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ACKNO T OF DIED OF TRUST St�• —103639 <br />•OMROWERtt MEAD TFllti MOM ditif W: ( ; ` . <br />Borrowers (Trustors) uxlersta -nd that the docuihenIMat iv $fnrrowers are executers Doci of Trust and theta mortgage sno that the powar <br />Of sate 9X0VKted l34 In the Deed of Trust providn auMMU.Mbf ttfttin! nphte wa. ers titan a mortgage in the event of a debult <br />or L+rLt eCh o} eo4ga!!en under f!Ml L�eect o Trust. !nckKtrrhg, but not 1N1ttMd te, L Beat Property sold by the Trustee wRhotA any <br />to kW proceertng or torecbKrre Borrowers repmsent mitt wairant that ri+9 ack Iti m before the execution d the Deed M Tr'um <br />Ph1 1 Borrower Husband <br />C.Vj'Z Moe- Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVAMM PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. its made sit of the . Uk- dart of 1P by and among the truster, E_ Jes��_ <br />C. Jane Jossi w�xhscim�ikhgaddress 41 wetland Trail Circle, Grand Island, Ne. <br />(heron "Borrower"). the Trustee. June Aleah whose rnaiting <br />address its____ 1703 Wilson, Loveland, Colorado (herein ••Trustee•'), and the Baftkary, <br />June $leeb %%,hosema,mgaddrws 1703 Wilson, Loveland. Colorado <br />(hweO ,Lender ") <br />t"•OA VALUABLE COf RATION, n&xuv tfta rtdobtednw kw tad hewn and the klast heron craalad: ft regipt d which al <br />Borrower hereby klih WaWy grants, transfers, conveys and asargm to Trustee. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. ter t~+e DeriefA arid <br />under mV sut>!aq to tt v, Mats and Conditions herainatfar set forth, the real property, deacnbed as follows- <br />Lot Twenty —Eight (28). Regency By The Green Subdivision in the City <br />of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Togeriw will all buridings. oWovarrwft. kxturse, streets, aftp. passageways, easements. rights. privileges and appurtenances located thereon of <br />in anywise pertanrng thereto, and the ran". isaulla and profits. reversms and rein irKlers thereof. mdudng, but not kin tad to, hell" and coolfq equp- <br />riwit and such Dam" Dmos•ty that is attached to the xnarovenwits so as b aonsvdAs a fixture: and kxwther with the homssllad or rnarital merest, <br />R any, which merest are hereby role~ sv h wmo; ai M_ whrGh, nciudey raptaoernents and addrtiatls tf,er-M. is he:aky declared to be apart d the <br />rest estate secured by the ken of this Caw of Trust and all of the foregoing being rehired to herein as the `'Property ". <br />The Dodd of Trust vvI4 secure (ti) ter pprywil d the pt(rtc W sum and a►Nereat awdarx W by Sorrows ►'s'rasi dated July 5. 1989 <br />tuh+rrhp a nhatutry date of _ July 5. 1._ _9 4 1►r th. orrgrnrat txnCipat amgs,n^x a! i 30.000100 and any and alt modilitcar <br />hods. estwishons and renwaata Kwactaa pr Uhwft arld any and M thum adrarices aw reedver>< n NnKxxior pursuant to QM of more pnxrAm fxy MISS <br />Ow oh Called "Nor"), lb> the oat mw i]3,orier R advanced by Lander to protect the security of this Dead of Trust writ imWest thereon M provided <br />in Cfhe t►►?dte: anti (e) ilia. prirfor r►h1nCe :6V 4A Coyem -a and agreement of Borrower ser forth herein <br />to V, M100' tfha sreur;y of rue Deed d Trust. CowenarMS and press with Lender as fottowa. <br />:1 <br />-- of psi oytslat mili tM iii Owo*w"p wiplly pay when due the principal of and wMirso on. and any fees or charges Provided <br />n, tt'ht.t(rala a ern Chits tJeed o! Trlahp.'. `.. <br />_. Tile. 80naViv its Cho awirW CIVIC Pifop". has the rVA and authority to convey the Property, and*arrana t a fho Ion crealetjrTiere4y is <br />a Fret and Pt*f has W the PrOPerty except as ma(y: alM rwrae be set forth on ExhbA A hereto. and the execution and delivery of this Glad d Tt;t does <br />not viOlale any C01*40 of other ON Qatitxh b ~P,13orrowor is subject <br />i. Toolos, Aatlerttslgb„ru.psy when due as texas. spww asseserrhents and all other charges aganst the Propene all,d, upon written demand <br />by Lender. b pay to Lender siciz arli was as may be sufficient to maths"Lender to pay such