<br />MOMMMFMre FAM '1109 KFORE 1114IN Mt:
<br />Borrb',ver$ (Truvory) to!(je ;!and that the dMu•rrmt that the QOrrowers are about to execute is a Deed of Trust and not a rnortggw ana that" power
<br />M Said provided W in the D trd of Trust provides substanWNly, dirloo; rights" is to the rowers than a mortgage n the event of a detsuht
<br />Or breS01 et Ot>+Q.AbOrt u^dr• L" O t d c• Trues. MkiC V. b t not t," tided to. Rae r to the Rea! Frap"t solo by the Trustee without any
<br />judicelr prOO4ersng l7< tnreck>aurs W rowers relxm"_ iMV warrant OW Lt+a them before the execution of the Deed of Trust.
<br />hA i if F.%,rlj o e a 1 @gnawer
<br />C. Jane Jossi soatower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, M mode as d the 9th day of July , 19 89 by and among the lruslor,.Philig E. Jossi and
<br />C. Jane Josal, Husband and wife whose nWn9 address xs 2416 Overland Trail Circle, Grand Island, Ne.
<br />(herein " Bortower') the Trustee.___ ia11e4 �i._ $RS1cjns- Mtorney At Ln whooe ffm*n
<br />addreee ra uh_Ej,Vtte, fjebr{ska 69101 (herein 'Trustee"), and the Beneficiary.
<br />Peary .1- and Have' R ue M n�dn .__. whose malt address ors 939- Nancork Amp, rant. Nebraska 69140
<br />(herein "Limner,')
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. indludrtio the ndebtexJmssa udenMttii ftaren and the trial it�ten orsatAd. the reoeipt ot which a hereby ado wledpecf,
<br />Bortowar hereby KwMably g�rranti, hantlera, eomreys w4 asepns to Tmfee. IN TRUST, WITH'POWER OF SALE, for the benetn and security of Lender,
<br />under and subpar io the 1art11t and caiditiore herewvow met sixth, the feat property. deanbed e8101OW&
<br />Lot Twenty -Eight (28), Regency By The Green. Subdivision in the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together W41, a4 buildnW. improvements. fixtures. streets. ataeys. passageways, easements, rights. privileges; and apputtenarlces located !Hereon or
<br />in anywise pa'taylo..9 thereto. and the rent's. eeues and profits. reversions and romainders thereof; inck4mg. but not krad b, howaV and coowig equip'
<br />rMnM srv! a..•M ts.wnwai ti...vrh MT a oho—_ r M tar '_'r pm^ --4-- ass ta n� a .rn R e
<br />..T......� -._. ,..�s..,..j .. .. y.. `..t' ...h�= 3 «s�:r :l" t."�'«�ttL" Y:• it'-°= hi s'ic =:ss or itl3ifi.3i isiior•'ta
<br />if any. whch mte►est are hereby reties ed and warwd aN of which. nctudng reptacemer" and &Mftns thereto. is hereby declared to be a pen of the
<br />teat mgate secured by the tort of this Deed of Trust and at if the foregw g being referred to herein as the "Property".
<br />Pits Dew of Trust snatl•fscc,re (ss;thiQeymerlt of this ,n�apitl sum" interest evidenced by 9orr w � �jul y g- 19R9
<br />harrrrg a matufty date of J l y VIM n the aipxnat principal amount of $ end any am-all modita-
<br />tN',(9s1 oftrimft ifld renew&* tttetreot Or tfeerefe' *V any and at kftre a awwe and readvwxvist'hwounsler .P" Ant Ia ate or m"
<br />(tHexti+s• called .,Note..) -. (b) the Payment of VOW sums advanced by LerxW to protect the secitii V of this Deed of Trust: with interest tfteirpon� ,�Oad
<br />in r,* Note: and (c) the pertormams, of aN covenants and agreement of 8wrower set forth reran
<br />Borrower. to protest me security of this peed of Trust. eovMWtts and MWOM with L04. r as logo*$ : Al
<br />1. 111iattas tat GN ANaerM ants @t I M. Borrower shat: promptly pay when due the prnclp$ oh ants interest on. and any raee:or (ttr)'rgas provided
<br />in. the Niue or in " Deed of Trust
<br />L TMs. Borrower ors the Owner of the Property, has MO fort and &LAWKy to convey the Property, and warrants . that ft teen created tweby ors
<br />;;OW and prior ben On re PrcPerty, except as may ororwim to set foftn on Exhibit A hereto. and Qe exeWtion and dekaasy of this Deed of Trust doss
<br />r4i'viviMe any contract or rater obligation to which Bwotrw ors. subt ct
<br />3. Tanis, AMasnnNft. To pay wtuen due an tawes: apscsi assefemanes and an other charges eghwW the Property and..upa► K!rirten demand
<br />by LerK*r, to pay to L*rKW such amount M tr'a:'f be suftemm to amble IN Lender to pay such taxed. aw m tlrwts or oche► charges as thAlt:theoome due.
