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ACKNOWLEDGEME14T OF DEED OF TRUST <br />NISAOMM11sfISAOTHO11QO1lt9641 MM 89r- 103721 <br />sertwlatst Tttffterslur+ derawlfltilltlinddt: uaieMtfifNNoEtxrownareaboutto aroikc tMiLa ago o Tewtande liapt<wefewpodd <br />f Or N MM DMad M TnMi Drtril'dM M*Ikft "V —W-VM Tw"M sad OMNMNMa to the swrOlow thm a inerlow in the awn; of a dHauN or bleeah al aMilallen IItMaT NN <br />�� co.-A M Tow, Mttkod". litre net "girded to. NN Lef►da'e ti*til to haw tea Real Irtop tty sold by the Trustee williout any iudkial pram Ml� w IeraalMM18. Mrreeiars <br />reprewtif sent aarrarif ttisf Ilria aCMnOMled1elRon! !rte awEuMM M 11wJ!rrt setae th! a_�seuilen et ills t?MMd of Tlwl. <br />H(aX'd?ta COS so OWN <br />2 11 Ift�ri"ar6t Cosgri f era <br />PREFACR TO DKO Olt TRUST <br />COM LOO " P~ OWT N ten twl ptafp" deeaaNlat( tell" M MMIrMIIALLY CWMD AOMCNLT111iK LANG <br />N appaaMea, pMMt OKY Oft Mier A. s. w Q <br />O A oMOLA I MN OP lkQW tO 010ONATI Ii01111111TtAM <br />Theft rMwa(s)acka0 1 diiMallMyataabartbe !ncufalMakitit Dow dotTtualloWtMtNlfNaNtiseetibadfhaNM .TMSotrowMefs}.MidaaNtolMNmN <br />ow" Man one, Std 11tMaay distbh" Mek film to des wle a hoin"I ad PUIM nl tf teteto. No part of the homestead of eillm of fin Hortower(t) Igo owatty or stiM M IM <br />hIMMaMttihtefadal!ollaaMlMMeateM <br />The OW.Inn(!) understand "lot ifeitt!l tiWobiish" ahoraealeadonanyWrtofsoMreelMlate dtwMgthatimatllaDaadofTrwt <br />t"Wbi lWNNIa "Wd•liartfp WMdtMMUIOI *.theteshell be noNgtltf0e/akf ldefignationofhomeateadInt heevfntofaW iMloau feorInififte'atelewithrespectlo <br />"M used M Trwe <br />X N. �ANSII Os 1nsf1T TO0lttMfATS e1011tlTRAO: <br />TMSareom slacknowisdos11! 01theyanaboultoe■ ecutethe foibwingOeedot? ruslupM +.lherealaMhdfecnbedlMeNn The Oetrowar(s),andfeChOlMMniN <br />mom Men gist,. de hereby wawM Ihek riont to designsie a homesfead pursuant thereto The Corlower(s) understand that" have the right 10 make a d@SIWMlbn of <br />kotntteteailendNiel blteaantwq 1MS .they are waiving rights otherwise available for the purposeol affording them theoppoduaitytoretain thskhoete~ in the <br />event N a defalAt ups+ Mif Wad or inlet <br />O C. 9wse 1ATf0 eP "omTaw. <br />faare11M IOO*iaret/ia lea -18 d P peettipn Act (Section WISOt OI WQ Retnsed Statutft of the Slate of Nebtalka)• the OorrowM(s). do hereby dosignale Unreal <br />peepo g dea rraw in sho'Waiplelgts at /forneetead - atIAChIld hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Harold Cps- tlarowM <br />• �.�- _.,..�.�.�.�� Lam. -- - _ � D <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />If"& DEW Or TAI—IS? .t se e . A7 Why h- T, 7 ,r �cl t�,. <br />1. <� >r of .. v ,l. ,l- _-- -- . l9 .din . b7 and among iiw?rusior. Hoff C+ AM w ohs a a a <br />arI&LINarzamt C9 riff, husband and <br />- --- ppn*_pliant. ear 64832 <br />(hftf +n $orto"r ) the Trustee Ban4 <br />!adoeanianrisadetweis .___DQ�ij?}ar].i.. ?2F 6�.2. - _._ <br />._�...• -- .-- ---_ -- ,( herein "Trusots"i• <br />Dank of Doni hen <br />lelerNrq.ddteaa n _ Do ni pha n- , <br />(heitin "Leltder") <br />ip11YALUAflL.,& CONSIDERATION. tnCwdiM.P.rrr.Ine>eb(edness rdwsfU ed herein ano trust herein created. the recfiPI of which is herebyacknowledpsd, Borrower <br />hooky trreretablyf ronts. transfers. convoys and alsiestoT+ vtliel- i,Mi'AUST. WITH POWER OFSALE for the benefit and security OfiMdW. under andSubotttothe <br />4riMarid ecinddlonf hNNnaher fat froth, the deal property descrefho"Its follows <br />'Z° South Half (S�) or",, he c'�;thwest, Quarter (S: "D of Section Thirteen <br />(13T, <br />Township Tan (,_q - +:ortii. Range ?Dine (a) 'eat of the 6th P.�:., in <br />TfAll, County, ?lebraska, excdpting therefrom the rasterly g84-1) feet <br />therefrom. <br />fp] stele► aRth M ttateeinge. itriprbseaifnts. ti :turfs. ltreals.. A!