taxes. assessments or other cnargea as they ba0fxtle drag. <br />4. UtawMlaa,T•gY �6' tePropertyrrqu» d, aganstdamps byfire. hazwdencludW**. Athefarm" oxNrKWdcoverage .',andsuchotwCwwrds <br />as Lender msy roquirtt hff urroi;ntsAnd w+ri oomparuas aceeptabis to the Lender. aril wth lop payable to the Lender In caned loss under such pokes, <br />the LwxW era auttioraed W &OIuot, eoi.oa and oompr yrm. as Gals thereunder and shah have if ►s option of apptyn4 as or part d ew awarwa prooseds . <br />O a any ndebtadness socuraq hereby and in such order sa Lr4er Tray dellermns. ( *) to IM Borrower to be used for tha roper or rasroralon o! the Property <br />IN (i%l tier any offw Wpm os C*a MMI& tory to Lender wfl►W aMpMV the hen of ins Osed of Two for the full &mean• f$M;:jsed hereby babro at1C13 <br />payffWA aver took pieta Ani'apptic MIon of prooseds to cdebtedri,Ns shall not ex* W or posWahe the due date of any yklVoWls under the Nob. or eve..' <br />any dO&A VW *WOW Oise &.,h reX4Jeit- <br />i. IIsYsMNMNe1 AePMa Geld Oaw#/alroa Wft Law. 8wowe shah keep the Property in good condition and repau, anise prompl*y repair. or <br />replace any irromvarnanf401411 fiery be damaged Or dwtroyad SW not CDffeW Or parent any waste of deteriorabon of the Property: shad) fhot rerrrpvo. <br />derth0leh Or subalansasy.a?tltr'aryr Of " ffV0V0rn01A On the Property, snap n0f OOrrew, suffer or permA any act to be done in or upon tithe Property in <br />v+oinim d any taw, ordorliame. or "uMon. and"pry and promptly dhsctu►ga at Borrowers colt arxt exp~ at harts, encumbrances and charges <br />lehred. cripmed or assessed agars the Property or any part Cheroot <br />4k EMWAN OaatSOL t.arader its hereby as WMW 81 OOmpall a0on, awards, dWrages and other payntln" or rekef (heregnaHer ' Proceeds') in corer <br />r-000n with toV4Vnn8W- V Mier taking Of 90 Property Or per 11hSff0f, Or bit Conweyance in ieu of Condemnation Lender shat be entitled at Rs option <br />to corm'fance. ap pear ;n and vowoulie in 4 own name any acbm or proosadrnge, and shall also be * MMbd 00 make any compromise or seWeawt in <br />corxhacton with suer+ lair ng or damage In the ehranl any pOrtOn of Ribs Property • 80 taken of damped. I~ shah have the Option. in its sob and absok" <br />dxf~. to appal as such Draasufl attar deducting r wefrom alt coRC and expanses ncctxrao by it in connection ,wth such Prmse{u. uporh lirry ndebbdnne <br />secured hasty and in sueth order as Leoder may deWrivie. at to apply a1 such Proceeds. aRv such deductions, to ate reowation of the Property upon <br />fs;rih {nrhrMrr,.� sg 1 lthrrer rift; �rarmr,� Any of proff y r? trTWM0e10}ruw VIV ......M C-ftnof of PQ;4 ax the tied gate 0i ", Pay Wits ufKW <br />thfh Note, or cure any d!'4K t thereunder or he'aurKw <br />7. ►rhr1aa11M by Lalda. to I-No e-vient of 1 orfower s faitrre to Wofm any or tie Coverts s hater+ or mtaxe any payments fedured rwoby. <br />a tt ally acs 4 tare* c r le+ji p•oc! rear cG r.menIIe�d ,v9h,Ch liters arty af!rrC s lerhder s hrhre stir .� �a Property lenw, may ,n es uwn ascreton but *.I-ox <br />L ObiSjabrl<r d0 SA and Mire r:.l Clemand upon 90rrovver and w yW retewN j Botraway from any otg-¢atpr. rho any act WhCh ! hs Borrower <br />i agrsrtd n4: f* 3 !rJ a0 W3 1a y illi� d� at hO 6�h0r ate' 9 dalm9 faDCaseary to proMIG1 the Sec r nerept Borro over sna s rmmed jWy upon aernaro therefor <br />t7y Lende• cress a'::t etyerses mcu••ea and SLAMS eoDfrKM by Lo:hryer in C,V1•.1EK_• Vn Ar:h `!■etC'SB ty Len(W 0# mefaregw%.g r,gthts <br />+tYjQ!'Ai +h th 'rest * ro - a: �.s era a c "l r (7eJ .n VM! ti01e *!t c' stilt) be added to t^e trvWj*. d1,eSS 9ixu•ed "web, Lende• S ^a' DoT ,m-j1 any Oerswa <br />!.i:1 -.fir E'rr►:71..•,.it r:h 8' s " =.� " r'hd /':', r.• ;.'i:t }•i dh ►•�'ec)r•�!• <br />�. [yoe►te ref tiosnalt. r'kl •..:.rv'•q sr.8 t!artS::,r•p 8' ever' of ifefd.,'• •..'F'lf,'r err` i ^POff Cr *' f <br />.R. tar r.r,.. <br />.'CC, '`t, :.ts• ill' <br />G. . - _ .. r ^. v: ..'i.,. •l'ry} •r>r.L'f? ' ...t� 1 .'r a' AN .t,.. >7`.- -:P .!',ha , <br />r` <br />t. <br />1� <br />