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r <br />i <br />j <br />NaN•UNtFORMCOVENAN1s umcoweramuenderfunbercnvemmtondagrtseasftillows: <br />19. Actoleradeni Rents". Lander dball give sedee M But esm p* Ile► acnlenttion following Borrower's <br />breach atatdy to +ceded ar agr�ddt in lain �iMMrk)► ttrlittdaMdtt lent nap �Ndtr a aeoeMratie+d wd{st rartlgra�Mdt 1J seed 17 <br />@alias appMtable low prwidsa slier 11 ML IU aw" abdl rpowU (a) do delsatfy (U IM setles re"Iredl to Cares the <br />deftstt; (e) a dials. dtN imes them 2i dbtys � Ibs tMtls Me melee is sinus M •errowor. by vridleb Me deiatdit nduetti we cweedf3 <br />and (a Mat ham "an Ms dehak as dtr bailsro tit dials dtpdMidsdis Ives asides my rossit le ottiM sass s <br />oacnrM by the 8.esafity lsalrrmnalst addtd saN at IMF lrrspdarty. TY ddtatllsss awtlM fre7b.r iairrm aert+awet d►t Nte nisei a <br />relsolaat &%w sasairrtlNM and tba rite) w MMus a swo ands■ M dmrwt dw w-nWan of a isQwlt or a" OOW <br />dlalYasd edf IMrrawdr NamdyNrdNMa mid salt. I /Ms deft* Y net aced near bolero dw dale speeded M Ms Mice. Loader <br />at tls epda adalr metre lausedlaa poem a flail of NI loads saeardti by ebM Secemity laaUmmisst witless Breton <br />damd add rosy IaeeMo tea power stask mad say otb>,r semades p wmigtd by goliteabM low. IAndw awed be eadded to <br />defleC! all esp iesse lo-W d a I ag do remte" p eddsd M sk garagragi 19, iselad aft bw act Boom 1% <br />romasmaie aNeraeys'tisssttMd:satlaf dleelidsadsf. <br />It Ibis Power of sale is ieeoked, Tlrawse swill ress d a loses of deft* In sub ceaaty im wWA any part of the <br />Preparey V eaated load dtllrtil dddtaY ceplss ofnaddA addtiaa t.Iba ddus■ttsr pwmertbed b applicable law M i~srtwwsr aid soft <br />odlsr pdresse pneP AW bt gWNeabe kw. A11sr dw time rodMired by apptiesbe law, Trtselee eWl *M ptrbile ad>tliee e►f <br />sale M Me pedexme aadt is ft fummer v A i by applicable law. Trasles, wkbaat demand as Beivewar,"wN Me <br />Prvparty at pd ft asedest MtM bilgltset bidder subs time and place and anther Me terms deelem led t• tap nedice ofsak In <br />one or taste Iastasls end M my erderTroom delermisos. Trsalds may psstpoae sale of all w my pered aft* Property by <br />pshft a■em eemeft ea ewes state and plow stow prooioa* sebadsed Gale. Deader er iat dsd/seo nisi► parehase Me <br />Prapxreyalasysek. <br />Upon remot of pyaw at tap pies W, TraMse lobar Mum M the Iarebaaa Trome"a deed am"yfig Me <br />Property. The nMWA i in tap TnmW% desd died be prima hdde soidsacs of t4 ttralb of the atalsneNa awls tbw*idt. <br />Traslee shat apply tilMpe�.o.edr of tap dais isotle fiilswiag order: (a) N aY a:pssass cite defer in,drladYg, bet net liaigdif . <br />Wh Tralile's lees as )dlrstsitMd by appileawis law si eosssalie attorneys' less; (b) to all some soedwW by ibis Seearittf <br />I� ale te)d� dredasd lathe possaa d>r piaseastdtpsl$y eat*lei tole. <br />A Leedw M Boesdodiast<. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property4. Lender (in. <br />pa,m4 .by agent or #fir judicially appointed reveivty) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and maMe the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Propettp including those past due. Any rents collected by I.ertder or the receiver <br />shag be applied first to payment of the easft of musagement of that Property and odtectioa of ideate, bAiding, but not <br />limited tar► receivers fees, preet mm on roemd icr's bonds and reasonable attorneW fees, and tba to t* sAms secured by <br />this Security lostruseent. <br />21. trseearo3 set a Upon payment ofatkwins secured by this Surety Idnst4wrient. Leader shill request Trustee to <br />nxvavey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument aWlaff tdotesc%Wencing debt secured by this Security <br />Instrument toTtnatee. Tnoft sMU reconvey the Properly without warranty and s,ft:hout charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Sucb pettso -or personssball pay any recordation coats. <br />1211 C 76 —0.aft 1.4"1" 06 300 ""t:" , ."'.w.i S:"w�i. fil--too; R.t <br />to any Trw a appointed l- N FW .sex by an insitument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without aasveysaw of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title:, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by appiioable law. <br />22. Repast tar Pk ideee. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be seat to Borrower's <br />address whxb is the Property Address. <br />24. Reim to Mb Searrily IsMimseL If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and neoorded together xerith <br />this Security Iastrutwedt, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and tthalt amend and <br />supplaneat the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. [Check q*bcsbie box(es)) <br />❑ Adjwtabk Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br />❑ tindtated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Dev4Vrnent Rider <br />[&OtbMs) I yi Acknowledgement <br />BY SIGNING BEiow. Borrower awgtst and agrees to the texftts &arid covenants contained in this Security, <br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Somwe r and recorded witYu it <br />STATE OF NESKASKA, <br />Hall <br />........... ........ .. ............................... {Seal) <br />Ma Ain 0. Durysie oQf°"" <br />.... .......... .e.r., �,�, ............. )) <br />Annette K. Duryee so 1W <br />County ss: <br />On this 10 1 day of July ,19 89, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified- for said county, personally came Marvin D. Duryee and Annette K. <br />Duryee, husband and Wife . to me known to be the <br />ideatical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, the <br />date aforesaid. llllfiMt dr <br />Ltkd.iEAN t�tEDltltN � ,� <br />My Commission expir encored W Be l� <br />�/- /may' � Lx.r• . �-rti:.. .. `'�:'e!si� � �'r f�_;' <br />".�. ��_ .. r Notary Pu e <br />REQUE: a uoR REcoNVEYANCE <br />rex'Tkt•itl:f: <br />Ittr undostttncd u, the holder it the note or notes secured by this Dcrd of Trust. Said note or note %. togathet <br />watt all wht,r uulchtedncsY Severed by this Deed of Trues, have been 1-vatd to [till You are herelsv dtrc.ted t�� ._,nt�c) .aid <br />nt•te • +t vi %'A and this Deed of Ttiva, whmh arcdchvcred hereb+ . and to tconnt,c�. urthkmt % %atrent�, .ill the r•tetc <br />rr:,;k l,c'd by ins :erclrr the'. OCCEI of (rust 141 the lterson r.r 1irr%on" legalh entrtled Ihetetu <br />id <br />—i <br />