(sys. ONSagewsyl easenyntf. nghts, pnrtleges and appurwerrees touted ttrerson or in snywne <br />NrlfeatnS 111atfb, said ftta table. leaYea arld prohN. rfwraronS and !ewWn( rf "*MI. Including. but not limited to. heating and cooling epuipinanttarrd such Pars" <br />PmMft Nish, at whod to ur, mWore omit a soar to const+tulf S halurf. and to"hiarwdh the homestead or marital interests, if any. which tnisrasls aretWerby released <br />fetewMead1091~. irlCklOwYrp1 /CMMMfandaQfMtrOMIrmo islNtebydoij( M#d tobeapailofthe1`081estat esecuredbylMlienofthis 000dou histandallofthe <br />lstt> perap MMi f NNrtM b MrMin M ire "propttrty- <br />TMs DOW of TtsM shah eature 181 ttlf oayn,.rtt of the prrnC+pal sure std rnlernsl eridtnted by Borrowers note andror ctedil regiment dated _ tZli�.�" � 5 <br />14 haritq a maluorty dew of .'+$TCh_ . �1.,, 19.9 , in the original principal amount of s �� ��� • 77 <br />and any and all <br />" WAWWI @bww, eater el"s WA rNiewals thetfol or ftvereto and any artd all fulure advances and readvances r.ereunder pulsuanl to one or more pro ree�WYY MNIIW Credit <br />arsionges"Pootoon c&W'Now T Moll epayarent ofothersumsadvancedbyLendertoprotectthesecurityofthefJOfe (C) the perlormanee ail <br />tovenanlsandagrMmenf <br />ff tole -kW SN iWM rrfrMrrt. WW (d) W indeblodness"obligations of Fir+rrower to lender wheat, direct rrtdttecl absolute or contingent and whether arising by note. <br />mi traMy. everdraR or etherwt>. <br />sarrolrar, M Vftett the "C411111y of this Deed of Trust, covenants and agrees with Lender as folfovrs <br />I fty 'mlltafMtcrpt>xdfaleeafi ft0stcr war, nallprnmptiypay when duo the Principal ofond interest on andanyf eesorchatg "P�rovided in.lheNolforInthts <br />Deed M Ttwo <br />1 "ft,§ rrOtlMillaeerrrlerpllfy/fftetfy has the right a" authority to convey tMPeopeity end warrant$ Mal the ►ten created hereby is a first and" 119n on <br />t+f Prfpfrt y eMM f M rMy OMtM wife be Nt fprftt nere.n. and !?K execution and det.v ery of this Dgtl of Trull does not violate eny Contract Or other cWtgatbn to which <br />L lbrrsatMr i! atrb,act <br />T • teeea. AMeMtafete. To ply etr+fn due all tatfn. spfrtat arseslniertta had all olhfr charges agetnst <br />it rropHfy and, upon written demsnd by Lsr4w. ib fie y to <br />LewdM a"% MifwM M wtey ill sultiafM M r. Wee Ivy tst4W to pay Mush wage. eaaaelm"If or enter Char as Ihoy bloc "s dw <br />a Melaalps. toefMirtf► rypetfyina ,rrseaguv,sedsmaasterf•re Mtardst tc!used+wlh.nensterm evtfndadcwtiraps' andsuchothathararoaasLendaera <br />tfi+tf+s irtea.e.w+Ie awMtstiir.sMMlsr+'M aet'W+tteMMtMdM enda.nh kssa NYaela 1`o lha Undat rrteeseelfafaundarttue""uctas eutherifed to adjust <br />t late Ca tttlrsr+w at+t+ei"1,1 "Irltae+artf tive+f have the opl,,n of etnh-9 a-) of parr ofr„acnsurance oCNds(1) tO an tndsbled"Is socuted hereby and in WCh <br />o +iMMt14Vn+ay dolor ta n1`(, •)tolnf18Otruvvertoeta us" Invit— � Y <br />I,.........,Ot.r._•., pt t.•a fi,a:.:r:y o: (... j lo, :1`.y Utter pu.uratt or ob.ect tat.s'act")ry to le••.Drr <br />wwtn; tfrrtact+ ykyire+ dMlat7eMntTryttfu •tr•eter!fa «0•rntae curs;) „ever.vte',fetusnpaymert evert ^olplace Any aDt'.r.ahonctct+•tredsrt,+n0ebtedn.c-Tshn•- <br />ntjt AA!'M't4M pt+ariCrM th* <br />0-.4'e de” fit eny rarrnf+rTS undo• free Nate Or c:+•e arty dela;i't t".ereun ^_e• Ot neteur:r}et <br />S MaarlfaWW 8000 Mfr Ceeieaefto OIM Lowe. Policy rev she') ►Sap tr.e PropC•fy •n Vt4 r ^1`:d t cis an } a r s�Y• Crnr pl +r rips r 1`r 1`n: n; o a•,y <br />'s+�,(3rAHM• t r*ay Mdat•+a¢►q,yr�ho.•ed sh+t•i rvl cOmtn +t 1`,t m;t at:r waa!+y 1`,r Aw!INro•at:ga pt tr.e v.; +v•!y s *y'' n• <t nrc.y.e r!r,.,•a. t^ c• sa!•sb• 1`t, a t1`•• <br />Yytr +ltrt.•.rx,ive+ra+,ts Gw r4e pr, eerty l',M +rrt. r"m:T e�Aflr a. pe,md+rnyYlrO Mr Orrrf�rt,, Ity Ctotu.ry,,,..:pr •;.r.:.+an <br />Y. ►• +Wlrat"!s'a• rove .ydN•.ar�attMO +rONrsc�•sTe'+�ar - r'aw tV-1 —:n �,,.0,•..1> - A,^! <br />SMnsl a•!Lans !r.[pwt'U * "ha• :4C`: a1` Zee +9v�rY , ^'G' 3t•9r • eEen rtP t AZ9.r. tiT U p L'. r,n•t. r-. u'1` 1' + •...+'•�.,r <br />7 <br />F <br />�w. <br />ya•• <br />