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A a9r— 103703 <br />awe 0 118hreelge Deed of Trust - ___ __ . _ —__. -_ -- <br />�; 321- 1335c7ta2 703 <br />TYa Dead at Th* ("Security hwrumcat ") it read( an July 18 <br />1989 • Tha curator b Ronald Eric Koch, a single person <br />( "Barrawer "1 Thetrwlsaia Commercial Federal Savings and Loan <br />Association ("'1•rttaMa lu ba aloe() is <br />How Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island . wil* it miters Owe .910 <br />teed( do kwe of Nebraska . sad whose ad*= iw 221 South Locust <br />Greind Island( Nebraska ( "harder "). <br />rilM@* flak Ire ON QM in oorridmdon of the debt aid inw hereinafter detceibed and created, and tare am of One DOW( (tt X to <br />iw in head paid by Mrs Tmim do n=* of which is heWhy adcnowlaye& doe by than prasatta gait, bargain and nk Convey aid <br />txxtliraa, wta the TteiMet in tttttt. with power of ale. forever, all of the Wilowierl d�etcn'tied eat estate, sitwtd tyiaM sad btia{ is tit County of <br />Hall . and State of NldwAs, to wit: <br />Lot Thirteen (13) in block Twelve (12), College Addition to West Lawn, City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements,of the rider shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this mortgage. <br />"THIS IS A pliRCHASE MONEY . MORTGAGE" <br />wrtr�rjyad.MceadAreetof 2306 North Grand Island -1 <br />Grid Island Aver-. ,e . (City) <br />Nse6rNira 68803 (" - <br />ttv caaei . <br />- -7• ....J qP RX —Y .L— — I—.....i�L..A <br />` r�r�a�w�c.. awws�wv�wcw�w� .+v.crcw�wrw..►�an�a in2ijiewr�,. �iTw± csttac[ 1. 7llwvvcKr .�...�iTwuwaww.��uwww�.�.ww�rw _ <br />iSrt* 6stwo acid equom at aaw or i veafter attached to or used in aowmcfiiorr wit& seid real estate unto the Ttuatoe. and to its;=Cceie s <br />end sin kiei � ,Tye lorrorrer rgstaeab toy and convenants with. the -T-W: tee. dW the Borrower bu pod rill!! to UN and coevey tail <br />�ttaitor drattbty are bet !root commilmtea: and that the Borrower wilt' wiriad ud defead the sane apint the lawGd daima of aB persons <br />wionaacfpaef; and ire said leYeraerer ieteby eefincpiahes W rihitr of honratad, and atit msriW rjgW elfin( w jaw a in - <br />aqurty, arro ate other. . <br />oorMia/eai iuer'mottle lo[s ra ie and to the above daaibed prentim aid iakntion b ft to ooavey hereby es abooirrte title. in fee tingle". <br />andadi q al rr j drowmni:4 ad odw row and inkrab as aforesaid: <br />ltrdtlM Ahwe% and thW pt ms we executed and delivac d unto the Ttvttee, is fruit, however for the < <br />Wowing parPar,SF� • <br />j *%Kaaa, tiro f eeawor o the 18 , day of July .19 89 , borrowed fran the Larder <br />!sawed Fifteen.:.Thousand Fifty'and no /100----------- - - - - -- -- --------------,:. .T-M - <br />oc wiiCh - - - - - - ------ <br />atrn die Marw iis ecerd <br />and deluged ri�ssl7e Y cote of em date. beering ,;" 7. <br />bow of d w ate d Eight & Eighty/ gar caatatct 8.88 S) per saner ow the tnrpaid balance wM paid. <br />The Laid prindpNtd dad ittaeeeat dial be payable at tk o16a of <br />Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of {- <br />Grand Islam, 221 South Locust <br />m . <br />G&" �N�, . or at such otber place as the bolder of the now - <br />�Y iii 1lWJttalsares of One hundred Nineteen and 80/100 ----------------------- <br />4Ddbft (t 119.80 ]� coriraea1=41 oa tie first daY of September <br />19 89. and am tie Est day of eats seonth diereaher until The princpal and interact an MY paid. esoept that the final payment of principal <br />and itrt ow, if not doom paid. tut be dot and payaMe on the fiett day of August ° <br />2ti is. <br />This f9m is %wed in connection with mortgages insured under the one. to four -fawly program of the National kwsing Act (including <br />Swoons 203(b) acid (9) which require a One -TW* MorIgage Insurance Preeniunr payment in accordance with the ragulations for those► <br />programs. <br />tam HKO421434 r i (sae edition) <br />Napa 1 of 5 t 4 24 CFA 203.17(a) <br />i <br />i <br />y <br />