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F <br />+ 04 1.03742 <br />i Rdalflefll DeWAK Lender is WON autgtetl all compensation, awards, damaija& and other payments or ►atilt pleteul&ttet ' �txfeds' 1 In conneebnn wuh <br />condemnation ofotMr taking of the Property or pall , ��: �lilNbti^ fire�A101MakstnyCOmtPlgrmrNOrNltlem +minnct►nnscttanrli!thsua111 yrn4W shat! the <br />promuq in IN own nems Any &colon or plec&ed fig <br />ew^I any porllon of 1fus hoperty s So taken a dattaged. LMnear Shall nevi the OPN^n. in It/ &oN And AbS01ut* discretion. ld la SPpty \11 34th ender f ds, d4jo dedot Ing <br />meltlr4e^ lNcoal*ande xpenseslnturredbyHtneonMelronwrth Such proeeW&.uponanyl'dabledl1ItN� as lMd&►yntMy dAM mtn� litany apPllttarllAn d ► of:tMN IO <br />apply NI /uch hocatedc attet such deduclydns. 10 IM t*st0a1.4n of iM Property upq <br />tndebiadMN shall net N-W or ppetpraeta iM due dale of any peyr^ents under Iha NOIa, or cuff any delaWl ther*untlen of hftfund*t. gogno <br />t. MAeflaf0lfbylMMf. InlMwenrotYarrOweiatauwflOpstOrrwfrWpilnact >wnthntihaltttsOrtr►Aker^1'iMY tarepWnldhlusbY :odd,tttµdietl!s411ox <br />gtawnKkrnaNrHMyafNcNltnOer •sanlaNlMIM ►ropN1Y Lfndt* maYm +ht�naNtrMwn.YulwNha+l�oYNOaMW► <br />N do so. ehd+NlhOW enolree <br />toadtlM "" •* t► owe r and wi thoutf*l19"Mrrawerfront any Ob inn' do any ACtwhltkIMfiof► owefeta/ egrttdOutI olagd0antslut&MOdoarrayo1Mric)li <br />deefnaMCa/all0ft NCI %Maacunty hereof OOrrOVNr Shall. OWNO*OWYuwdom dItIstal interest Mwlfonallkat Na lMly t!> e■�t is a�rN <br />sapfndtdOylMlMrrneonnec t-onwith "01141lcaabyLtndarOtlMlorfgol►W Wk ""that <br />the 4 bMMNM etcutW nefeby lender ante not incur any Personal I.aWhty booCauaa a! anything gat may do or ored to dto Mtfundet ' <br />• tMAla M DG%W Tto INWwNlgt shalt constitute an event of default under this Deed of Trust <br />(a) Fal Waa pay any ntoullnNntofWi^ Gl paloe" llttestor any Other sum socu►e d" t*bywMndw. or failure toprtywh*ndu teh!*"WdaV*~Oi <br />Morrower to lender. <br />('1 A boom" of of Oefaulf under any provision conta,nad in the Note. this Dead of Tfuat any d(xumant welch led 4re1 Isle 1t1dN, ant any dlMtaf <br />RnCwMtatloe wean hale Propene. <br />(c) Awrite reae CUtlOnorstl& chmentatanysimilarprocassahatl0efnterad& gafrtf19oltgwerwnitnShaltbfCOmAatNr10f1MNPrOPNtyOfMy /MMMS <br />Mlfleot Or lft,e gat tlleoln. <br />(/) Thous shah be tiled by Of against 8arrower an action under any vent of tlfveroeliquidator dl8arrovverOta aanyPWt r+ bra <br />be Mf llploy. iMOi, ttWY000nerreMtladtbton .atMresna!Ibfappa y <br />the rtnls. Aeu*!ar profits thereol, of 50ftovrer shall make any general assignment lot live benalft of ClOd,tb /& <br />(e) The sate. IronsNr. assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any utlerest to the Property, !+hare aWuMsr" of <br />4WpkM11{rgy, wMvawlthe ispron written consent of Lender n /a <br />(t) It (lplrQvr*f a snot an Utdrvidu&1,1M isN.1ri lyt� r. assignment. Cgnvayanc& or encumbrance of mnrr than . _ perceMO) Id a COrpeaMOtt1 eta <br />Issued and ouMtar4" stock Of (d* partnership) --� _ _ percent of epee thotshtp Interests <br />• MMMaa:AaeNtalNallFeapNayif InthaevfnlolanyEvent. qf. 4�ulaulllsngcr may de tlare all rlWe btedMS eW11(edMffbytobe*A end payMN&nO"goof <br />$Alto Alt" IMaupon become due and pay &ba without any presegltts!calr it nnoind, protest or notice of any kind TMrtatt@( lender may. <br />(S) Da r► Nnd that TrustNeeelcise the PQWE .fti4Y sALE- gra nted herein. and Irustee shall therealtercausesorrowe 'tOnw-obtniheFropeowtobssold <br />and the ptgdtetJs to be distributed. all in IM ma v*a plovldad in the Nebraska T •list Deeds Act. <br />lb) Etititer