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i ° ' $9-- 10338 <br />} - IAID OF TRUST <br />i MD EO TR Tab IF�ina.�� day of July f9,..@Z,. by and onarp_Dewev G. and argaret L, <br />whose afadross if ,'.O. Dot 127,a720d,.$iver, tdB bAAA� <br />Owelit "Truster ")r and BANK OF WOOD RIVER , whose mailing address P.O. BOx 4879 Wood River, <br />(itereitt "Trustee" tllAd •'Nslefkio••j. NE 68883 <br />FOR YALUAfILE CONS MATION,. indu V the indebtedness indentified herein and the trust herein created, the receipt of W" is hereby <br />ttPIP tew1 dgsd, Trusser inevoeabfy grw ts. itoeWers, conveys, and assipno to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for the betWif and <br />security of 1eeeficiory, under and sfrbject to the ter M and a:e toots of this Deed of Trust. the real property d ascribed as fokwst <br />Lot Right (8) and Lot Nine! (9)9 in Block Five (5), in the First Addition to <br />Village of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska <br />TOGETHKWIT H, ON rents, profitY, rajrolties, income and other benefits derived from tlio crol prope►tys ,ale roses air s> feoses trov*ring the <br />red prop! r.vterty WIt" lherwf,', tow or hereafter existing or entered into. and oil relit, title tttnd:it est of Thator therewpoirs all in- <br />feresh, estate or Nita ins, both in low and in rqutty. which Truslor now has or rata hereafter <br />m the real t <br />.. _ y _ '�'. ",. pr's_ Ys ON �!asernents, - <br />fw- - _. , l it; fiK ldt?ntoti and _ _ — <br />riQhf - way apptrrtsifiamces ad thertifoj a>T OR- and gas e4ft and profits. crater rights o�d urottr <br />stocks oN right, title and interest of Trustor. now owned or hereafter ocquird. in and to any lard lying within the right -of -way of any street or <br />e igl , I edjsirtirq the red property. any and oN buildings, fixtures, fmprovenfents, and ci p oonone" now or hereafter erected thereon or <br />Wongi li tlteroio, (1wetn reterreo to as "improvement" or "Improwmeror): add any and ail awards mode for the taking by tenmirtent domain <br />or by env precee ttq or pasdtoss in tow thereof, of the whole or any port of the reef property. <br />AN of the foregoing estate, property and interost fw*by cwv@yed to Trustee herein collectively referred to as the "Property <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST SHALL SECUREt <br />(e) The payment of indebtedness evidwKed by Trustor's note 01"n dote herewith in the pi�ittdpol sum of Fi f MD. <br />Thnua:and XUA nol loo : (= iStttlO{3.04 <br />i .. . s <br />.together with interest at the rote or rates proMedidllaWo. (herein, together with any and oN nlrmewols, "iigiitNfkattions, ar> uffros"eattat ".thereof, <br />Teferred to es the "Note ") both principal and intermit on. the �a being payable in accordance with the terms sot 4 rt'fr ther6A.'r�r erulnce W. . <br />which le hafretmy morale, the final payment of principol and inf*reyt, .lf, not sooner paid and if no renewals. modificatiom',W extensions are moo, :..; <br />dw and pejrobie on_ July 15, 1999 <br />! (b) The performance of each ogreoment and covenant of Truster herein coat"; and <br />(c) The payment of pray, sun or sums of money with interest thereon which rrld , be hereafter paid or advanced under the terms of 6j , Deed of <br />trust. <br />(d) The popfent of trey future advances necessary to protect the security or orty future advance node of the option of the parties: and <br />(e) The perfwfrmonce of an obligation of any other person non in this Trust Deed to a beneficiary. - TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THiS DEED OF TRUST. 1RUSTOIt MM5Y COVENANTS ANO AGREES AS FOLLOWS, <br />1. Peyrooat of hb w sad heterest. Truster shots prontptfy pay when due time principal of and interest on the indebtedness ertdenced by the <br />Note, 04 all odder charges and fees as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this feed of <br />Trtnsl. - . <br />2. We esolt of T111b. Truster is lawfully seined and possessed of good and intWeos" title and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and <br />fees the right to WW and convey the Property= the Property is free and clear of oil teens and encumbrances except teens now of record: and <br />Truster we Overrate ad defend the sill* to the Property allows aN cWMS and dentonds. <br />3. Meleknow awed Comploon wink Lean. Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repair and sW not commit waste or permit <br />indpeirdrt*ttl er deferioretien of the Property and shaft comply wish the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a bosehold. No improve - <br />WOM new "err hereafter erected upon the Property shots be altered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficiary. <br />Thaler shall comply with all lows, ordiaaxes, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions offecting the Property and rat commit, suffer, <br />or perWf any act to be done in or upon the Property in violation of any low, ordinance, regulation, covenant, condition or restriction. Trustor <br />shell a:entpWo err restore pranplly and it► good vmkngnllce manner arty improvement on the Property which maybe damaged or destroyed and <br />pey, when dw, ai clarets for lobar performed and materials furnished therefore and for any oltero6ons thereof. <br />4. beerms. Trwstor, of its expense, will nwintoin with insurers approved by Beneficiary, insurance with respect to the improvements and <br />p wool property, constYu6i g the Properly, ogoinst loss by fire, lightning, tornado, and offer perils and hazards covered by stondord extended <br />cove op oalwseffont, in on amount *gaol to at Iwst one hundred percent of the full replacement vote thereof and insuronce against such <br />esinr hueris and in such arnV ►ts as is customarily corned by owners and operators of sirnular properties or as Beneficixy may require for its <br />preteclien. Trusfor will comply with such other reclukenwl% os Brrnefkimy may from fine to time request for the protection by insteonce of the <br />60199006 of the respective parties. All insurome policies naintoined pursuant to this Deed of Trust shalt Horne Truster and Deneticiwy us in• <br />weds, as their respective interests may appew, and provide that there shah be no ccnceiloticn or modificotion without nu less thzn 15 dues y <br />prior writinrn n0WK*1ion to EW*fitrary. In the event any policy 4re,.rider is not renewed on or before 15 dijtti pricy to its e■pirotiu?r doe �..• <br />ieMIKiay may procure Seas insurance in accordance with I?* provisions of porugrcyh 7 t.ereol. Trusrar 5!1,'I de:iver ro Bv;ef r=ory V1.7 <br />earthed of W.1;XtxKe IY4 rrtewo!s thereof or rrhrrgc4y:esof suchPol,cues rrid renewers thereof. Fu:'zre it) furn:sN su:N 'Wo, C. <br />rt• a*a!s ns red, +e'! 1,r. e;rrf!r S};:1',, at the cpl!Cn of eeneLsIrvy, o ,clu ;:r <br />