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1 <br />MOPMAM 89- 108656 <br />7'hia <br />T= OVOLAiD NATIOM BANK OF ORM I9LtAtt[2 (itania •9iotlipep�s "� <br />WoOpepw i, Wobo d to iiiwirtpeo In Ow pdaidpd av a of $12,13.913.83 , erideaeed by Mwop gw% nofs <br />OW _'1 �T 10x 100 (MNia "Note ") poeliky for payments of pdacipal and tat mt, with tba below tl.R <br />. isdehMdtsssa, d alai eotutox prNl, iMe and parallM eat- .Tiny 5, 1963 , <br />To t>rwe dWPWWW at Bier Noels, W" law" a PWdhd dw, ors, 68 payment of All COW alrtrts, with ishtoet, <br />aftwins br-11.11 tipas b ptiMaet tMe weotib► of this Moaipr�h fwd t1iM perl�raraace of the cowttaMa and ajrt etttolth of <br />die Blasi!/ I! amttaiM4 l ON% Wee4pem does ItenW laar!Mg And convoy to Monpapee tltt followrftg daaaihed <br />p[opwty keakd Its all county, N*b+asU: <br />JOtL Si&t (8) Block Thirteen (13) EVails. Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebr ,- <br />-- _ <br />. ' '1�Aee t�itil_�11 bWldin�. impt�orenteat+. fix'tutes, rstm�.siM�s. wa :._ esloea>rrats. n u, as _ <br />.Ehei"MQW%ai Yw 04 aadjtheMvrnes issues and IBM- .,reMera'oesand40, <br />MONW1 IrtdnMsp, hilt hot ituAW4 jej twokJog and coding equipmtm sad sua venonsi progeny 14t is attarlyd to Ow <br />ISO a.wttaNtte s• ae to coA" tutit: s # r+ri; all of which. lociuding ei 0ecestertw and additiom thereto. is bereby deal wd <br />.v1.wa.ew .."A �: •fit . t• , d .. f .. ... r► a 4 r. <br />-,r <br />Mr, , .•-:t of. -ss? o.. :nd all of Oct, fine�Rs i in; . s..rd .+t► .Karma 3a.sise <br />1fDilAlar flutiltcan vane nfaiiu *eees. with Mortgapn•�'' %<>flows: �,; .; <br />1. paD►aeeot. To pay tilt' indebtedness and the tntemt thvi etin afs. prw•ided in this NW4Ppe and the mote. ' <br />Z Title. iiortpagor is die owner of the Property. has the right and authority to mw page the Property, ad ' <br />vulfs" that dw. lien crested hereby is t�iyfit st and prior Iwo on tho ftqerty. except as mkv othemiee be set forth pew xxxxw <br />0 The Prspedy is subject m <br />to a ortgage wherrin <br />it the lbaltpapee, ra�eoried K)9.oult __._ .Pape . _ ._ . of tM• Hilorltpagr f;rrreords of _ �}tiltty. '` -�, <br />Nebrob. ditch Noirk" is a tiers prior to the ban rreatrd hervb} <br />E3 00+tr prior liens or encumbrances: <br />3. Taaoii;°Aa MWWMs. To pay when due sY taxes. special assessments and all other charges spainat tie hoperfy: <br />and. ttpon writt" tie asd.10 -O tWee. so add to the payments rrquirtd under the Now secured hereby, such aumnt as <br />- - • -- --siepr�tresaidra�l+s- sash 'i�r;blo+;tgspeetopsysticlr< taxes,► eistsc�ot�ct +ar�ss:t�yiteooasrdae.- . <br />d. 1rlrt mmer.' TO litee! flee impro"metts soar or hereafter lomted on the red estate deter W lietele lawred <br />a/eieet dump-by Aew wad ants after hazards is MvdV pr may require. in antoowts sad with compeitiea wt*pW* to the <br />'*' iftapet. and *0 i= payable to the Madppet. to case of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />Arpd. eeftct said eeaaproadst, in its diserrtion. all claims thereunder at its sole option. authorixedtoeitherappty the <br />prsteesda to the sestoaties of the FvWrty or upon the indebtedness secured hereby. Wt payments lanvia der shall colt• <br />Now wAlli'.dw am secured hereby are paid o hll. -- <br />h. El Pawn !a Taws said hw rma. Notwithstanding anything contained in pwalImpits 3 and d be"t to the <br />cOSIMY. MONUM r AM pay to the iiiQr Vgw at tilt tint of peyina thw nxmlhly in"frenrits of p6neiysl and interest. <br />SMAIWOlMr of dw yearly taxes, samumeats. hazard irtsltra ice preativats. and groursd nests (if any) which may assets a <br />PWdtii oeet this MWIS pe, Oil era reasonably estimated frost time to time by the Mortpspre. The ammr^ so paid abed be <br />held by ON MOAVVe VndWMt isterest sad applied to toe payment of the items in respect to which such amounts were <br />depsaited. The awsis paid tv M9ryyre heeerta f are Pk'*d as additional Security for the indebtedimm mewed Mr this <br />L Mortar. Munp eor wadi pay to Mortpsper, tbt amiwni of any deficiency between the actual taxes. amerce vents. kwarance <br />lifelltivas and ptwnd rests and the deposits hereunder within 10 days after demand k m"- upon Mbrtl;&W reflorsting <br />payment ttter.ot_ ti <br />i. Rryair. fitiainttMasrce artd ! te. 7o trruml►Ily restart. mtory nr tebulld anrc buildings or imarorcm••riti now tit <br />herraflaer on the Property. to Ireair the pruprrty in good u,tidilton and repair. wilbout wa<rr, and fns from mecharir's ur <br />n <br />LOW Iwits not raprrrsAy rubordinai.d lu :he hen hrrruf, not to rnakQ. >uf; ,-r nr permit anv vuitiiinr•• to exist, riot to denim <br />t+it. of +mpoir the tat?iw Uf the pwuyc•rly 1av any act ur orni ion lip at t: and to compN Kilts aSl wgtnivi tt•rits 44 law whir <br />rrrprat tt. c.,t� Yrr.i,rrt: <br />