />o <br />O <br />P1 <br />irry=i <br />= <br />p <br />o4N <br />~ <br />O <br />O <br />-?t <br />O <br />-n Z <br />► <br />Q <br />I:, <br />mM <br />p <br />O <br />C <br />co <br />cn <br />C=) <br />CO2 <br />f -• <br />:X <br />..t <br />CA <br />W <br />�. <br />NOTICE <br />OF DEFAULT <br />p <br />TO: TERRY E. CRANSTON <br />551 EAST 12TH STREET o <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />01 <br />Please take notice that Paul J. LaPuzza, Successor <br />Trustee, in a Trust Deed from Terry E. Cranston, a single person, <br />dated January 22, 1997 and recorded in the office of the Register <br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska on February 18, 1997 as <br />Instrument No. 97- 101040, the Beneficiary of which Trust Deed is <br />First Bank National Association n /k /a U.S. Bank National <br />Association, does hereby notify the above -named persons of a <br />default in said Trust Deed, which Trust Deed was granted upon the <br />following- described real estate, situated in the County of Hall and <br />State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />FRACTIONAL LOT 1, CAPITOL HILL ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />and that a breach of the obligation for which the trust property <br />was conveyed as security has occurred in that the grantors of said <br />deed have failed, neglected and refused to make the payments on <br />said note which Trust Deed was given to secure, which became due on <br />the 22nd day of October, 2000 and thereafter, and that there is now <br />due upon said instrument the principal sum of TEN THOUSAND EIGHT <br />HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY THREE CENTS ($10,885.83) <br />together with interest thereon from the 12th day of October, 2000, <br />at the rate of 12.25% per annum together with accruing taxes and <br />advancements. <br />RETURN TO: <br />PAUL I t.SKM <br />275 North 115th Sb*d <br />Omaha, NE 68154 <br />