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1 <br />Page 2 of 5 HUD- 921490T.1 <br />Wl <br />7 <br />1l►`. <br />-`7 <br />-i <br />R"' � 0365 t <br />narrower and Lender cavrnanl and agree a% follows: <br />R <br />1. Thai <br />or tf the Lender atvlutrc% the proper <br />Lender shall apply, at the time of th <br />ierv+ise after default. the <br />Borrower will PAY the endlehtednexs, rs hrntinbeftxc <br />larivilw <br />piod.�oetlings, W at the time the <br />nmetwmenl of such <br />pra'l,141109. is rr±ened to pay the tkbt in whole or in put on <br />any installment due date <br />prop <br />balance then remaining in the funds <br />s otherwise acquired, the <br />mutated under I of <br />(a) <br />2. That. together <br />ogether witA, and in addltrem to, the munthty payments <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit ar <br />then remaining unpaid under said a <br />1 the amount of principal <br />of prtttcipal and inkWN payable under the terms of the now secured <br />hereby, the Borrower will pay to the Letnler, on the Drat day of each <br />d. That the Borrower will pay grc <br />rents, taxes, assessment!; <br />month until the said note is fully gist, the ft�llowing sums: <br />water rates, and other governmental <br />impcxi O&% for which provision has <br />unicipa! charges, 6rres, or <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rent%. if M any. next due, us the <br />and in default thereof the Lender nu <br />Borrower will promptly deliver the <br />xen made hereinbefore, <br />r the same, and that the <br />p reatiurrr: riot will next become due and navabfe dm noliriea of fire <br />a <br />lender. <br />it receipts therefor to the <br />and other hazard insurance covering the property, plus taxes and <br />AnEaments next due on the property (atlas rstiNwW by rjW Lender) <br />IM OR ms Paid the or divided by the number of months <br />5. The Borrower will pay all taxes <br />Lender's interest in <br />;h may be levied upon the <br />elagge ortey h prior to the date when such ground <br />rents, premiums, taxes and assessments will become deliquent, <br />said real estate ar <br />may be levied upon this instrument c <br />proveme11ts, and which <br />debt secured hereby (but <br />such <br />sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay said ground rents, <br />only to the extent that such is not pn <br />extent that such will not make this la <br />ed by law and only to the <br />Premiums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />int�rrtte tax, State or Federal. impose <br />111WMl <br />uriou%!, but excluding any <br />Lender, and will file the <br />(b) All Payments- mentioned in the preceding subsection of this <br />receipt s <br />pt howing such paymen <br />r the Lender. Upon <br />Paragraph and all payments to he made under the note secured <br />hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof <br />violation of this undertaking. or if tlw <br />law now or hereafter exbcting from F <br />rower is prohibited by any <br />the whole or any portion <br />shall be paid by the 8mrower each month in a single payment to he <br />applied by the Lender to the idlowing items in the order set forth: <br />of the afoesaid taxes, or upon the red <br />Prohibiting the payment by the Borro <br />tg of any court decree <br />A any such taxes, or if <br />(1) ground reef$. taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard incur. <br />such law or decree provides that any <br />Borrower shall be credited on the deb <br />1111 so paidd, by the <br />, Lender shall have the <br />aace premiamn; <br />right to give ninety days' written notii <br />the owner of the premises, <br />(11) the ncui:: wcured hereby; <br />y <br />requiring; the payment of the debt. If! <br />debt shau become due, payable and c <br />notice be given, the said <br />ible at the expiration of <br />(111) araoretixr,ian Of the principal of said note, and <br />said entry clays. <br />(IV) late charges. <br />6 7 hAt ssauld. the Swower fail to <br />my sum or keep any <br />Any defioetn,'y in the amount of such aggregate monthly payment <br />Covenant provided for in this instrume <br />ten the Leader, at its <br />shall, unless made good by the Borrower prior to the due date of the <br />Ri— wirwti c an event default <br />optic may pay or perform the same, <br />c air �+.._ .,r �a F psi--- <br />Sum vn <br />all expenditures so made <br />On <br />Of unwr this <br />mortgage. The tender may CIAICCt a "late charge" not to exceed four <br />P11111 <br />be secured hereby, and shall bear inter <br />the said Rote, 3W, <br />t the rate set forth in the <br />ants tot) for ev.*'dollar (S 1) of each payment more than fifteen <br />said note, until paid. <br />(I S) days in mean to ce,c. Cr the extra expense involved 111 handling <br />7 TbW the Borrower Irby --+k <br />[.Crider, try be applied toward the payrl <br />i,,gcrs and sit% over rrn else <br />A the note and all sutras <br />3. That if the total of the payments Mack by the Borrower under <br />cured hereby in case of a default in t <br />rformanoe of any of the <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of payments <br />ten's and conditions qCthis. instrumen <br />he said nt20— All the rents. <br />actually made by the Lender for ground tmtt%. taxes and assessment) <br />revenues and income to be derived fro <br />: said premises during <br />of insurance premiums. as the case may tie, such excess. if the loan Is; <br />current. at the option of the Borrower, shall be credited by the <br />such time as the indebl'odtress shall ren <br />shall have power to appoint any agent <br />unpaid, and the Lend$ee <br />vents it may desire for the <br />Lender on subsequent payments to be made by the Borrower, or <br />Purpose of repairing said premises and <br />filing the saute and <br />refunded to the Borrower. If, however. 17 iemonthly payments made <br />collecting the rests, revenues and incur <br />id it mayl•gpty out of said <br />by the Borrower under (a) Of paragrapb 2 preceding shall not be <br />incomes all expenses tai repairing said I <br />ses atrd'eimmary <br />sufficient to pay ground rextcx, taxes and assessments or insurance <br />commissions and crl Vw4! s incurred in <br />19 and managing the <br />Premiums, as the case MAY be, when the same shall became due and <br />same and of colicctim cetttals therefror <br />; balance remaining, if .. <br />payable, then the Borrower shall pay to the Lender any amount <br />any, to be Appwd to-ovid the discharge <br />rid indebtedness. <br />nccesatry to make up the deficiency, of or before the date when <br />payment of such ground rent.. razes, assessments, or insurance <br />g. That the Borrower will keep the i1 <br />vements now existing or <br />Premiums shelf be due. If at any time the Borrower shall tender u' <br />hereafter erected on the property, insua <br />r <br />may be required from <br />the l cu_ler, in Accordance with the provisions of the note secured <br />time <br />me to time by the Lender against foss <br />'e and other hds,. <br />uu <br />hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, <br />casualties and contingencies in such am <br />i and for such perkxb as <br />the Lender shall, in computing the amount of such indebtedness, <br />may be required by the Lender and will <br />promptly, when due, <br />credit to the account of the Borrower any balance remaining in the <br />funds accumulated under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. <br />any premiums on such insurance, provi <br />has not been made hereinbefore. All ins <br />for payrtrWC of which <br />a shall be carried in <br />If there shall be a default under any of the previsions of thn <br />companies approved by the Lender and <br />Wick* and renewals <br />instrument resulting in a public sale of the premises co%cred bereb�, <br />thereof shall be held by the Lender and <br />Payable clauses to favor in <br />attached thereto loss <br />of and form <br />liable to the Lender. In <br />Page 2 of 5 HUD- 921490T.1 <br />Wl <br />7 <br />1l►`. <br />-`7 <br />-i <br />