m person Or by agent, with w,. w ihoul bnn{ltng any action o► proceeding or by a receiver aCpomted by a court and w0"A lolatd to Ina <br />ArMglfACyoftt asecuttty.enteruponandtakepOSsi salon of the Property or Any paillhereol. initsownnameofintMnamfollMTrustf e. &ndoVabYf�IfwMCh <br />li durfta n*cNiary of desirable to pr &Serve the value. matkelaCltdy Or rentaDi th a1 the Property. or pan lMrS C ll ctth interest t snn. Incropr IM Income . <br />11 efkGen of ptoNCl IIN lICUtUy tert0l &foil. with of wdnotd tAk:ng pgsiftSton o /tine Properly. sue (a or otMrwiit t0lllti the fenny. Issues And protons thetoF. <br />rnetudinglnoMpastdwand ,.artPMd•andopWYlhe "nw less costs and expenses of operation and collection lncludingsttorneyi 100. upon anyw4obbedrau <br />Muted baf*by.eN �twrh(h•re0layenvtlll Ir dallnotcIIre hoe r tya, ve anyde latlIofnoftICeofdelaunheteuerlderofInva dales yactdtone,nrestpOna Seth <br />prolttsfndlhe-apptic <br />det&A Of pyl3rt&nl to such nolfte Of dflautl.ffnd, (tolw,thstandtng ten contin uance In possession of the Pr4pLM1'L' Vr the tol{KUgf1. retNpt f1nQ!apptrc&hopl of <br />fMIS. IsWaa or peones. Trustee Ot lenOtf shaU.tttl tnldNd 10 exercise *vet y ngtrf provided for many of the l Olin It,.gu uments of by law upon Olcmfnce of any <br />event of 43~. including the light to exe►caso the power of sae and <br />(c) Compliance an action to loteclose this Deed of. Trutt as a mortgage. appoint a 1CGC,ver r specfficalt'y entorce any Q.1 the Cov*nanTefWOW- <br />Nof* MWYhetmCenfwiQdupOnMreServedlOTrusiN "hhe�lunderOrn ihaiOdvrO erealt0re■ ft regal warf�negtntyocbyrstatute. andmayberealercisaoconcurrNNfy. otany <br />�a,rnuta4w. snallbtfnAdadon to every other lenedy 9 _ <br />endpendaf►tly a(suiz*idttlY - - <br />10 Too"*. The T►ustef may resign at any time without cause and lender may at any time and wrlhonl cause aM.Tni & successor of svbittfute $dell!! Trustee <br />IIaM not be Iobe Ida any loss or damgf unless due to actionable Mghgence or willful misconduct anO Shall 1101 be ilia veil to take any action in connection with thewlllcb lay be associated ttiqle*itn <br />& tins cfeneMr) fthMDflOoltrustuntsssinaemnllfa0 InwhtMg Polletn osale* taillor anypotlionofthePropenyalsDolldtdodbylawt; <br />bftoanf & pu(tf►aaef many;aaOf maR•iu:+ +i 3r•o�•� =' u'�_•r . <br />of SON the Property as ♦ whole. Orin Separate parcels or tote <br />11 Fu llrfawlfMCM• Uponrequeslol8otrower ',1,frndlrmay ahtsoption maieaddatonalanofuturoadvance aTzstfladvanClStOQoffower $uth Trust.esan6 <br />(*advances. with merest tM1101t, shall be secured by trey Used of Truso At no some shall the plrnt•pal amount M the Y-4 if fAdness s n IQaby tfliy OcWO al Trust. <br />nof <br />tludingamnsadvanced90Pf etlonesecurityofthisDeadof Trust . laCledtheOragu ,alpranttpalamaunlotstedhetetn titr'h _ !/ <br />gnaw' <br />• -.h$', L'iff" BSfleQiapNStstaef. - . <br />1 modti,cahon ul amett,ratton or trne'•lt tins secured by ltia Deed of Trust granted by <br />X <br />(al •atfraewf NM Ile es" Extemwxu of the time for paymen or In <br />Lender to" successor in rnteleal OI f(OntilNNV.,Shall not O(Mate t o o elease. in any manner Inc 9tdD,hty OI tC4•t7rfgm�B(OharnnlOf OtterWOiilrhPidll A orbzal On <br />interest lender Shall nolbe repuftedtoGlm illdnce proteeO,ngs *gat gist the or Qi Or reluSeptuf j; jeCryo for Y <br />Ol ten sums Secured by Ilya Deed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the original Bon a`aue _A�ut_ h� (rower s successors in n,terefh <br />lb) LersMlsFewptt Without any liability tin* propertynottheno the etaut.t: maSCdas %ecuIllyforthefidlamountofall npaidObligat of .. <br />the lien or charge of tMS De4d n& T rust upon any pro <br />Lender may. InOm th'f1a to timeAnO w,lhoul nOI.