Coumly. Hatt -ask=
<br />The North Ona -golf of the Southwest Quarter (N1/2 S1I/4) of
<br />Section Thirteen (13), Township Twelve (121 North, Range
<br />Eleven (12), Haat of the 6th P.M., Nall County, Nebraska
<br />Howard chnntr, Aebzaska
<br />2. The East half of he southeast ,quarter (EIlSE ) and Lot air (6),
<br />(otherwise known aa the Northwest quarter of the southeast a)narter)
<br />of Section twelve (12), Township thirteen (13) North, Range eleven
<br />(11) . West et the 6th
<br />3 Tracts of 140i3 in the 13oxth golf (51) of Seettun Seven (7) ,
<br />Township Thtrteee (13) North: Range Teri (10) teat of the 6th
<br />P.11., in goward County, Nebraska, more Particularly
<br />described as follows:
<br />4.
<br />a.rc.1 1.
<br />.;,._7
<br />-4-4x;tagt'^os )44Pd is d.a twcthw.vt asacter at snorted 7.
<br />'Wo4oeti7n.11 Porth. oaag. 10 Meat of tM eth 7.34 . 06a.acd
<br />C04•'tl. ta.bseata..u' 14.4..dia pare ef oo�4en....t Fat 1 nal
<br />Osorecrevetatt tot 2 "nuc• awea.Catalf darailbed a •C019a41= .
<br />.t the wort& QW.tt4r eoe.ce of Lard.9..ctlo0 7,
<br />t"* "....• 14 a 4,4ti.clY dixmtle. 4a t 4 tut lino 0! a.J4
<br />I ' hU. t Quarter 0. ..444 4 hotel' a of a 00' 04' as. C .
<br />di:at.,lai oC 2sc_aa to tae-reIat''er beateeisa tags..
<br />cwail+nu ,.g le 4 ;a=h
<br />"tt3 ' .. Sa1d ta.b >�e de t
<br />hcacing-ac S a0. 04' 344 t a Aletaaaao at 2,423.27 facie to the
<br />castor of saki t otlon 7. shoo., lora tl4.tar37 dl:'t.etian an
<br />tba :aitch lino . of s4i4 f+OFthwat VU*Xt c an t boaele0 *Ca
<br />47* 34' 01' ( a OA -W=4 of 1.773.13 feet? thence is
<br />N0ctlwrly -El t4ca'1aa 41anH as 479ctim7 744,9404'4 124. as f1
<br />bearina of N 01• .15' 19. t a allot■4e0 we 2.435 43 teat,
<br />s
<br />tieto. Lc . atdrlr air. le. 40,s 9naa.Cl.nt ail 49l 24• 31•
<br />S.
<br />* dAsta.K* .4 1.5s3.e4 teat to tM.I sek.t 0! weele iall .nd.
<br />-oat...Wog 31.224 acres, and subject t0 a private oceans soap
<br />be. Govtr.t.*4t tot 1, lnWattle. 7. And Qowteamcat Leta 4 wad
<br />5, pa Sutton 4 rural an sooeac easevant 35,4•et lo 010th
<br />voodoo alae. ..d sAjseent to the *cot 11aa of ^beim
<br />deo etl,•4 teat rte.. 444 oxi.t3M: toad ee aha sotto lin. .5
<br />.old tweet {larda a•dlatana. of 1,230.04 feat. .
<br />lataal 2. - -
<br />:•i: ft.. -
<br />J. tn.OJ:..rt-34ad Joh .tfnmoat foals amP the llaFthaaat Q+scts vk.
<br />s.oei.oa 1, Tleu..4i4t 12 scrod., ^^•100 19 Moat 04 '4" 6t‘.'
<br />Upward cotntS,. lwb[.cb►, Aare .4c4441.41.1.
<br />lanais. Cana ln0 at th. north .3..rtet cotect DC s44
<br />sectlaa 1, thew. 'in a S0ath.r17 dlteothee o,. the Hoot nee
<br />of the northeast Quartet et weld £canis" 7 aa 4a._asa.mud
<br />baa+atiaft at s da• 54' 34" R.* dlstwna. oC 214.31 g•4t to the
<br />iwlut 0f-tealeat1n97 thence oonto.4doS. 1.01 • eaukh+clf
<br />41r.cclan en said Fhtt,l.lao aa a. ivarl*p of S 4a
<br />ela.tooce at 1103.41 fast to the Owe 1/11 eaca.c of taw
<br />IIMO4 rt qu.0t45 of sold seet1na le tbo..ce in a Saatarly
<br />41reatioa -o. the soatx 1L.a of the *Welt half of *3.14
<br />agetboa0t 4oaetor a.a .. 1>c.cin5 4.f N 43. 31' 12" s a 4145.0ce
<br />at 411.42 facts thooac lailsoctucrizOptat4ia
<br />74t411..1 with t1.4 M.Ot 144 et .433 4brt9t4sct. 1046x:t4v 0.0
<br />) of N•40. Oa' 34.M w_dlrt.noe of 314.43 teat, tbr0oc
<br />1. ...nerdo.cstetlr 4icaotX.a o. a bowr1w0 0C a 3S• 20' 12" N
<br />w dist.nor of 340.47.4,etl 411e.µ70 to . 4...5452y direction oa
<br />1144 pat• 341 .slat ti.. North 1144 .4 add 0.at9.44 7 An 4
<br />ba. 345 oC s 09. 24. 23" (K taatsnce o! 73.433 f•et to the..
<br />yolet of hatdaelna
<br />The florthwest Quarter of the •Sonithweet Quarter
<br />(NW}SI2i) and the East Half of the Southwest.
<br />Quarter (Eiswd) of Sectio(iTow op
<br />Thirteen 413) North, hung aprn Tin ( 190)) west
<br />ofgt
<br />the 6th P.M., Howard Co Aty,
<br />tri eta conveyed CO the State of Nebraska by
<br />deed -plated, July l5, 1546 and recorded October
<br />11, 1946 in book 23, Page 49, Dene Accord,
<br />Howard County, 4rebraska and deed96o ed au
<br />k
<br />21,'1960 and recorded July 26,
<br />30, Page 76, Deed Record, Onward County,
<br />Nebraska_ ti
<br />201900894
<br />4
<br />