<br />4. WO MM. To keep tft►eftrnparty wwred pMne demage by fire. hazards included WMn theWIM'• F411inded coverage' "'a' )0 MhAr hazards
<br />so. Uwx er may reQuirs. in arnow(a and wine companies accsptsb* to the Lender. and with toss payable to the ladder. in case of tdse t.suCti poticrea.
<br />tt�e Lender a authorized 10 adp,eL' cOMM and compromve. as cJairr* thereunder end "have Cie option d all or part Mta any rndebtedress secured hereby and n such order as tender mayY MNK►riine. (x) b the BWrowe► b be uasd tit fFae a paw
<br />of to) for any other purpose or obted sekslociory to Lensed wdiout affsesng the teen d tree DOW of Trust for the full arno�t eecuted _h_e*. y:be such
<br />PSYtt*nt ever took Waco Any apptrr IbDn Of proceeds b indsbtedesa shah not extend or poelpaie the due dale of any payments under the Note, or cute
<br />ar:y debuts tflere,,- w or tw- ftmder
<br />I. %**memal A I ate C w#fte a asst Law. Borrower OW km Me Property in good conditon and repast shaa promptly repair. or
<br />1i00 M I any d7ofovertient wtWh may be damaged or deg loyred. SW M oommol or permil any waste of deteriorabion of. the Property. shah not remove.
<br />cfemogh of SA ManliaNy slaw any of tee mtproverrols on the Property. shah not comma. Suffer or pei any act to be done rr) or upon the Property m
<br />woiatcon Of any taw. ororencet. or regulason. and shy/ pay and prorroy 0wherge at Borrower's cost and expense all tails, encumbrances and charges
<br />Woo, imposed or eeeetead egrets! the Property or any Part thereof
<br />t. iaMllaM pMaaMt. Lender is hereby assionw all crxrtpereadon, iuwvardl, damAoss and other psyrnents or rifler ihereinatter ..Proceeds') in coon.
<br />nKWm *Mh cOr%*Wrd*W or Oyer fAkmg Of the Property d' part Mtereof, Of for conveyance in treu of condemnation Lender shelf be enteed at rte option
<br />TO COMMO+te. appeAr n and pr000m to in its own nArre any action or proceedings. and shall also be eMitkad to make any compromise or seRiement in
<br />cOMeCWn wa'i each lsieng Of dVnage an the evOM Any MWn Of M PfOPeity rt so taken or damaged. Lender shat have tr e optv�n rn is sole and sb60iute
<br />dWAW. to apply ON such ProossM SAW deduciltong0waff am M cab and expenses incurred try a in. caviecpcn With such Proceeds. upon any rndebttW im
<br />s 000d hereby and on scue5 of ON as Lander may delwm ne• of to W*ty Ar such Proosety. after such deductions. to the remoyat.cin of the Property i !vin
<br />;.,,;;i Uaffiriurir sit Lwx w "wy om nine Any appKawn d F rocesda b indebtedness 4r=a1 not ex'.and or postpone the due date of any paymerts under
<br />t'y hole or Cuts► or~j dMsul 17iererurirfer of riersurfaef,
<br />i. /eflsntaatase by Letter. it, rte cewii of 8or"owet s fa, :ure to Worm any of tt`e covenarr.8 here.n or 'nave any payments regwred hereby.
<br />Or if error ar•: *taken cr logo p'3!I!ed•ng con rner•,Ced At ich rn111'er4"i ar OrM Lenders snle't?S' n ti-e Ptomity Lender may .n 's GAn ci sere! on but vohout
<br />1 obkow to 00 so aind *09'A rr-ce in cr nyty-4 Don 80tio«er ar•,ry v,•.Vw&4 rem" Borroete, e•om any ob.,ga::on dot any act wh,^,n itse Socto^er
<br />IL.... hat agrs►1 t"A tan to do ar'Kf . ^. Ar aide do any onwrt K,t It dserrxs rwceesr:r y to i OW11 the secur,r, W--eof Boricwe snaj :mmettatery uPon demarnd therefor
<br />b j LNr, Wr t :s t. 0' !! (► +C !tf arv] Cr ff_• ^sib•'.:s'rQfl a'iA $.tin : °rC>dnxled by Lerxts• rn t0••n&C! .'in Al?) P•e eAe':•Se ty tender or for e!oregpng r,on!g
<br />Y /jrt!•M A.H' Vr !�a' *e l�,r• W Vie a'r; tin£ 4<*d •n tre "1 "1e 'k?"( 11 via:; t:e brb.1ld r3 t"s nL:eLtb"+!'SS sewed "wevv i wice, snai,'c.i i, u' a ^y versor•.a•
<br />ar> rr rte! A; "e (i at" lr '•`J ^ 't'W !) Cr (;rr;.r t,. (tor! f'e'eunde"
<br />tl gaer+tA of LrefaYM. rr.r, t.' a .3 t :t" t.rlr r'r ,In e•-je'' •t (Tea
<br />q .. 'n' t e; '.4- ., • i . s.• :'.1 .... , r ,' r '•r r;r _ . •sr" ,.'n"t ,.p•F.. r.•! , • i .r • t ) r • r,• ,p (ir.y rr.
<br />1 f
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<br />I •.
<br />.:;rte
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