[e oil rellate any per aOn so liibll. In e■tenu l :i maturity a '% Qp any a the reel. of any such OOlrg&tigns. (Nil!. <br />Leaded AY. from orca uselot>e releasedOrreconveyedatanyrimeatlendel _sOptionsanypane rrvent %vithd blOtS nCOM16ly.., 1 _ <br />( vltakeOflo" seenyOtnefor additional security tot any obligation neretnment,oned or( vttmalfec umpostL' rYUOruthtrananglfnentswtlhde010fsmrllehorl <br />thereto <br />(Cl FMMMansefey xea/*r Nei& W&JgW. Any (OtUarane* by lender to exercising arty right or tormedy hereunder or otherwise afforded by applrtablf <br />low. ShaMrgtbe awlkwff Co, .( prprKluda the esarasealanrsuch fight orremedy TheProc• u+ N! nr3nfof. nsuranceofthepaymentof lanesorothatllMSofchargM <br />by L*ndM"not be A wai•W of Lender's right to &CCQkv- v the maturity of the Inoelftavifla3s secured by this Deed herein Trust <br />(at SYaNs"M agar AatyaA Dedffill:•�llfM WA ptrNM any' �llffeR.• Tpleil.aTi enants and agreements nErfln paragraph olrted shall t, Alt end the rights And <br />lyr$yrdNlhANrnWf SO. gal+*nuplcnlandae tThecaptonsaidhe>Qt ySoltthe aaghapnsclthtsDeedotTustae� convenience <br />used Agf**wleMSd g�orrore sixaNb* sa `. <br />used so 1n agpret to drrbriv,40 W ov.s.v,.s r•e.eut _ opy of any <br />($) N$ �y$ ytm, lftftcaa. TMPlwt* sher#bymques lfhalacopyotanyynXceotd4 &41IAtm nk�w Fs �ttoranyothsrfnvtGetpwroofunderrspPitcc *M& <br />e aehp' art ysoonDffdofrryailme "Mrs""IFormaboremmemadOf rive <br />taw m be VVM M another Mere►!', any na(u� P(Ov404 oat to the Deed of Trust shall W given by matting such notice Dy Certdied in Alf addrfsSW to the dmar- <br />panies. M ten address let font above <br />Any rm*" prpvlrW SM in then Dead of Taut shat be dsepled to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given rn the manner destgnd!aad hfr*In <br />Lender maymake Ol COMMldlamadereasonable* Afr* $uponandlntpecbonsoftheProperty PfOvtdewathatUnd"01114"Oortowe <br />lt) ��• r Masocebta lief* Inautor rented to lender s,nteresl m the Propene <br />enolree prof to *plY lfattl anspettron epee hrrrg <br />(g) Ne$e all$! MC*. upon pay" W1 Oft" SumsNcure dby this D^e dof Trust. Lender shall rep" esl Trusteetu, econverin *Prop*rtysndMatlsurrinder <br />*sallied of Trust &" ON ndASw,denct ng indebtadnessSecured by this Deed of Trust la Trustee Trustee snail reconvey the Property wathvut warranty and <br />040oul Olerg& tO the person of persons legally entitled thereto Such person or poisons snail Pay an costs of retordat,on d any. <br />r�geewllyAge$fkSIM ASeddAanatsrcurlry lot the payment Olth*Notes'I xtures. lQu. pfhent . and other personalpropertyused <br />(n) pe r� <br />Inc. nnftlen tom Bee rfN tNeM M MlpravAment& loc &led tft&rfon. &nd nol otnerw,a decareO Or d*tmed to De & Part of the real estate secured hereby. shall0e <br />*AtetlI*a"Cwloy,~a onf ai% xutIWLsn6arurtderlbytMe !trasbeUn,formCommercalCode Th, s, nstfuminlshallbe ccnstruedasa5lCuntyAgreement <br />wrlde+&hadCode.arv/*tLend*( tetMSOu0GITpusidnfe mfdoasof ast.. ured party under SAl dC odoinadd,bor, tothe ►.3t,tsan3remed-escreatedunder <br />anti eccorded hale Lender Pursaanf <br />Ill tpNy� the OWA fist& nrprpw s, onOtlhf so*WolTruslConitfcrwHneppt, cat, ere +OraredK twlttnvahnOcotMctin provision And <br />cc*,Awt of InvaudN y Shan not NNCI Ire otho(provillons of clue Deed of T usl or (he Nute wh c h can tie g iven of f ec l w,thOat the conflicting ptowStOn end to this <br />enrf eta provtswne of tine Dead of Trash aria the hot* etc declared to be severable <br />rorrow*r hall OSK VNO Ihre Dent 04 Trust the data wrrttan abov* <br />�( , <br />iT, r4 <br />i <br />a� <br />