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i <br />A n n <br />(� n n s <br />(� m D <br />fl rn <br />o O -1 O CD <br />s � 2' ry CD <br />Ca c> -n O <br />C <br />r- D 00 <br />co <br />r� O co <br />PARTY WALL DECLARATION cn <br />__j cn <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned, Nitzel & Co., Inc. and El Palenque, Inc., are the present title <br />holders of the following described real estate, to wit: <br />Lot Eight (8) in Block Thirty-one (31), Original Town of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska EXCEPTING a tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed <br />filed as Document No. 89- 101735; and <br />Lot Seven (7), Block Thirty-one (31), Original Town of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska; <br />WHEREAS, there is a common wall dividing both of said properties; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the intention of the undersigned to preserve the east face of the party wall <br />on Lot Seven (7), Block Thirty-one (31), Original Town of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned hereby state and agree as follows: <br />1. With respect to that portion of the party wall facing east, there shall be no changes <br />made to said exterior wall without the express written consent of the owners of both above - described <br />tracts. <br />2. In the event that any changes are made to the exterior wall (i.e. either replacement or <br />repairs of any nature), said replacement and/or repairs shall consist of materials identical, or similar <br />to, the materials now existing, as of the date of this agreement. <br />3. If it shall become necessary to replace or repair the party wall in any manner, the <br />expense of rebuilding the same shall be borne by the then owners of the fee, in equal proportions, <br />and whenever the party wall or any portion thereof shall be rebuilt, it shall be erected on the same <br />place where it stands and be the same size as when originally' erected. The parties hereto <br />acknowledge that the real estate above described has a unique historical significance and it is the <br />intent of this agreement to preserve the historical integrity of this property, if at all possible. <br />4. This declaration shall at all times be construed as a covenant running with the land. <br />This declaration shall be binding upon the undersigned, their successors, assigns and <br />grantees. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed this <br />3 day of , 2001. <br />NITZEL & CO., INC. <br />on Nitzel, President <br />EL PALENQUE, INC. <br />a <br />By <br />vier De La Torre, P sid <br />